Tag Archives: Zion

The Twitter Diaries: 2009-08-16: CO, UT, AZ, Las Vegas

^ the Colorado river gorge, long before it reaches the Grand Canyon.
Enrico going to lay down his burdens, presumably.

  • Guy in the next booth at dennys going into great detail about the position of his mailbox. Country life. I feel out of place with my iPhone #


  • Still don’t have twitpic set up right do can’t send accidentally (I swear!) obscene photo from Arches natl park #
  • god bless cheap motels with good wifi. Except in the end of the corridor where the router got stolen, but we’re on the lucky end. #super8 #


  • the Barmah hat I got for C1 is turning out very useful on this trip (see new icon pic) #
  • Monument Valley today, & we’ll see how much further we get. I’m letting E do most of the deciding; I’ve planned too much other travel lately #
  • added some photos to last week’s Twitter Diaries: 2009-08-09 http://bit.ly/1QZP1Y #
  • @koolinus it’s a hat for a desert climate, I’m in a desert – just a different one. in reply to koolinus #


  • Sadly hazy but still jaw-dropping views in Monument Valley. I don’t think there’s another place on Earth like this. #
  • Monument valley Navajo nation ctr has amazing jewelry – and terrible coffee #
  • @lskrocki don’t think “crabby middle aged woman.” think “bitch goddess” in reply to lskrocki #
  • “in youth it was a way I had, to do my best to please, to change with every passing lad, to suit his theories. But now I know the things… #
  • …I know, and do the things I do. And if you do not like me so – to hell, my love, with you!” Dorothy Parker #
  • Tuba City AZ but dang, we missed the church camp meeting #
  • Why is it Harley couples always feature one large man, one brown, skinny, scary-looking woman? #
  • Some of these rocks look like giant petrified cow flops #
  • @llcrowe anyone brave enough to be a bitch is welcome to join the club! in reply to llcrowe #
  • Must’ve been weird for early explorers here. You’re riding along on a vast plain. And suddenly – whumph! – the ground disappears. #
  • Lesson for the day: don’t expect to find accomodation near the Grand Canyon at the last minute in august. So… On to Flagstaff #
  • @ThinGuy umm… If we end up in Vegas tomorrow, meet up? See, there’s this big hole in the ground between us and desired destinations… in reply to ThinGuy #
  • @ThinGuy prob just the one night – this trip is more about natural wonders in reply to ThinGuy #
  • finally found a hotel (Super8 again, less shabby than last night’s), looking forward to a hot bath and SLEEP. Camera out of battery. Argh #
  • turns out haze over the Grand Canyon today due to forest fires. Hence, view will not improve anytime soon. #
  • waitaminute. What time zone am I in? #
  • “Most of Arizona does not use Daylight Saving Time.(Note: The Navajo Nation, in northeastern Arizona, does observe Daylight Saving Time)” #
  • @robbogio it’d be on the way to Vegas, haven’t yet decided if we’ll go that way. Pro: could fix my out of commission camera situation in reply to robbogio #
  • @missbhavens glad you like it! in reply to missbhavens #
  • hmm. We could stay in a good hotel in Vegas for less than we paid for a Super8. I’m so there! #
  • Ross’ suggestion re Vegas: “You should both marry strippers, to spice up your marriage.” I should probably be very worried about that… #
  • @robbogio seen Bellagio/Vegas, pretty weird. in reply to robbogio #
  • @ThinGuy Vegas it is, two nights. A beer would be great, but I will totally understand if you’re too busy. #
  • ooh, just learned of another very good reason to be in the Bay Area in Sept – an old school friend I missed in Auckland will be visiting #
  • @jeffreytaylor working on that. I think it’s time. in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • @lordorica re phishing: IMs on which networks? Any/all? in reply to lordorica #
  • Bunch of people standing around chatting, blocking the door to the convenience store. Shoulda known: Italians! (it’s a national trait) #


^ new bridge going up at Hoover Dam

  • At Hoover dam. Omg it’s HOT. As in temp #
  • @ThinGuy not yet but if you recommend it we’ll go in reply to ThinGuy #
  • @sumaya good luck for the workshop. Please tell @johnham that we desperately need 1-click start and autosave of the chat transcript #ustream in reply to sumaya #
  • US tourism appears to be booming. I’ve. Seen about as many foreigners as natives on this trip, inc busloads of Chinese. #
  • Just remembered: now that I’m not going to Europe in sept, unwed [I need]  to be in Chicago for a Sage board mtg the 11th. Must book that. #
  • Unwed?!? The mysteries of iPhone spellcheck #
  • @sumaya Italian prob easiest in reply to sumaya #
  • Made it to Vegas, now where can I get divorced?(the alternative is beginning to look like murder) #
  • And was sick last night, food poisoning and/or stress. And the camera battery charger we got from frys can’t work – manufactured wrong. #
  • @kbeninato cool! Now if only I can get my dad on twitter, they’d have a lot to talk about in reply to kbeninato #
  • @akadrjohn so are we now going to call you the Night Twitter? #
  • Excellent dinner at Craftsteak, yummy leftovers for tomorrow’s roadside lunch #
  • @hemantmehta the dance will be on YouTube, right? in reply to hemantmehta #
  • clearly needed this vaca – I love my job, but right now my brain recoils in my skull at any work-related thought #
  • Just saw the Jubilee show at Ballys – tix part of our hotel deal. I expected rhinestones, they had Swarovsky. I expected fake stripper boobs #
  • … But these were dancers’ bodies (men, too!). Gotta say, tho – the numbers about Samson and the Titanic were distinctly weird. #
  • Btw forgot to mention: Ross turned 20 yesterday, I am no longer the mother of a teen. But she’s long been wise for her years. #
  • @nonstick hugs are always good, even when it’s more about you than her. Thinking of you all. in reply to nonstick #
  • Vegas is polar opp of an early tourism experience of mine: we were among 1st to visit Nepal. I was abt 7. Played with a snow leopard cub. #
  • @drostova fraid we’re heading out this morning, back to the wonders of nature. Sorry to miss you! in reply to drostova #
  • Thanks to the wonders of modern pharmacy (and other factors), slept pretty well. Now to head for Bryce Canyon #
  • @gracekboyle I am usually bored in the gym, otherwise never. in reply to gracekboyle #
  • @ElizaPatricia a prize drawing works well for these things ie autographed photo. Those who retweet eligible for something even better in reply to ElizaPatricia #
  • @KeithBurtis I’ve always thought that whatever i do in public or that touches the public, inc social media, IS marketing, no matter the term in reply to KeithBurtis #
  • Still pleasantly stunned at how well organized tourism is in this country #
  • @steveharris the NHS has been incredibly good to my dad and he’s not even a citizen. I’m all for a US NHS. in reply to steveharris #
  • @akumar I wish the press would apply #noobviouspuns to Sun, but they go straight for them every damn time in reply to akumar #
  • @nonstick we do pissing matches just fine on our own! in reply to nonstick #


  • ^ Zion was truly astounding #
  • Arr Bryce canyon and the heavens are unleashing a fury. Lucked into a great room at nearby lodge, hope for good weather tomorrow #
  • @ThinGuy decided to push on for Zion and Bryce today, since we got a late start. in reply to ThinGuy #
  • okay, so actually did think about work a little bit just now… because Tony Baylis asked and he’s too much of a sweetie to ignore… #
  • and for anyone who may have wondered about my filming a puppet, here’s the first Jack Adams video: https://slx.sun.com/1179275094 #
  • amused and pleased that my daughter’s friends friend me on Facebook. But we’re all Woodstockers, too. #
  • Is it Friday already? Hard to know on vac. But yesterday was definitely Thursday #
  • I don’t believe in “ordinary people.” Everyone is extraordinary, if only you give them a chance to tell their stories. #
  • a few of my favorite photos from the trip so far: Countries Beginning with I http://bit.ly/U8jWP #


^ hoodoos at Bryce Canyon

  • About to head out for a day in Bryce Canyon. Wanted to do it on horseback, but weather is too iffy #
  • @comay obviously you need a change of career: geek roadie! ; ) in reply to comay #
  • @hemantmehta I demand to see this on YouTube! in reply to hemantmehta #
  • @JoyceSolano I could use that mutation [to need only 4 hrs sleep] in reply to JoyceSolano #
  • Ruby’s inn has great wifi, makes up for complete lack of AT&T coverage #
  • Man walking past just gave me the ip-and-down. Bare legs or “Om schooled” t-shirt? (which is a bit provocative in Mormon country) #
  • you know you’re in the country when one of your fellow motel guests is a gentleman of mature years wearing bib overalls #
  • @deirdresm “Om Schooled” was an idea cooked up for a recent Woodstock School reunion. The shirt earned me one friendly greeting at Bryce in reply to deirdresm #
  • @ThinGuy I REALLY didn’t want to know that [about Kansas’ country gentlemen going commando under their overalls]. Fortunately (or not), I’m in Utah. BYOB. in reply to ThinGuy #
  • @JoyceSolano makes sense. There’s already a term for us straight women who hang out with gay men. ; ) in reply to JoyceSolano #
  • @Cdash sword?!? Major coolness. Can you do that on horseback? in reply to Cdash #
  • not enough upstream bandwidth to upload all my (many, many) pictures… Bryce Canyon is very photogenic! #
  • select photos from Bryce Canyon, including the Om Schooled t-shirt http://bit.ly/bdepg #
  • @nonstick thanks, wd love to, but we’re heading back east now. I need to be in BRM next thurs at the latest, earlier if sleep continues diff in reply to nonstick #
  • @ThinGuy @sumaya I was the kid they could never get to nap. So was my kid. #
  • I think I’m going to have to declare this vacation over and go home so I can get some sleep. #
  • I’m sure the incidence of snoring-related homicide must be much higher than reported. And totally justified. #
  • exhausted, hungry, cranky. This is not a good way to start the day. #
  • Torrey, UT, nice motel with hot tub and pool, if I can stay awake long enough to enjoy them #
  • Just had an amazing dinner at Cafe Diablo in Torrey UT. Well worth going out of your way for! Southwestern with a true chef’s touch. #
  • It’s india’s independence day si everybody sing: Jana gana mana adhinayaka jaya he, Bharata bhagya vidhata… #
  • today is India’s Independence Day – Learn India’s National Anthem – Video http://bit.ly/3rvxPX #

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