The Twitter Diaries: Oct 30-Nov 14, 2010

@tomcoates Yeah, we’re kinda stupid that way. No memory, short-term or long-term. #
.@bcantrill I have long wanted to video my four Bs – @brendangregg @bcantrill Ben and Bonwick. All at once. Might require 8 cameras. #
Hmm, first time I’ve gotten an expertise request through LinkedIn. Yes, I do have some. #
… wait until the garages of Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore get up to speed. #
@dboyll And more popular. Got some interesting stats to show you. #
@bubbva Love to. Shd be at SCA lunchtime Monday to empty my car of stuff that’s been stored in my apt for mos. Then on to LISA in San Jose. #
Re video stats, our most-viewed long-term were the least polished and professional. Execs in studios popular, but have a short shelf life. #
.@metadaddy Pleased to hear it. Using a puppet for tech material surprisingly effective. Pity we lost him, too.  #

…and, on the topic of video: Why Film Engineers? #
@craigmorgan Actually, Sun didn’t really approve of the puppet, either. But he was a lot more fun than the usual show floor demos at OSCON. #
People appear to be walking to the stadium. I suppose there’s a reason. #
@llcrowe I know, but there are definitely folks going there. <shrugs> #
@italylogue Where does one submit to? #travel #
@italylogue Ah, I see. Confusing – you’re talking about submitting to Boots’n’All and this site is not related in any immed obvious way #
Dunno exactly what’s going on out there, but by the sounds of it I should give myself extra time to /walk/ to my doctor’s office. #
Feeling out of kilter with the rest of the US. When y’all were complaining about summer heat waves, we were shivering. Now it’s hot in SF. #
@NomdeB Oh, I knew that. I was just puzzled as to why people kept coming by my place, which was not on the parade route. It’s all over now. #
Learn Italian in Song: Che Cosa C’e’ #
RT @ben: Yesterday, I ate donkey meat in Beijing – How was it? Italians sometimes eat donkey, but I haven’t tried it. #
@anildash The Economist ran an article on this years ago – check there. #
@ghc I was wearing my Women@Sun t-shirt, if that counts. #ghc10 #
by rejecting fiscal stimulus and debt relief, theyre perpetuating high unemployment. #
I’m not anti-Christmas, but I am not ready for it this early in the year, and I don’t intend to spend much on it. #
Bunch of my tweeps do podcasts, so I’m curious: why do you do audio instead of video? Or do you use the term podcast for either? #
Mutant lemon, possibly caused by garbage pollution in/near Naples #
RT @jessicacolley: Anyone else think it is too early for Starbucks to come in a holiday-themed cup? – It’s too early for all holiday crap #
I hereby vow: I will NOT buy ANYTHING holiday-themed until at least Dec 1st. I refuse to get into the spirit til after Thanksgiving. #
Recovered: An Introduction To Parallel Programming – Oracle Solaris Video  #
@jamescmcpherson Well, of course. Franklin Roosevelt was an evil, evil man, remember? #
How I do it: The Videoblogging Manual – a work in progress, but there’s a lot of material here already #
@nonstick What? You weren’t required to get the tattoo? #
looking forward to LISA, a chance to catch up with friends, colleagues, and former colleagues from all over. #
Sometimes I am perplexed as to whether I should be polite, or tell people what I really think. #
Thank you @nexenta for advertising on my website. 😉 #
Uh oh, down to the last Tim Tam. But I had help. #
@MissExpatria Same applies to Twitter. What if my non-numerous followers include important influencers in my industry…? #
@MissExpatria ps if the pope was following me, he’d be getting an earful and wouldn’t like it. #TBEX #
Definitely feeling better. Back to my normal mental state of relative optimism, irony, and general amusement with life. I’m probably crazy. #
@DonMacAskill like the new uploader, but miss the estimated time remaining, which is also a shortcut to tell me when it’s done. #
@jasonh Let’s hope your iPad doesn’t know better than you do. 😉 #
if you want to help me test the stream for Tuesday’s Solaris Summit, here’s the exciting view from my home:  #
testing, testing (with Celentano) (live at #
planning a quiet weekend, more or less, but need to test the UStream software to figure out how to show slides along with video #
So much love to make up, everywhere you turn – love we have wasted on the way…  #

Learn Italian in Song: Dieci Ragazze per Me (ran across this in iTunes and was reminded what a great song it is) #
@standaloneSA Joining us at the Solaris summit Tuesday? Would love to meet in person. I’ll also be around Mon eve, Weds all day. #LISA10 #
in comments on Raising a Bilingual Child a mother asks for advice on helping her kids maintain their French – anyone? #
Feeling relaxed and restful, which is exactly what I need before a very busy week coming up. #
Just realized that, over the years, the few really vitriolic comments I’ve gotten on my site have been from… academic linguists. Huh. #
Raised the bed 6 inches on risers so I can store suitcases etc underneath it. Now need a bed skirt to hide all that stuff. #
.@wastedcarbon not quite Defense Against the Dark Arts, but… Little Shop of Performance Horrors #
@tpenta until security thinks it’s a bomb #
still testing UStream if anyone wants to see the weather in San Francisco today: #
@urbanturbanguy playing in my house, just so I can monitor that there’s something to hear. But there is a way to add in an audio stream #
Another thing I love about the Kindle: when reading while dining, I don’t have to find a way to make it stay open to the page I’m on. #
It would be nice to believe that someone in my family was ever normal, even if I had to go back a few generations to find them. But, alas… #
… okay, true – normal is overrated. But not completely crazy would be a good start. #
RT @melanierenzulli: So sad NYTimes: Pompeii Collapse Draws Charges of Official Neglect But, sadly, not surprising #
@lderezinski Coming to LISA? #
Really need to practice with this UStream software today, in prep for Solaris Summit streaming Tuesday, but the rain is making me sleepy. #
Sadly, this could be the source of America’s misunderstanding of Barack Obama: he’s a third-culture kid (like me) - #
Learn Italian in Song: Caro Amico Ti Scrivo #
testing UStream again, here’s the Twitter feature – but does it include the URL for the media? (live at #
here’s that URL: (live at #
now playing on my UStream test: Rino Gaetano, Gianna (live at #
Ahem, and you can probably hear me singing along… #
Kuch To Hua Hai from Kal Ho Naa Ho – yes, I regularly listen to music in about six different languages (live at #
@NomdeB somehow I don’t think that acronym will catch on 😉 #
I’z in yr media, blowing away your business model. #
Need to extend our identities to think of the human race as our fellow sojourners – The Empathic Civilisation  #

My poor car is getting all kinds of dinged and battered in SF. Wonder what the leasing co will charge for that when I return it… #
@standaloneSA Aw, damn – won’t be there til tomorrow night. #lisa10 #
RT @standaloneSA: @DeirdreS That’s ok, I’ll probably be drinking then, too 😉 – I can do that any night, but I hate to miss karaoke! #
Dear #Ustream: completely changing the paradigm between locked and unlocked versions has just cost me hours of software learning. Not happy. #
Also not pleased with #ustream documentation. There’s got to be an easier way to learn this. #
wrestling with bad UI gives me a headache. Reminds me of a domain I haven’t done much with: #
Green idea: Italian Dish Rack #
Dear #UStream : also, your documentation sucks. And I paid for this, dammit. #
@Ilho_Kim Yes, it will be recorded. #
Of course the state with the highest per capita purchase of online pornography isUtah. Of course. #
@MrSimonTaylor Not this American. I’ve probably eaten more Vegemite than donuts. But on toast, not bread. #
C.E.O.s of the largest American companies earned an average of 531 times as much as the average worker in 2001.  #
Didn’t wake up very long ago, and it’s already a win-some, lose-some kind of day. #
Tomorrow! Join the Live Video Stream of the Solaris Summit – Oracle Solaris Video  #
testing the video stream from a hellaciously good connection at the San Jose Convention Center. Tomorrow’s br (live at #
@urbanturbanguy We crossed paths occasionally and liked each other, but didn’t really have occasion to work together. #
@urbanturbanguy would love to, especially now that I’m getting healthy and able to get out and about as usual #
love working with the Usenix folks #
@RaggedPoint Nope, I have 85 mbps ALL FOR ME. I think I’ll spend all of tomorrow on BitTorrent. 😉 #
@italylogue They’re fun, too. 😉 #
I am become death, destroyer of old-world media models. Fear me! #
Okay, guys, I know you like me and all, but this begins to look like stalking #

@jimpick to clarify: that is in the closet of my hotel room. I don’t know why. #
1st time I’ve been in a hotel in months, or had to pack for a trip. Naturally I forgot stuff, but nothing critical. Up early to film tomw. #
Join the Live Video Stream of the Solaris Summit today at 9 am PT – slides available #
Oracle Solaris Summit at LISA starting NOW (live at #
Bart Smaalders on Image Packaging System in Solaris 11 – live NOW from the Oracle Solaris Summit at #LISA10 (live at #
@wally_245 What coffee? I need some badly… #
Dave Miner on Deploying Oracle Solaris 11 in the Enterprise LIVE NOW (live at #
Running this video stream is hard work. #
Getting started again with Nicolas on Networking and Crossbow at the Solaris Summit #lisa10 (live at #
@AndreasJantos Thanks for going to the extra effort to join us! I know pacific time is less than ideal for a lot of the world. #
You can ask questions via chat during the Solaris Summit live stream (will require a UStream login, sorry). (live at #
@jeffhuber was around 90 earlier, not sure now, I’m told some people are attending other sessions but watching the stream of this. #
@webmink and people wonder why I worry about the influence of religion in this country… #
Interesting (tho tiring) to be a one-woman video recording and broadcast studio – with social media. #
.@webmink Tom Lehrer – National Brotherhood Week #

Oracle Solaris Containers in Oracle Solaris 11 Express, by Dan Price LIVE NOW (live at #
@bsousapt yes, I am blessed with incredible bandwidth today, 85 mbps symmetrical #
Coming up in ~10 minutes: ZFS Features in Oracle Solaris Express, by Cindy Swearingen (live at #
@almightygod Aww… total hypocrisy is just so CUUUUUUTE @davinci_beau #
Remember that slides for the Live Video Stream of the Solaris Summit can be downloaded here:  #
Cindy on ZFS speaking NOW (live at #
@jeffhuber yes, it’ll take me a week or so to get all the videos out, depending what else is on my plate. All will be on #
I am so wearing jeans the rest of this week. #
up next: New Security Features in Oracle Solaris 11 Express, by Glenn Faden (live at #
@craigmorgan Thanks. Paddling furiously under the surface. 😉 #
@willbldrco Corp standard is that if meeting customers u can’t wear jeans, only dress slacks/khakis. I will therefore avoid customers. #
last preso of the day: Deploying Applications Using SMF and Other Solaris 11 Features, by Liane Praza (live at #
Ah, the beer got here early. If you’re not in the Solaris Summit at #lisa10, you’re missing out! #
@craigmorgan I prefer it this way – I would rather chase a speaker with good energy than sit there twiddling my thumbs #
@craigmorgan I prefer it this way – a lot more fun chasing a high-energy speaker than twiddling my thumbs #
if you’re here at #lisa10, join us for BoFs tonight in Salon 1 – Oracle Solaris 10and BeyondVendor BoFOracle SolarisEngineer Panel #

…followed by Where’d BigAdmin Go?Vendor BoFRick Ramsey, Oracle #
Filming a panel of solaris engineers #
At this point I have been on duty for 13 hours and I am very tired. But also hungry. #
@shawnferry yes I’ll get the videos up on #
@jamescmcpherson all of LISA? You’d have to ask them. Today’s slides are on #
It’s been a while… #

(some) Video of the Solaris Summit (Tuesday, Nov 9th) – Oracle Solaris Video  #
Never been to this office, but I have some responsibility for the logo  #

@bloatedlesbian – We can say we knew him when… Adelajda e Bjordi – Nuk betohem dot  #

Imagine there was a cure for meanness. Well, maybe there is.  #
Busy couple of days at #LISA10, constantly running into people I know from previous editions and elsewhere. Fun! #
About to film solaris BoFs at #lisa10 Marriott Blossom Hill 3rd floor. First up Dave and Bart on install. #
Got a question on Solaris 11? Come ask our extended panel of experts at #lisa10 #
Jim mauro and Brendan Gregg on DTrace #lisa10 #
Will be heading over to #lisa10 to see Brendan Gregg’s invited talk this morning. Then go home and sleep. #
@billblum it will be available to Usenix members for sure. Brendan/Joyent will have to ask if they want to distribute it#


McDougall, Gregg and Mauro: #

Conundrum: Very hungry but too tired to do much about it. #
Solaris 10 Security Essentials Book – Oracle Solaris Video  #
Science Cheerleaders – In other words, you can have a bosom AND a brain.  #

Content with this week’s work, except that it’s not over yet. Editing Solaris Summit video all weekend – big demand for it, internal and ext #
ps That does mean I’ll be uploading video as it’s completed, all weekend. If you want to know more about Solaris 11, watch this space! #
Updated list of Oracle Solaris Storage-related video:  #
@LISAConference @amyrrich If I’m an attendee but not a member, what do I use for username/password? #LISA10 #sysadmin #
#LISA10 videos at for members and attendees #
@bcantrill So sorry – he was a beautiful cat. #
Miner on Solaris 11 install finally compressed after several failed attempts, now working on Droux on Crossbow & other networking topics. #
This apple crisp recipe… twas yummy! #
@kvadratmeter Found and fixed a few; please let me know if there are others, which ones specifically. #
@webmink If you’re actually in Italy, my site can likely help #
Video: Dave Miner on Solaris 11 Deployment #
Solaris 11: Advances in Solaris Networking with Crossbow and Beyond #
Finished uploading Nicolas on Crossbow, now compressing first half of Dan Price on Zones (with gratuitous post-lunch exercise). #
Funny, I live in a small apt and have very little stuff here, but still feel the periodic urge to get rid of anything I’m not using. #
Dear Facebook: just because I am female does not mean I care about dieting (said she, munching the sad and lonely last Tim Tam). #
RT @tomcoates: Daniel Radcliffe is awesome nerdy: – singing Tom Lehrer! Truly awesome. #

@bubbva I harvested yet more tomatoes today, and the plant is still flowering. Love the California growing season! #
Learn Italian in Song: Ti Voglio #
2nd part of 3rd video uploading …and I think that’s enough editing for the day. #
Solaris 11 Express: Zones #
@bubbva my balcony gets so much sun and is relatively sheltered, it’s practically a greenhouse #
@rpfree I’m told that back in his Harvard days, Lehrer used to get all the girls. But I doubt Radcliffe needs help there… #
After 7 yrs waiting for a real job, Italian journalist on hunger strike #
@vittoriopasteris Sara’ che preferiscono essere ottimisti: i problemi della Birmania sembrano piu’ curabili di quelli dell’italia. #
I agree it’s all theater, but is having your man-parts touched by a TSA agent really so terrible? Women have annual mammograms, gyno exams.. #
…hell, to give birth in a hospital means having a roomful of people staring straight into your crotch. For hours. #
Having translated much of an Italian musical, have just received from the author a copy of the book it’s based on. #
@vdotw @NomdeB – V, meet S – both owners of beagles and, apparently, Snuggies for beagles. Them’s my tweeps. #
@jasonh True; we are all just unwilling players in security theater, and every player knows it’s fiction. #
@ProfOrganizer a pat-down by military personnel (women for women, men for men) has long been routine in Indian airports. #
.@jjmnolte What I love about the right is they’re so humble and open-minded. #
@LISAConference @amyrrich Hey, the audio is messed up on @brendangregg ‘s video – who can fix that? #
Dear student asking via blog comment whether Italy has a constitution: Wikipedia is your friend. #
@ericmortensen I have a skype phone that connects directly to a router. Bought from Skype ~2 years ago. Worked fine, tho don’t use it now #
another Sol 11 video uploading, I think I need a nap… #

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