The Twitter Diaries: 2009-11-15: Portland OR

  • @bklein34 sometime I will have to go to a game with you to try to experience it through the eyes of a real fan. Then I might get it. in reply to bklein34 #
  • @vitoriosassi wish I was going with you! Tho it’s a little early in the day here to be thinking about churrasca… in reply to vitoriosassi #
  • my moods are so driven by sunlight these days, it’s a good thing I live in Colorado with 300 days of sunshine a year. #
  • @Britopian in reply to Britopian #
  • saw “Where the Wild Things Are”. That screaming, helpless fury felt all too familiar. As does the mother’s helplessness to make everybody ok #
  • “The mother has sacrificed something for her son’s comfort, & his obliviousness is the appropriate & desired response.” #
  • @ThinGuy wtf? who is this? can’t tell from the blog in reply to ThinGuy #
  • does anyone know why FinalCut Pro often downloads video out of sync with the audio? Can’t figure out why it happens, when it happens. #
  • processing lots and lots of video from #lisa09 – would like to get through a good portion of this before the next big events I’m filming #
  • @serendipitousP Sun sponsored the video & streaming, so someone else filmed the sessions and I get the files. Filmed Sun BoFs myself. in reply to serendipitousP #
  • @ben a video lackey! I like the term. What I’m actually doing is training other people to videoblog. But I enjjoy it, and it lets me travel. in reply to ben #
  • LISA ’09 Technical Sessions – Videos and slides of the presentations now available to attendees and USENIX members #
  • @serendipitousP sorry we didn’t meet there. Where are you usually? in reply to serendipitousP #
  • Videoblogging for Sun: Numbers Update – Un Posto al Sole #
  • Hate being in the back of the plane; takes too long to get out. Otoh, I’d have to wait fir checked bag anyway. #
  • home from a great trip. Thanks to M for saying “It will get better” and S for saying things that few people dare to, but which need saying. #
  • ZFS in the Trenches: Ben Rockwood at LISA ’09 – Sun Video #
  • In the Crucial Conversations class. So far useful; wish I’d had it years ago #
  • “focus on what you really want”. For me the prob has always been knowing what I want, instead of settling for what I think I can get. #
  • Little Shop of Performance Horrors – Part 3 – Sun Video Brendan Gregg speaking #
  • “We do have serious complainers, so we have to do our job properly,” – EU! – just whine, whine, whine all the time #
  • @RaggedPoint as far as I can tell, Larry has stated it very clearly. in reply to RaggedPoint #
  • today it’s supposed to hit 70 degrees here in CO, and Sunday it’s supposed to snow. But I’ll be in Portland where, of course, it will rain #
  • so do not feel like class today. not a good point in my life to be reflecting on crucial conversations I shd have had years ago #
  • #tweettoast will do as an excuse for a much-needed beer, which will probably be fatal when I need to get some food in me & get back to work #
  • @ThinGuy no, nothing fatal really in a beer – it’ll just make me sleepy, and I’ve got work to do in reply to ThinGuy #
  • uh oh. My kid is on Twitter. Now she’ll know everything about me. 😉 #
  • suitcase packed for tomw evening’s flight to Portland OR. filming/streaming video Sat, Sun, Mon, student party Sun night, collapse Tues #
  • @italylogue Thai is always good. I think I’m free Wednesday night in reply to italylogue #
  • really irritated that’s password reminder feature does not work properly #
  • got a late start on the day (as planned), but that messed me up for lunch – didn’t realize the Sun dining hall closes at 1 on Fridays! #
  • a long overdue return to the city of my birth: I’ll be in New Orleans Dec 28- New Year’s! Suggestions? #
  • Of course the moment I have to drove to the airport the snow starts. Didn’t even know it wading today’s forecast. But I Made it #
  • Booked two trips in 15 mins before I left the office. I think I was a travel agent in some other life #
  • Headed for Portland to join my HPC buds for SC09. hard work ahead, but fun. #
  • Don’t see the attraction of facial hardware. I’d be afraid of catching it on something. Like braces, only worse #
  • @WriteRCastle fri 13th is an American superstition. Italians worry about Friday the 17th in reply to WriteRCastle #
  • Buncha young people traveling together to Portland. What odds they’ll show up at our sc09 party for students? Not sure yet if they’re geeks #
  • @NathanFillion damn! Wd have loved to see what Joss wd do with you in Dollhouse. Never will get over Caleb – massively creepy. in reply to NathanFillion #
  • Wd be really nice if the only empty seat on this plane turned out to be in my row. I seem to get lucky that way. #
  • Yep, we’ll be de-icing #
  • @ayounge yup. One of the many fun parts of my job: I get to throw parties in reply to ayounge #
  • It’s better to be rich in friends than rich in possessions. You realize this when you’re packing to move. #
  • @bubbva I shd visit the NOLA cemeteries to say hi to my ancestors in reply to bubbva #
  • @ayounge are you coming to sc09? in reply to ayounge #
  • @jimgris We’re offline all weekend. Take a break and enjoy it! in reply to jimgris #
  • Dad had op to remove a pea from his lung. finally located the cause of all the infections he’s had for the past 2 years, now can get well. #
  • bought a $10 foam throw cushion to use as a travel pillow – hotel pillows too squishy. Works great! Neck happy this morning. #
  • YouTube – The Making of “Shouting in the Datacenter” #
  • got this song stuck in my head today: I’ve Got the Music in Me – “when something gets in my way I go round it” #
  • stupid headline of the day “Trial Venue Leaves 9/11 Families Angry or Satisfied”. What about those who are merely indifferent? #
  • @lskrocki 3 years, they say. I hate to think what it looked like when they took it out. Maybe lungs excrete some sort of preservative? in reply to lskrocki #
  • getting set up to film Sun’s HPC Consortium in sunny Portland #
  • won’t be live-tweeting this one; it’s hard to know in advance what’s NDA #
  • Portland has WiMax? Cool! #
  • @c_bright I’ll be entirely in conference room through Monday, hope to get out a little on Tues-Weds. Ah, yes, the glamor of corporate travel in reply to c_bright #
  • when a speaker stands still behind the podium, I have very little to do. Which can be either relaxing or boring. #
  • I actually have more fun with the speakers I have to chase. You know who you are. #
  • discussing the physics of cooling datacenters. Sun: We Do Cool Stuff. (pun intended) #
  • Kid knows I’m filming & not to call unless it’s an emergency. So she calls. Car accident. (No one hurt.) Sigh. #
  • looking at cool stuff: CLUMEQ Supercomputing Center #
  • using excess datacenter heat to heat a nearby building – seems like a no-brainer. #
  • you know you’re in the presence of geeks when someone defines cable trays as “sexy” #
  • it’s a bit scary how many of these folks I have already met and/or filmed #
  • ouch. There are only three women in this room besides me, and I’m not an attendee. We need more girl supergeeks! #
  • “days of kill a post-doc to run stuff is hard to sustain in current environment” ie you can’t derail a PhD into sysadmin duties #
  • “We have all these wonderful [computing] clouds, you bring up Joni Mitchell songs…” #
  • @nonstick LOL You could call my dad a lot of things, but “princess” is definitely not one of them. in reply to nonstick #
  • climate & HPC means we get to see amazing graphics – the oceans “breathing”, with tides going in and out in blue and red #
  • the computing difficulties of modelling cloud behavior. We’re talking about vapory clouds in the actual sky here, not compute clouds. #
  • need to be able to simulate 5 yrs per wall-clock day. We’re an order of magnitude off. #
  • lack of grad students in computational science #
  • interesting listen to an American accent talking about what “we” have in the Australian climate #
  • filming an HPC preso while editing a cloud one #
  • Countries Beginning with I “Woodstock School Class of ‘81 and Others, in 1980 ” – photo gallery, including India travel #
  • “I’ll give you a double click on that in a moment” – never heard it phrased quite that way before. #
  • “I’m just gonna call it Amber Road because the alternative is too hard to spit out” #
  • occurs to me that I should really try to visit Sydney while Ross will be there. Not sure whether time or money will permit, though. #
  • RT @danigula: Helen Fisher studies the brain in love | Video on v #
  • Helen Fisher video -> curiosity -> test (yes, I qualify). Among results: apparently I have more testosterone than estrogen? #
  • @jscarp glad you’re home. in reply to jscarp #

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