All American

An amusing (depending on my mood) feature of Internet arguments is that they often reach the point where my interlocutor is reduced to statements like: “You must not be American” or “You’re not from Texas” or “You can’t understand because you’re not [some other tribe of reference]”. So, to spare myself typing in future rebuttals,… Continue reading All American

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Rossella, Then and Now

21 years ago today my daughter Rossella was born. Now she’s grown up into an amazing young woman. Happy birthday, Ross! You might also like: No related posts.

Family Portraits

Americans may be the most-photographed people in the world. Many American families, especially those who have children, sit for a formal photographic portrait every year, documenting the stages of their lives as the children are born and grow. (For holiday portraits, some families even dress in matching clothing, which may be taking things a little… Continue reading Family Portraits