Learn Italian in Song: Tintarella di Luna

Moon Tan Our friend Aldo – formerly a DJ, now a priest and Augustinian friar – introduced me to the fun, silly music of Italy’s 1960s with a wonderful compilation disc he made for us (I Favolosi Anni 60 – “The Fabulous 60s”) that immediately became a family favorite. This is just one of the… Continue reading Learn Italian in Song: Tintarella di Luna

Learn Italian in Song: Parole Parole

Words, Words A Mina classic. You’ve probably heard it, though possibly in another language. Parlato = spoken, canto = sung. Usually it’s he who speaks and she who sings, but there’s a parody version in which Mina and Celentano switch roles. You might also like: No related posts.

Learn Italian in Song: La Coppia Piu’ Bella del Mondo

by Adriano Celentano This is often played as a waltz at town festivals featuring ballo liscio (“smooth dancing” – ballroom), and all the couples, from the youngest to the oldest, pile onto the dance floor, each singing lustily that they are “the most beautiful couple in the world.”Unfortunately, this video leaves off the choruses. lei: Mi… Continue reading Learn Italian in Song: La Coppia Piu’ Bella del Mondo