The Twitter Diaries: 2009-09-20: CO

  • lazy Sunday morning in bed, enjoying the fog outside (unusual in these parts). Harbinger of a move to San Francisco? #
  • any Arabic speakers? Is this really an Egyptian novelty song about Italy’s Berlusconi? #
  • RT @angadsingh: An article on Larry Ellisons’ effective right hand and driving force behind the corporate giant Oracle #
  • @ajkeen – look out for Brazilian TV show Caminho das Índias – globalization strikes again! #
  • People wear the oddest things (said the woman in the “bitch is back” t- shirt) #
  • There are moments when time moves verrrrry slowly. #
  • @missbhavens it’s not the kids who have problems, it’s the parents. in reply to missbhavens #
  • RT @oracletechnet: “Open source’s double standard” – crystalline reasoning from @mjasay #
  • @missbhavens and here I am sending my kid off to India, Australia (to work with horses, those big dangerous beasts!)… I’m a really bad mom in reply to missbhavens #
  • “why are they being encouraged and instructed to fear this kind of progress on the part of their government…?” #
  • @missbhavens thanks, tho for people like me it’s normal #
  • @trine I’m reading Stephenson’s “Anathem” – wow! in reply to trine #
  • @webmink dunno what that means, but sounds ax if it could be useful… in reply to webmink #
  • @India_Insights Indian laundry industry…? They’ve been called dhobis for centuries at least, still going strong AFAIK in reply to India_Insights #
  • @webmink thanks but can’t get to my numbers from my current loc, go ahead and give to steve #
  • “A person’s last days can be spent in any # of ways. But on the phone pleading with an insurer, that’s only in America.” #
  • Now my relatives are arriving in FB and asking to be acknowledged as relatives. Are y’all ready for the fact that I’m from Louisiana? ; ) #
  • Le donne italiane non ne possono più (Women in Italy can’t stand it anymore – in Italian) – City #
  • @pizzocalabro mine, too. The older portions of the site are fine, but the blog is down. in reply to pizzocalabro #
  • @pizzocalabro Dreamhost. It’s back now, though. in reply to pizzocalabro #
  • would like to see a graphic of who follows all the social media experts, besides each other. Love you all folks, but the shout-outs get dull #
  • @ThinGuy Thanks! tho I must admit that @lskrocki and I are guilty of shout-outs to each other. ; ) in reply to ThinGuy #
  • “You, in your refusal to acknowledge your interdependence with everyone else, are a bigger problem than they are.” #
  • @lbridenne76 is the performance what we should expect? I’m seeing very out of sync and jerky video #OLTP #oracle #sun in reply to lbridenne76 #
  • getting a look at the Oracle community thanks to the live Larry webcast going on how #
  • RT @empoprises: @DeirdreS i’m seeing no video, had to switch to the dial in phone line #oracle #sun #exadata2 @lbridenne76 TAKE NOTE #
  • @ma_donna might have been his yacht, but I doubt he was on it, unless he’s trying to sway the EU in the traditional European way ; ) in reply to ma_donna #
  • @empoprises looks as if we’re doine #oracle #sun #exadata2 in reply to empoprises #
  • @dboyll thanks for the link, got to it too late – esp as I don’t have Real installed. in reply to dboyll #
  • RT @saraford: Good morning from NZ! Full length CodePlex jump video found on my blog: – whoa! #
  • @dboyll thanks, we did manage to see it, tho horribly out of sync. Was good anyway. in reply to dboyll #
  • @KathySierra and self-promo, unless done creatively, can get very, very boring. in reply to KathySierra #
  • @ThinGuy my, what a big forehead you have in reply to ThinGuy #
  • @ThinGuy took me a minute to parse that one – LOL! in reply to ThinGuy #
  • @dboyll the link in reply to dboyll #
  • oh, good – at least I don’t have to run the early meeting that I dragged myself out of a cozy bed for. I’m nornally a morning person, but… #
  • RT @clickryan: RT @Merlene – The Muppet Show’s 10 Weirdest Moments (via @JulieTyios) – thanks, an excellent start #
  • there are lots of Twitter ranking sites out there that say we’re hot (on Twitter). Which ones do we actually believe? #
  • RT @sogrady: OH: “What’s the definition of an Australian? An Irishman who got caught.” #
  • RT @giovanni: Can you use $100,000? I’ve posted enough hints on the website fr contestants to start making videos. #
  • my voice is rusty this morning; let’s pretend I sound like Lauren Bacall (minus the cigarettes) #
  • Listening to Carol Alm present on “Your near perfect performance”, a women@sun event. #
  • Common mistake is to assume that, because you know something well, it must be obvious to others as well. But you may actually be unique. #
  • “without talent… Repetitive training creates burnout, confusion, frustration” #
  • “we don’t expect Labrador retrievers to act like Border Collies” #
  • Talents = yearnings, rapid learning, satisfaction, exceptional performance #
  • @giovanni I disagree – msft could create trust from inside. Would take time and be a challenge, but by no means impossible. in reply to giovanni #
  • “focus on yours strengths, not weaknesses” – seems so obvious, why do school systems get it so wrong? #
  • Now I need a FB setting for “don’t tell me anyone’s quiz results, game stuff, etc. EVER AGAIN – because I DON’T CARE”. Stop wasting my time. #
  • starting a dance class next week: Bollywood West – bollywood and indian dance classes (Denver & Boulder, Colorado) #
  • @vdotw I’m looking forward to it, esp since I already know and love a lot of the music. in reply to vdotw #
  • RT @shawnferry I have that problem… This is simple anyone should be able to understand it – worst is, you then undersell yourself – don’t! #
  • RT @pizzocalabro: – Perhaps even more than separate of church & state, the world needs separation of church & sex. #
  • …and I’m about to stop following everyone who auto-tweets about foursquare, whatever the hell it is. ENOUGH ALREADY. Give me substance! #
  • And, BTW, for anyone who hasn’t noticed: the bitch is most definitely back. #
  • finally broke loose some key C1 videos, including the incomparable Ben Rockwood on “Becoming a ZFS Ninja” #
  • @ThinGuy somehow I don’t think the Men of SunRay need protection from cougars in reply to ThinGuy #
  • @thepartycow you underestimate my speed of reading in reply to thepartycow #
  • WTF, Dowd? Good col, except “But partly due to the Internet, the standards of behavior in this new country are terrible” #
  • crap. The FB apps seem to have figured out how to circumvent the “Hide [app]” setting. This is going to drive me off FB or to drop friends. #
  • listening to music I enjoy on YouTube – Neri per caso – Sentimento pentimento [Live Festivalbar] #
  • RT @TheOnion: Would-Be Burglar Killed With Sword – I actually know a real-life story like this, tho no one died. #
  • @jeffreytaylor I used to call out Italian kids on the bus for racist remarks. “When Italians first came to the US…” in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • RT @gserda: OSUM Community mobilizes and organizes 300+ events for Software Freedom Day: #
  • “This italian journalist” | Wittgenstein #
  • @jowyang meh, maybe everyone should just use OpenOffice. I haven’t missed those MS apps since I switched. (well, maybe Excel a little…) in reply to jowyang #
  • RT @jbernoff: Only 1 hr left until today’s Webinar: The Groundswell Power of WOM - – hmm, okay, I’ll bite… #
  • doing what I do best – connecting people. ; ) #
  • RT @dltq: I am very happy to see my pal Jeffrey Taylor will work for equal rights for marriage in California #
  • “you’ve been bam­boozled, flummoxed, played for a sap by the propaganda mills of schooling. Get rid of yr assumptions.” #
  • Updating Sun Video with a bunch of newly-translated videos – cool stuff on grid engine, HPC #
  • there are good days & bad days. This one is not particularly good, but, being a Thursday, should be destined for improvement. #
  • “Have you been a good girl, Jane?
    And why should I want to be bad…?
    – And should I be likely to say if I had?” #
  • now subtitled in Spanish, Russian, Br Portugese, Chinese & Japanese: ZFS: The Last Word in File Systems – Sun Video #
  • @osum_brasil – Lots more video subtitled in português at #
  • RT @mschoenu: Could not remember how to say “windshield wipers” in Italian – it’s a funny word: tergicristallo. #
  • Woke early as usual, but it’s Saturday so I can laze in bed with a cup of coffee and do what I bloody well please. Which is nice! #
  • @ThinGuy you guys are a one-family soccer empire! in reply to ThinGuy #
  • From Neal Stephenson’s “Anathem” – “The Powers That Be would not suffer others to be in stories of their own unless they were fake stories.. #
  • …that had been made up to motivate them. People who couldn’t live without story had been driven [out of mainstream society]… #
  • All others had to look somewhere outside of work for a feeling that they were part of a story, which I guess was why [they] were #
  • so concerned with sports, and with religion. How else could you see yourself as part of an adventure?” #
  • RT @angadsingh: Why a Geek Will Steal Your Girlfriend in 2008 #
  • @nautibitz The iPhone app I really want is IMDB with face recognition. in reply to nautibitz #
  • domesticate wkd: put together new bookcase, rearranged rooms a bit, still need to hang pictures. Would really prefer to nap… #
  • @nautibitz – would have saved me some embarassment once upon a time… #
  • roomie’s having a party. Being the geek, I supply the playlist. Wd prefer the company of my geek peers, but at least the food is good. #

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