CommunityOne: OpenSolaris Launch Party

After the general party at Moscone Center (footage to come), there was a somewhat smaller party at a nearby bar/restaurant.

We had quite a bit to celebrate – and quite a bit to celebrate it with (above)!

Jay Edwards

A number of cool non-Sun people were present, including ^ Jay Edwards (one of the handful of engineers who runs one of my favorite online services, Twitter). I had to have a photo taken with him, to impress all my Italian twithead friends.

Jesse Silver & Silona Bonewald

^ Jesse Silver, who had done such a fantastic job organizing the Developers’ Summit, and Silona Bonewald, whom I’ll be seeing more of at next week’s Grid & Cluster conference. Silona is wearing our trendy green and blue opensolaris wristbands.

Jim Hughes

^ Jim Huges unites opensolaris (temporary tattoo logo on his forehead) with MySQL’s dolphin mascot. Hey, I didn’t get one of those! (Nor did I get one of the very cool “Build your community” t-shirts from CommunityOne, wah! But I do have two different opensolaris t-shirts.)

Jeff Bonwick

Jeff Bonwick and Jim play an intense game of pool.

Jim Hughes

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