The Twitter Diaries: 2009-11-08: Baltimore


^ Ben Rockwood’s BoF session on “ZFS in the Trenches” at LISA ’09.

  • at DIA. So what else is new? #
  • What a cruddy old plane. Why dud I choose United? #
  • @davewiner the nice thing about Twittef is, if soneone is boring, you can just quit following. Dunno why anyone wd bother to bitch about it in reply to davewiner #
  • Awaiting 43 lb suitcase at bwi #
  • Having lebanese food in Baltimore. Then prob a bath and a nap. Surely a 3 hr flight didn’t make me this tired? #
  • Just stuffed myself on excellent food at the Lebanese Taverna in Baltimore. Will likely be back here this week, with a gang #
  • whoa. 3.5 hour nap. Who knew I’d get jet lag coming to Baltimore? #
  • editing video of a very lively speaker. Brendan Gregg is worse to chase around with a camera than Jeff Bonwick. I didn’t always keep up. #
  • @wendybiird for a minute there I read that as “6 hours closer to having a guilt trip done” in reply to wendybiird #
  • my time zone is not quite happy with this body #
  • RT @jeffhuber: RT @comay: W00t – ZFS Deduplication arrives! #opensolaris #
  • RT @rajadurai: ZFS now supports Dedup. Waay cool! #
  • Enjoying walking around downtown Baltimore. The people are very nice. #
  • now to find out how many years it will take to upload a 770 MB video on hotel bandwidth #
  • …especially when the hotel is full of sysadmins here for #LISA09 #
  • @lbridenne76 upstream B/W at this hotel appears slower than at Sun’s Bangalore office. OTOH, hotel is probably not subject to power blinks in reply to lbridenne76 #
  • on the 28t floor of the Waterfront Marriott. if I had binoculars, I could easily spy on a bunch of conference rooms at Legg Mason #
  • added photos to my weekly Twitter Diaries: 2009-11-01 #
  • Reminder: summer preview of ZFS Dedup: Kernel Conference Australia 2009: Jeff Bonwick and Bill Moore keynote – #
  • @jeffreytaylor I have a feeling you’re using this in a different context than last time we discussed a lowest common denominator. 😉 in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • upload failed. I’m dying from not-surprise. #
  • running stats. How is it possible that the total number of views for 2009 has gone DOWN since September? Who is negative viewing my videos? #
  • Being silly with colleagues #
  • @shawnferry hey, Apple coulda had it… in reply to shawnferry #
  • see the Solaris Security Summit at #lisa09 live: #
  • Bill Cheswick slides here: #
  • Non-moronic password rule: pick something a friend or colleague won’t guess in a few tries #
  • #sec09 Bill Cheswick running thru a history of passwords/phrases/faces… #
  • SLIDES HERE Security Summit November 2009 – #sec09 #lisa09 #
  • RT @rajadurai: I’m presenting Sun’s x4275 servers. 2U w/ 12 TB disks, 2 x quad core nehalem & 144GB RAM. Register here #
  • “when it comes to equal treatment for men and women… Italy slipped to 72nd in the annual Gender Gap Report,” #
  • LISA ’09 Stream 1 – Darren Moffatt speaking on ZFS Crypto #
  • my workday begins about 6:30 pm today, filming Sun BoFs #lisa09 til 11 pm. #
  • @serendipitousP thanks, wd love to, but I need to show up at the reception and then prepare to film. Why don’t you guys join us? Food & bev! in reply to serendipitousP #
  • got a #lisa09 t-shirt. Does this make me Miss Baltimore Crabs? #
  • okay, folks, we’re doing it again: four HOURS of Sun BoFs at #lisa09 to be streamed starting in about 30 minutes #
  • $&^%&%& argh. can’t stream tonight’s Sun BoFs after all. Exact same setup as we had for FROSUG last week, now crashes the browser every time #
  • “Tuesday’s uproar was the latest in a string of flaps over crosses that began at the start of the decade.” #
  • @shawnferry I sure could use coffee… in reply to shawnferry #
  • Neuroimaging Storage Landscape – “@reiger of the Laureate Institute for Brain Research.” #
  • @serendipitousP I think we’re down to snacks and drinks,but come on down! in reply to serendipitousP #
  • Woodstock School Class of ‘81 and Others, ~1979 – school nostalgia, including one really dorky picture of me (age 15) #
  • BigAdmin BoF #lisa09 – problem with stale information on , blogs are much fresher. Particular praise for Amber Road / Fishworks #
  • “How much free time do you think we have to read this [Sun] stuff?” <wince> #
  • @shawnferry how so? #lisa09 in reply to shawnferry #
  • Brian Leonard talking about how OpenSolaris will evolve into Solarist.Next #lisa09 #
  • what’s new in installer, packaging sysstem, networking stack, open storage platform, ZFS Cryptop, GNU tools, FOSS & frameworks #
  • …zones #lisa09 #opensolaris #
  • @shawnferry just brought me dark chocolate covered espresso beans – thank you! #
  • hmm. More people sliding in for our BoF. We need more beer! #
  • gotta say – Brian Leonard and Dave Miner look like brothers in their matching polo shirts, both tall… #
  • “The trick is to admit what we want, even if we are scared we won’t get it.. if we are disappointed, later on, well…” #
  • @shawnferry thanks, these will have me bouncing off the walls shortly in reply to shawnferry #
  • Solaris.Next deployment principles: scalability & ease of use, deep integ with Solaris svcs, no patching, completely safe updates… #
  • …better observability and control #opensolaris #solaris #lisa09 #
  • 50+ people here for the Sun BoFs tonight. Not bad at all. #
  • “It was largely ZFS that was able to get Twitter to where they got” – Ben Rockwood ZFS BoF #zfs #lisa09 #
  • dumb spreadhsheet error = seriously undercounted some video stats for the last few months. Turns out my vids have aggregated >88k views #
  • RT @shawnferry: anyone not know what kstats are? (Jim Mauro shoots up hand real quick while ben isn’t looking, back of room laughs) #lisa09 #
  • @bahamat straight from the horse’s mouth – Ben himself #twitter #zfs in reply to bahamat #
  • starting to download video from last night’s BoFs. 80 people in the room by 11 pm, several asked where they cd see vid of earlier sessions #
  • forgetting a lot more little stuff lately than I used to but, damn, I think I have plenty of excuses! #
  • up earlier than I wanted to be, but shd use the time to get a good breakfast – probably won’t get lunch (booth bunny duty #lisa09 ) #
  • more Sun BoFs at #lisa09 – Solaris, OpenSolaris, Solaris.Next at LISA ’09 – Sun at LISA09 – #
  • TED’s Chris Anderson explains why our school (Woodstock) is so special: – yes YES YES! #
  • follow-up: if you really want to know what shaped my soul and remains my first home and family, read this: #
  • info on Chris Anderson blog smokes out lots of Woodstockers on Twitter that I didn’t know about! Following other global souls #
  • RT @lskrocki: Exiting the Sun Ride – augh! #
  • @bklein34 whoa, deja vu – I just heard Bill Cheswick give that talk yesterday. Video to come. #attsecurity in reply to bklein34 #
  • @dudulima yeah. How are you guys? in reply to dudulima #
  • @bklein34 tshirt definitely don’t remember the rest but shorts and sneakers v normal in the LISA crowd in reply to bklein34 #
  • @bklein34 ps the way u saw me dressed in Chicago not my usual uniform! We do mostly jeans at Sun in reply to bklein34 #
  • Survivor’s guilt? No. Survivor’s desire to have a stiff drink? Definitely… #
  • Pinot noir doesn’t count as a stiff drink, but it goes well with hummus #
  • Little Shop of Performance Horrors – Trailer – Brendan Gregg at FROSUG. Full video as soon as I have bandwidth.” #
  • @vdotw I need better wine than what’s being given out on the show floor… in reply to vdotw #
  • @lskrocki all right! doing it in style with the Widow! in reply to lskrocki #
  • ZFS, Cache and Flash – Adam Leventhal of Fishworks – Sun Video #
  • Irc client foe iPhone won’t connect, iPhone running out of battery anyway, dead tired and my back hurts. Can I just go to bed now? #
  • 20 people in solaris security bof – and not just for the beer #
  • @dfugate who all did we lose? in reply to dfugate #
  • didn’t take pictures, but we drank a nice Chianti and then Pinot Nero, and had pretty authentic Italian food as well. here’s to @lskrocki! #
  • @PaulSkillicorn I’m ’81 – know your name for sure! in reply to PaulSkillicorn #
  • why does video so often (but not always) go out of sync with the audio when captured in FinalCut Express? #
  • time to go recover my lost Sennheiser lapel mic, then go in search of the perfect Eggs Benedict with @rohrer. Maybe more interviews today #
  • …interviews on the show floor, I mean – no, I am not looking for a job! #
  • @shawnferry exactly where we just ate! Pretty good Benedict, served on sweet corn cakes in reply to shawnferry #
  • @shawnferry thanks, I’ll check that in reply to shawnferry #
  • @shawnferry yup, you’re right – something went wrong in the encoding, my original is fine. Thanks for the heads up in reply to shawnferry #
  • @shawnferry try it now – had to reupload in reply to shawnferry #
  • @creepyed ooh, I’d love to go dancing. What kind of dancing are you doing? in reply to creepyed #
  • Got my Joyent DTrace tshirt. #
  • 1. I don’t think prayer accomplishes anything so 2. I see no point in praying for complete strangers, no matter their tragedy and…. #
  • 3. I see even less point in telling the world that you’re doing so. Tho I do consider it a kind gesture when people I know pray for me… #
  • …unless, I suppose, they’re doing it because they think I’m going to burn in hell. #
  • @jscarp I’m not praying for you, but I am thinking of you. in reply to jscarp #
  • Little Shop of Performance Horrors – Part 1- Brendan Gregg speaks at FROSUG on Oct 29, 2009. – part 2 is also up! #
  • Little Shop of Performance Horrors – Part 2 – Sun Video #
  • @davidpaulyoung only in terms of t-shirts, but I’m particularly proud of this one. 😉 in reply to davidpaulyoung #
  • @craigmorgan – try it again, I had to re-upload the video because the first time it got corrupted ZFS, Cache and Flash #
  • LISA ’09 Plenary being streamed now: Towards Zero-Emission Datacenters Through Direct Reuse of Waste Heat #


^ my view of Bryan Cantrill’s LISA ’09 talk – I was monitoring the video stream from my hotel room

  • #LISA09 – Bryan Cantrill – “Visualizing DTrace: Sun Storage 7000 Analytics” – will stream live 11am US East Coast time #
  • Ran into Sunay. The Crossbow BoF went on til 130 am! Birds of a feather indeed. good thing I shut the camera down and went to bed at 1130 #
  • phew, got a late check-out on the room. Too much to do to be hanging around in the lobby til time to go catch my train at 1:30 #
  • looks as if they switched the streams on me for Bryan: go to #
  • Bryan Cantrill #lisa09 “Use DTrace in anger” #
  • @pschow Your’e welcome, but the A/V work is being done by Usenix folks – we just paid for it. I’m frustrated by the camera work… in reply to pschow #
  • damn, damn, damn. Don’t make me come down there and take over that camera. #
  • Bryan’s a fun speaker – #
  • if everyone would just do things my way, the world would run much more smoothly. 😉 #
  • wanted to be in the room, but turns out to be a good thing I’m babysitting the stream – social media production! #
  • “We are actually sadists at heart, the idea of torturing machines… thank god we’re in computing and not in biology.” Cantrill #lisa09 #
  • – actually LOLling at Bryan – and you don’t have to be a geek to find him funny #
  • staff meeting with my new boss of boss. Nice to feel welcomed. Lotta people. #
  • @lskrocki why? looks like a relaxing creative outlet, and a nice change from the keyboard in reply to lskrocki #
  • On a train from Baltimore to dc. Niceto see fall foliage again #
  • “he held it one of the prettiest attitudes of the feminine mind to adore a man’s pre-eminence…” #
  • “… without too precise a knowledge of what it consisted in.” Eliot, Middlemarch #
  • after yrs of waking up 6 days/wk at 6 am with a recalcitrant teen, it is truly one of life’s luxuries to laze in bed w laptop and coffee #

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