Bombay Signs & Sightings

^ above: Santa Claus – and Congress party head Sonia Gandhi – wish us a Merry Xmas. Santa looks concerned about something overhead…

Dec 25, 2007

I took pictures during a long taxi ride today (and some other days).

^ “Drink [it] cold, make/do enjoy!”

Below: Two women got into this three-wheeled scooter taxi:

…followed by a bicycle and a boy:


^ Dairy products

^ …and observe that the pillion riders (motorcycle passengers) almost never wear helmets – not that the drivers do, either. There is a helmet law in Delhi, at least for the driver, but it appears not to be universal across India, and only indifferently enforced.

^ I was trying to get the sign that’s partially obscured by Mr. Paunchy: “Ambulance Day & Night – Hearse”. Just in case the ambulance isn’t in time, I guess.

But “Nippy Caterer” is pretty funny, too.

Billboard outside a school: “Congratulations [name] – national topper in Cambridge International Examinations.”


^ There are many signs like this throughout Bombay, and, indeed, a great deal of incovenient roadwork going on.

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