Learn Italian in Song: Sandokan

as sung by… Claudio Baglioni??? I noticed that someone had ended up on my site while searching for these lyrics. Sandokan, the Tiger of Malaysia, is an old favorte of mine, so I’m happy to fill this gap.The video above is a montage that gives you an idea what the TV show was like, using… Continue reading Learn Italian in Song: Sandokan

Learn Italian in Song: Questo Piccolo Grande Amore

This Small, Great Love Claudio Baglioni, 1973 Another classic that everyone knows, perhaps the most famous from pop star Claudio Baglione. This translation was originally done by reader Jared Hill, who had looked for it on my site but didn’t find it, and quite rightly pointed out that it should be here! I have changed… Continue reading Learn Italian in Song: Questo Piccolo Grande Amore