The Twitter Diaries: 2009-05-03: CO

  • @plasticbagUK iphone games a great antidotevto flight boredom #
  • swine flu being overplayed in world media? Friend of Ross afraid to visit from Italy #
  • my mental health is better when I stay away from the news. I think the media is too reactive to its own feedback loops #
  • if Enrico wasn’t leaving tomorrow, I might kill him. But I’m also very sad that he’s leaving tomorrow. #
  • @ingenthr saw a headline: “Merger advice: work hard, toot your horn.” Which kinda falls into the “well, duh” category, but true… in reply to ingenthr #
  • dammit, I did NOT order snow #
  • just registered for CommunityOne – see you there! #
  • if swine flu = bad flu followed by bronchitis or pneumonia, several people I know have already had it this winter. And survived. #
  • @jowyang is there that much social media experience to be found in corporations? in reply to jowyang #
  • selling a house is an enormous PITA, esp when it’s not even my house and all I stand to gain is suddenly being forced to move somewhere else #
  • wishing spring would get here, I’m ordering prints of photos I took of the flowers in my Italian garden #
  • just posted “Video: Shooting Presentations” #
  • @dfugate please tell me more about this media analysis. Sounds like something I could use. in reply to dfugate #
  • @steveswrong Ryanair boss makes famously offensive pronouncements and revels in the PR. #swineflu in reply to steveswrong #
  • testing video subtitles, not sure it’s working consistently. If you’ve got a minute, have a look at #
  • @dfugate hmm. it’d be interesting to do that exercise on some of my stuff and see how it compares in reply to dfugate #
  • LinkedIn’s categories – # Colleague, # Colleague, # Colleague, # Colleague – are far from covering every situation. #
  • @SteveEdiger thanks, good to confirm that it’s not just me in reply to SteveEdiger #
  • @davewiner OMG I just died and went to heaven: Hugh Jackman is on Twitter. (Actually, heaven would involve being rather closer than Twitter) in reply to davewiner #
  • @timfoster if it’s a matter of funding… or is it time? in reply to timfoster #
  • hats already worn this morning: video producer/directory, event manager, OGB secretary, and mom/counsellor. I can has nap now? #
  • @sumaya hell no, in fact scheduling more travel #SwineFlu in reply to sumaya #
  • an exciting view of BRM courtyard. Watch closely, you might see a bunny (Broadcasting live at #
  • is this thing on? #
  • @sumaya should I be worried that haven’t heard of most of those Twitter matrix people? in reply to sumaya #
  • @rosso congrats on the new digs. Wherebouts? in reply to rosso #
  • @davest <wince> I hope it’s not malaria, that’s serious stuff in reply to davest #
  • @randybias no in reply to randybias #
  • maybe I should seek a job doing social media for Fiat’s push into the US. I’m uniquely qualified for it. #
  • how much time every day do I waste typing logins & passwords? there’s got to be a better way #
  • @elliottkember not a Cray, but you might be able to make use of in reply to elliottkember #
  • @davest good luck. Wouldn’t want you having anything serious. Swine flu is a walk in the park compared to malaria. in reply to davest #
  • a president who can pronounce “Pakistan” correctly – wow! #
  • … and journalists who can’t pronounce Iraq. It’s not eye-RACK, people!! #
  • @jowyang yeah, I’ve been having trouble with Tweetdeck, too in reply to jowyang #
  • @webmink have no fear, Fox News will get there… in reply to webmink #
  • we all want the universe to validate our choices. I’d settle for not having to EXPLAIN mine over and over. #
  • I still fail to understand how “swine” flu is different from/worse than what several colleagues have already had this winter. #
  • thought I was going to use Tweetie to manage the OGB account, but it now refuses to authorize even one user. Boh. #
  • travel nailed down for next week’s trip to MPK, arrive early early Wednesday, leave late Thursday, to film the Crossbow team. #
  • @MissExpatria probably funny, I like Amanpour, but I watch little TV and almost no ads in reply to MissExpatria #
  • @davewiner stay off the subways = many more cars on the street = global warming. We can’t win for losing. in reply to davewiner #
  • …to say nothing of his effect on women’s equality: #
  • unresolved conflict hangs over me like a personal thundercloud. Gets old. #
  • met with speakers in the “Managing OpenSolaris” track at C1, to smooth edges, prevent overlaps, find synergies. Looking good! #
  • @jowyang but, as I’ve said before: on Twitter, we don’t HAVE to listen to the marketers and celebrities. Unless we want to. in reply to jowyang #
  • At CO Women’s Chamber of Commerce awards of dinner. Ball gowns surprised me. #
  • I admire about Americans that they are not afraid to try anything #
  • @robinbloor re. Fox news – can we hope that they’re the first to go? #swineflu in reply to robinbloor #
  • my usually quiet Friday is suddenly full of meetings. One is 2.5 hours. How do execs have the stamina? #
  • If big media have nothing better to do than report on who walks the president’s goddamned DOG, they DESERVE to lose their jobs. #
  • why does the MacBook Air download (FTP) 60x faster than the Pro? same office, same network, same server. what am I missing? #
  • @shawnferry figured out it was SFTP vs http://FTP. Don’t even know what SFTP means (apparently “Slow FTP”), let alone how I managed to set it. in reply to shawnferry #
  • @davewiner of course the UI in the Twitter movie will look nothing like real-life Twitter in reply to davewiner #
  • @Elskede layover in what airport? in reply to Elskede #
  • want a Twitter feature to filter out sports. Love you all, but really, really DON’T care about any of that stuff. #
  • @KathySierra we had a horse that was a meta-thinker: “Do I actually care about being on the other side of the jump? No. You go. Without me.” #
  • @sumaya I’ve been saying for years that I want a “filter out Michael Jackson, Paris Hilton, etc.” option in Google News. Nothing yet. in reply to sumaya #
  • @KathySierra in reply to KathySierra #
  • RT: Vote for @Silona’s idea on @citability – it just makes sense #
  • entering contributor grants for OpenSolaris communities. Now I remember how much I dislike CLIs.No, I am not an uber-geek. #
  • at least I already know how to use Bugzilla #
  • @jeffreytaylor there’s never any harm in a sincere compliment, and often a lot of good. in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • @ckoontz I was fine doing all video editing in Windows XP/Vista w/ $99 Roxio VideoWave. Only switched to fit in with Sun colleagues in reply to ckoontz #
  • @davest That was fun. So far no one has taken me up on suggestion of Bollywood dance instruction for C1 this year. Damn. in reply to davest #
  • @jeffreytaylor ooh, can I come have breakfast at your house? #waronfrenchpastry in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • @sumaya would be nice to share ideas with similar activites we’re doing for C1 OpenSolaris in reply to sumaya #
  • @hemantmehta go for broke! Do them all at once (I recommend the bathtub if that includes sleeping) in reply to hemantmehta #
  • @jeffreytaylor FYI will be back on SFO May 29-Jun 4 for conferences, Enrico in tow. fwing wkd we’ll go to Santa Cruz or something in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • @sumaya yes, love to if I can. pls email details #CommunityOne in reply to sumaya #
  • ooh, Woodstock alum (staff) has a new website: #
  • I’ve been asked to talk to colleagues about social media next week. Have a feeling half the session will end up being about Twitter #
  • @avinashkaushik I used to have pet goats in Bangladesh. When they escaped into the garden, they ate the flowers, but not the vegetables. in reply to avinashkaushik #
  • real estate agent, claiming to practice Feng Shui, moved the sofa perpendicular to the TV. And I’m supposed to watch TV how? #
  • @lskrocki she left the TV, just made it exercise to watch it – have to move the friggin’ sofa! in reply to lskrocki #
  • @plasticbagUK you must be in the wrong hotel. The one where I stayed in Bangalore had breakfast of at least four different nations in reply to plasticbagUK #
  • Freedom House classifies Italy as only “partly free” (in terms of press/media) (in Italian) #
  • @ElaineEllis I’m kinda baffled by the insistence of most American women upon changing their names on marriage in reply to ElaineEllis #
  • @DavidHowell actually, sushi is amazingly good with french fries in reply to DavidHowell #
  • @DavidHowell accidental discovery due to proximity of sushi bar & coffee shop in a hotel, colleague who doesn’t like fish ordered a burger in reply to DavidHowell #
  • @DavidHowell the sushi crowd ate all his fries and ordered more. It was amazing. Tempura doesn’t do it. in reply to DavidHowell #
  • re. Dollhouse, remember: Joss is always going to f*ck with you. Always. #
  • interesting week on Twitter. An orca sends me a hat, and I’m comparing notes with a dog about goats. And let’s not forget the blue whale #
  • Saturday morning writing fever. I do enjoy this. Time to go eat breakfast and let the article rest a bit. #
  • better late than never: “SxSWi Report: Designing for the Wisdom of Crowds” #
  • ps contains some thoughts of my own on how video helps build community #
  • @SteveEdiger Powazek wasn’t my video, SxSWi do their own. I’m puzzled that they didn’t put the slides in (as I would have) – you need both! in reply to SteveEdiger #
  • NSFW LOL (via Picture is Unrelated): #
  • Hmm. Never knew Japan’s caste system was based on the same uncleannes-of-death prejudices as India’s #
  • @amandachapel “#SOBCon FYI… Social Media represents < .5% of all marketing spend.” #SOBCon – partly bucz excluding salaries, it’s cheap! in reply to amandachapel #
  • Down To Business: Are Execs Twittering Their Time Away? — Social Networking — InformationWeek #
  • @davest shes’ got your lovely, generous smile in reply to davest #
  • Denver/Boulder area tweeps: looking for a sylist who’s good with short, fine hair – and coloring it pink, of course! #
  • @Cdash re waking up to watch him run – if that’s not devotion, I don’t know what is! in reply to Cdash #
  • RT @jeffreytaylor: Never ceases to make me chuckle. – “Maude” was an early influence on me (does it show?) #
  • @timbray so much Chrstian iconography & myth is about torture, maybe people get inured to it? in reply to timbray #

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