^@saraford at the Community Leadership Summit
- @AmberCadabra the book I’d recommend is Getting in Touch with Your Inner Bitch.
Seriously. in reply to AmberCadabra #
- Trying to figure out where I fit. That means defining what I do. Which is really hard. #
- #cls discussion on women in tech devolving into semantics. Not solving anything #
- #cls people really like to see pictures of those whose emails they are reading. Would video also be good? #
- #cls I would like to see studies of multiple online personas, why and how people do that #
- #cls The Ubuntu community works to recognize people who often go unsung eg translators #
- #cls open source software as appropriate technology. How can countries make and save money using open source? #
- #cls [In the developing world] need to train people how to use open source to make and save money. Need for local expertise. Govts are biggest IT spenders #
- #cls NB in Africa #
- @jonasthaler I’ve been at a conf all weekend – not sure what day it is nor what country I’m in! in reply to jonasthaler #
- Lazing over a Brazilian dinner in San jose. Not as good as brazil, but… #
- @davewiner still looking forward to a job where I actually use my Hindi/ Asian Studies degree in reply to davewiner #
- @c0t0d0s0 I think I’m scheduled to video something about latencytop this week. Apparently people think I’m here to actually work. in reply to c0t0d0s0 #
- Weakling President Asks Imaginary Man In Sky To Bless Nation http://bit.ly/weaklingprez (via @onion) #
- Today’s program includes building puppets and filming them, then filming a Crossbow BoF. My life does not lack variety. #
^ Markus Flierl does his part to advertise Crossbow
- @clickryan I’ve been pretty happy with my Skype phone in reply to clickryan #
- @jeffreytaylor very woot! in reply to jeffreytaylor #
- #cls was exhausting precisely because there were so many stimulating people and topics to deal with. #
- this will be my 1st OSCON, but I fear my tolerance for formal conferences is pretty much totally gone. Unconferences much more satisfying #
- @markwilliams much more innocent. You saw Jack Adams #cls yesterday, right? in reply to markwilliams #
- fair warning: right now I am in the soggy everything-makes-me-weep phase of PMS. Tomorrow it will be “Look at me wrong and I’ll kill you!” #
- @TregorySullivan thanks, more need to step away from the office politics #animalcrossing in reply to TregorySullivan #
- Italians using Facebook to register their opposition to Berlusconi – http://bit.ly/Si8Wu #
- DanT’s GridBlog “European Students: Want a Free Laptop?” http://bit.ly/BAi1a #
- @llcrowe and the people who “support” IBIS would be the first throats to choke, if I could only reach them. Gah! in reply to llcrowe #
- @Halcyon do your crocs at least match your hair? #47 in reply to Halcyon #
- People are now saying “Do you realize you have something pink in your hair?” time to go back to my hairdresser in Austin. #
- if I design a piece of software – the presentation video streaming mixer tool I really need for conferences – will someone build it? #
- Filming Crossbow BoF at Oscon meeting room B1 if you’re in the area. It’s free, as in beer. #
- Really love this little Beachtek mixer #
- But need better headphones #
- Okay enough about food – all I will get til 9pm is beer and munchy stuff #
- @pizzocalabro heavens! Who knew libraries were so dangerous? in reply to pizzocalabro #
^ getting our OSCON booth set up
- #oscon getting ready to film the tutorial on “Becoming an OpenSolaris Power User”, ballroom A8 – join us! #
- @vitoriosassi not a live stream, I’m afraid. We’ll make it available on blogs.sun.com/video as soon as I can. in reply to vitoriosassi #
- RT @SaraD: Which is geekier – Comic-Con or OSCon???? – either way, it was a mistake to schedule them together #
- “It sounds like optimism but wreaks of arrogance, he said.” http://bit.ly/3MHJe – “wreaks”?? really? #
- cool! timing of VideoCampSF is likely to be perfect for me to attend http://bit.ly/7WY5V #
- @craigmorgan ooh, good point – and I got it with my MacHeist bundle in reply to craigmorgan #
- “Berlusconi’s popularity wilts as lurid tapes allege sex for favours” http://bit.ly/46r9eF #
- my site is currently #1 hit for “ipod won’t unlock”. Surely there’s a way to monetize that. #
- @deirdresm being in the Blue Brothers is not lame! Did you have to dance? #lameclaimtofame in reply to deirdresm #
- Conf badges need to be printed bigger so you can see who people are without making it obvious that you’re checking them out #
- Watched tv while on the exerbike. Amused to see a Bollywood-inspired dance group on AGT, music Jai Ho!
Globalization FTW! #
- @mtuckerb please come by the Sun booth, I’ll be there most breaks filming a puppet. in reply to mtuckerb #
- at Jono Bacon‘s talk on community and belonging #oscon #
- “Community is fundamentally an interdependent human system given form by the conversation it holds with itself.” Peter Bloch – Jono #oscon #
- @jroemmele ooh, good idea [people attending conferences should have their names printed large on their shirts]. People working shows for their companies could at least have named shirts in reply to jroemmele #
- @bubbva CES got the badge names nice and big, but that’s the only conf where I’ve seen this. in reply to bubbva #
- “most people tend to associate with a primary community” says Jono – disagree, I belong to many (school, class, expats, Sun…) #oscon #
- @ElaineEllis here’s hoping I get to keep it [my cool traveling job]! I would die if I had to sit still. in reply to ElaineEllis #
- importance of hallway convos, mtg people – make a point of introducing #jono #oscon – true! best thing I did #cls was meet @saraford #
- @lskrocki OMZ, that’s a scary dream! #Serious in reply to lskrocki #
- “building social fabric between teams -builds mindshare, which is more important than actual reality” #jono #oscon #
- change attitude from “This sucks” to “I’m not gonna live this way” to “I am gonna kick ass.” #jono #oscon #
- #jono has a book available for download from http://www.artofcommunityonline.org/ – judging by his talk, it’s well worth the read #
- #oscon Google – Getting Started in Free and Open Source – I guess my video could mostly be considered open source contributions #
- “The currency of the open source world is beer and t-shirts” #oscon – How true! #
- speaking of which, you can get an OpenSolaris t-shirt at the Sun booth if you install OpenSolaris – VirtualBox install is fine! #oscon #
- Finding many ways to pay it forward #oscon Watch this space! #
- I’m truly, madly, deeply… tired. #
^ dunno if I should say something ironic about my Sun colleagues on the giant Monopoly board, or about “collect $200 salary as you pass.”
- about to begin a BoF session on OpenSolaris Source Juicer and other cloud-based open source collaboration tools – #oscon – ballroom A3 #
- I easily recognize @sogrady , but he doesn’t have a clue who I am. My advantage: the video of him & Mike Shapiro I did last year. #
- “Mr Berlusconi owns or controls much of Italian media… which have carried little info about the latest allegations. ” http://bit.ly/vTy9A #
- @ThinGuy I’m not complaining – I am truly terrible putting names to faces. At least I don’t forget a face once I’ve shot and edited video. in reply to ThinGuy #
- tomorrow I have to pack out of the hotel room before noon, nonstop work til flight at midnight, redeye will be too short to get much sleep. #
- Dances with geeks. (well, I am one…) #
- Dj doesn’t have any bollywood. Damn #
- Where did these girls in platform heels come from? #
- Hung over was not the best way to start this day. But I didn’t plan it! #
- RT @estherschindler: One problem of #oscon: so many friends/contacts I want to spend time with, not enough time to do so! – amen, sister! #
- @robbogio and, having owned turtles, I can testify that they move a lot quicker than you’d think. And get themselves into surprising places. in reply to robbogio #
- Apparently I should be following new people and linking to them before the event even ends! Which wd prevent me forgetting to do it at all #
- RT @sogrady: cut me and I’ll bleed small, folded up receipts – I know the feeling! #
- @lskrocki you can tell Mr. S from me that you are one of the world’s experts, and I do know what I’m talking about. P1/2 in reply to lskrocki #
- @lskrocki May have something to do with the fact that no one is ever famous to their own family. Pt 2/2 in reply to lskrocki #
- @lskrocki yeah, Twitter already knows that, remember? ; ) in reply to lskrocki #
- @jsonin whoa, too much information! #oscon in reply to jsonin #
- about to start filming the OpenSolaris security BoF, my last duty at #oscon. Then will drive a red Mustang to the airport and collapse #
- @jonobacon #oscon has been good, but frankly the #cls was more useful and stimulating for me. Many thanks, again, for making it happen. in reply to jonobacon #
- ah, shucks. Either Twitter is doing some heavy recalculations and was overly optimistic before, or a lot of followers have dropped me today #
- that’s it – I’m off the clock and mostly offline til Monday. Now to see a bunch of people I haven’t seen in 30 yrs – another of my tribes #
- WTF?!? Even the newsstand in this terminal is closed. I can’t even buy a trashy romance to read. What kind of #lame airport is this? #
- @mtuckerb sorry I missed you. Send that url and I’ll see what I can do for you (next week). Was good to talk yesterday! in reply to mtuckerb #
- Flight is 1 hour late = good chance of missing cnxn in Houston, making people wait in Nashville. But had time to buy book @ next terminal #
- A job that could help change history http://bit.ly/CFgDc #
- @sumaya talk to @timbray! in reply to sumaya #
- Had to run through Houston airpt, but made it to Nashville. Now waiting for the rest of my ride share, 1 fm Milwaukee, 2 fm Canada #
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