Eduardo Vianello

Learn Italian in Song: Peperone

[Big Red] Pepper

One of many cute, silly songs written and recorded by Edoardo Vianello in the 1960s – and the first few chords of this one are suspiciously reminiscent of “These Boots are Made for Walkin'”. Vianello is still very much around.

ritornello: refrain: 
Da quando tu prendi, tu prendi il solleone Since you’ve been taking the big sun [tanning a lot] 
sei rossa, spellata, sei come un peperone. you’re red, peeled, you’re like a [big red] pepper 
Bagnata dall’acqua, dall’acqua di sale, Bathed in water, salt water 
baciata dal vento che viene dal mare, kissed by the wind that comes from the sea 
accanto alla riva pian piano ti lasci bruciare dal sol. next to the shore bit by bit you let yourself be burned by the sun 
Con tutte le creme massaggi la pelle With all the creams you massage your skin 
ma giorno per giorno ti riempi di bolle, But day by day you fill up with blisters 
le gambe, le braccia, il naso e le spalle, ti lasci bruciar. the legs, the arms, the nose, and the shoulders you let burn 
Ormai pure all’ombra continui a scottarti, By now even in the shade you continue to burn, 
nemmeno la luna riesce a calmarti, not even the moon can calm you 
appena ti stringo tu urli, tu piangi, mio pallido amor. as soon as I squeeze you, you scream, you cry, my pallid love 
Avevi le labbra così vellutate e oggi le hai rosse You had such velvety lips and today they are red 
così screpolate che sembra che io baci so cracked that it seems like I’m kissing 
le ortiche di un campo ingiallito dal sol. the nettles in a field yellowed by the sun. 

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