Note: This page is being continually updated. Don’t miss the lessons learned at the end. Talks I gave are highlighted in bold.
My career in tech spanned about 40 years, starting with the part-time jobs I did to help pay my way through college. Over that time I worked for four startups (Team Technologies, Incat Systems, TVBlob, Joyent), five major multinationals (Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Ericsson, Amazon, Intel), and a couple of mid-sized companies (Adaptec, Roxio), in and from and for multiple countries (US, Italy, Sweden, Australia). Not counting all the days and hours I worked remote from various travels and vacations. And the years I worked freelance. I retired in February 2023. I have Amazon (as well as Brendan) to thank that I could afford to — I got lucky with stock allocations that tripled in value from when they were granted. Stock I had in various other companies before and since never amounted to anything.
early 1980s
How I became a tech writer, and what happened after that
…and later: “family” photos with Incat Systems colleagues in Milan and California
Incat Systems was acquired by Adaptec, for whom I then worked as a contractor for about five years. I mostly worked from my home in Milan, traveling four times a year to spend weeks at a time with my colleagues in the Bay Area home office.
^ Intervista al RomeCamp, a cura di Elisabetta Locatelli per
- (Some of) What I did at TVBLOB
- My history in customer service
- Sun Broomfield, August
- SNIA SDC, September – the first conference I filmed for Sun
- Web Women Weekend, Lecco, October
- Open Source Grid & Cluster Summit, Oakland
- Sun Community One, San Francisco, May
- The OpenSolaris Developers’ Summit, Santa Cruz, May
- Go Game at the OpenSolaris Developers’ Summit
- Visiting Sun Bangalore
- Bollywood, Bangalore
- Open Storage Summit
- Sun offices in Eagan, MN October
- Sun’s SC08 Student Party, Austin, November
- All my Sun videos on YouTube
- The First Colorado Front Range Girl Geeks Dinner, Broomfield, March
- South by Southwest, Austin, March
- CommunityOne, San Francisco, May
- Innovating Employee Engagement/Executing Social Media for Internal Communications, Chicago, June – invited speaker on Utilizing Social Media Tools to Build Engagement and Community
- FISL – Porto Alegre, Brazil, June – co-speaker on Using Video to Communicate About Open Software
- New Zealand Ministry of Education, Wellington, New Zealand, July 2009 – series of presentations on social media and video
- Kernel Conference Australia, Brisbane, July
- Community Leadership Summit and OSCON, San Jose, July
- “I’m blogging this for Sun”
- Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing – poster session on video, Ariza. Also interviewed about video and community for Ed & Ashley’s 5 Minute Show.
- Oracle Open World, San Francisco, October
- Front Range OpenSolaris user group meeting, Broomfield, October
- Solaris Security Summit at LISA, Baltimore, November
- SuperComputing
- Resistance is Futile: The Oracle Acquisition
- Community Leadership Summit West, Bay Area, January – Unconference session leader, Community Video
- What to Expect When You’re Expecting – to Be Acquired
- Fishworks and Me
- NAB, Las Vegas, April
- Workshop: The Changing Role of Technology Marketers – WITI Summit, Santa Clara, June
- Sun Product Management Team meetings, MPK
- The last Sun Tech Days, Hyderabad
- Into the Belly of the Beast
- The Last of OpenSolaris
- Farewell, MPK – August
- Employees Making Videos webinar for Communitelligence
- Oracle Open World, San Francisco, October
- LISA 10, Santa Clara
- The Faces of Sun farewell video, November
August, 2010 – filmed 3 Sun execs doing a podcast
- SCaLE 10x
- dtrace.conf
- Using Video to Communicate Technology, talk at FISL
- ZFS Day and illumos Day
- Open ZFS Developer Summit
- Marketing your tech talent at the Monktoberfest
- LISA 13 and metrics workshop
- Women in Advanced Computing Panel, USENIX LISA 13
- The 3rd Annual Solaris Family Reunion
- Joyent retrospective May
- Joined Ericsson
- Stockholm June
- Marketing your tech talent talk at OSCON
- That marketing thing (that I do)
- Netflix 50M Party September
- Stockholm and Ericsson September
- OpenStack Summit Paris
- My brilliant speaking career
Intel Developer Forum, August — I worked this one for Ericsson, just returning to conference life while finishing cancer treatment.
- The Techies Project, April
- Visit to Facebook’s Prineville Data Center, August
- Women in tech and the 2016 US election

Open Compute Platform Summit, March — this was the one where a young man at a booth made the assumption that I didn’t know anything about hardware.
SCaLE, March
Open Networking Summit, April
Dockercon, April
First week at AWS, Seattle, June
Netflix 100M Party, June
AWS Evangelists’ Summit, Seattle, July
Marketing Your Open Source Project, Linux Foundation Open Source Summit, Los Angeles, September (not filmed, but there’s a writeup and slides)
Kernel Recipes and EuroBSD, Paris, September — Brendan spoke at both, I went along for the ride and mostly worked while he was conferencing, the rest of the time we were in Paris together. The BSD conference included an evening cruise on the Seine. I was highly amused that I often seem to do these things in the company of geeks (like myself).

- Marketing Your Open Source Project (the AWS version), Southern California Area Linux Expo, Pasadena, March
- AWS Summit Milan, March
- I Will Survive: How Deirdré Straughan Built a Career in Tech Without Being An Engineer, May 2018 (I was a guest/interviewee on my friend Melinda Byerley‘s podcast, Stayin’ Alive in Tech)
- EkoSystem Day, San Francisco
- Amazon Linux 2 launch, San Francisco
- Unconference session on marketing open source at the Community Leadership Summit, Portland, July
- VMworld, Las Vegas, August
- Dreamforce, San Francisco, September
- My Career Evolution from Tech Writer to… Many Things, internal Amazon tech writers’ conference, Seattle, October
- All Things Open – Marketing Your Open Source Project, Raleigh, October
- USENIX LISA – Nashville, October
Netflix Open Source meetup, August
AWS re:Invent 2018, November — I had not been allowed to attend re:Invent in 2017, my first year at AWS. In 2018, I went as a designated social media person, which made for an exteremely busy and interesting few days. My birthday happened to fall on one of them, but I was too damned tired to do anything about it. I dragged myself back to the Wynn hotel and walked into the first restaurant I found, which happened to be Italian. I told them it was my birthday and they treated me very kindly.
Yow! December — In one of the more insane things I ever did travel-wise, I flew from re:Invent in Las Vegas via LAX to Brisbane, where I joined Brendan on his tour with the Yow! conference. Met a lot of cool people, heard some interesting talks.
- Marketing Your Open Source Project, AWS Summit Berlin, February
- Marketing Your Open Source Project, AWS Summit Milan, March
^ Marketing Your Open Source Project, OSCON, July – slides
- Marketing Open Source (builders’ session), re:Invent, Las Vegas, December
re:Invent, December
As a product marketing manager, I launched three new observability services for AWS: AWS Distro for Open Telemetry, Amazon Managed Grafana, and Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus – the latter two were major launches at re:Invent, and a day or two after all that was done we moved to Australia.
Interviewed by Corey Quinn on Screaming in the Cloud
Joined Intel.
Quit Intel.
Lessons learned
About being a woman in tech
- The Bi-Professional Couple: A Conundrum Close to the Bone
- Twenty Years of Being a Woman at Tech Events
- Sex and Tech
- Giving Women Credit
- Men, Women, and Salary Negotiation
- Toxic Things I Once Believed
- Remote work (or lack of it) is a diversity issue
About tech in general
- Letting Go of a Beloved Technology
- Red flags in interviewing: How do they treat wait staff?
- “You Can Always Go to a Startup”
- Problematic employers in tech
- Toxic Bosses I Have Known: Malignant Managers
- Toxic Bosses I Have Known: Egregiously Awful Executives
- Toxic Corporate Behaviors: Death by PowerPoint