Videoblogging for Sun: By the Numbers

  • 13 months: how long I’ve been shooting video for Sun
  • 150 hours: video in the can (mostly shot by me personally) – and more constantly on the way
  • 50 hours: video edited, compressed, and published online  (not quite all by me)
  • ~70 video productions: ranging from 2-minute community introductions to a 2:15 hour deep dive on MPxIO
  • 140 files: of video, including multiple formats (FLV Flash for embedding in a web page, M4V to download for iPod viewing)
  • 16,103 total views: of these videos (as hosted on Mediacast – some are also available in other places such as YouTube) as of Sept 10, 2008
  • ~20,000 page views: to video posts on Storage Stop since the first video was posted (Oct 24, 2007). If these posts were a blog of their own, it would be #165 in Sun blog rankings for that period. (Storage Stop overall comes in at #87 for this period.)
  • 1 email: all it takes to find out how you can put these videos to work for you: e.g., embed them in your blog, distribute on DVD… We want to open source our knowledge. Let’s talk about it.

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