Deirdré Straughan by Helena Price 2016-0

The Techies Project

I am thrilled and honored to be included in the Techies Project, which launched this week as a way to showcase some of the diversity that does exist in the tech industry. There’s not nearly as many of us as there should be, but we are definitely here. And we are staying, and growing. Projects like this can help us know that we’re not alone in this.

For more about the project and the woman behind it, Helena Price, read here:

And there’s been lots of press:

The portrait of me above is the one Helena did for the project (she’s a great photographer!). There’s also a somewhat edited transcript of two hours of conversation we had about my history in life and in tech – I really need to edit that down more, it’s a lot of words! But you should read all the other stories on the site – there are some truly amazing people in tech, far outside the mental picture we all have of tech as being all young white dudes in hoodies.

One thought on “The Techies Project”

  1. This is kismet. I did a search for Italian grieving traditions came upon your site. I hunted around and found out you participated in The Techies. I really like the project’s emphasis on diversity along the many axes of human attributes as it is something I plan to do on the site I started.

    I’ll be following your site.

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