The Twitter Diaries: Sept 4-11, 2010

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I guess I’m having a 2nd childhood: my home is full of bright colors, robots, Legos, stuffed toys, comic artwork, Christmas lights… #
The Twitter Diaries: Aug – with photos of the closure of MPK, and a couple of famous Solaris faces – and a robot! #
RT @michellefabio: Well duh >> Life is beautiful -when you have a villa in Italy : – and when you can afford one… 😉 #
My wkd so far: Costco, edit videos, Korean spa, friends to dinner, website, edit videos, email… Seem to have missed the holiday concept. #
Thank you @NomdeB the perfect note to end my 900-page copyedit of the DTrace book: The The Impotence of Proofreading #
Just discovered the Company Updates features on LinkedIn. Is there a way to go further back in time? #
@timbray Heard about you at OSCON last night from someone who attended your Android giveaway. Sorry I wasn’t there this year. #
Good crop of tomatoes on the way, considering the size of my balcony garden – which is just right for me now. #

breakfast French toast with sauteed fresh peach, and of course bacon. Lunch will be pasta with broccoli and sausage. I make sure I eat well. #
very confused hummingbird – I brought the feeder in to clean and refill. If he’d seen me, he might have attacked. #
Delightful day at @afranq‘s meeting interesting international people. One of the perks of living in the Bay Area – lots of ’em around! #
Isn’t it easy to only talk to people you agree with? To only read the newspapers you like, the authors you admire? #
@michellefabio Lived in a house on Lake Como 4 years, lovely place til you need to actually, like, have a normal job or something. #
stumbled across this past – but still current – piece on my own blog: Communicating with Your Customers #
I have a zillion reasons to feel stressed & distressed. But I’m blessed in my friends and love where I’m living. So life is good anyway. #
And now we have creative spammer names: Sincerely Your, Kawacatoose Cawthron. That deserves to be a protagonist in a novel. #
The signs are there, for anyone who cares to read them… #
Whatever. #
Oh, it’s going to be one of those days, is it? #
At least my wait for the shuttle in Mountain View gives me a chance to enjoy the sunshine. #
Six employees waiting half an hour for a shuttle that never arrived. How much company money did that waste? We’re in a taxi now. #
NEW white paper: Create a More Efficient Storage Infrastructure with the Oracle Solaris 10 Operating System – #
Looks as if everyone’s receiving their care packages of schwag. #
VirtualBox Rollback (and the magic of ZFS) – The Observatory #
Need a desktop twitter client that allows for proxy settings. Suggestions? #
@fotographyINDIA: Amazing Article, WOW!! MUST READ- Capturing the Himalayas: the Art of Hiking with (cont) #
Okay now the weird paranoid shuttle driver is driving like a maniac, I damn near went flying across the bus. This commute ends today. #
When injuries to paper, wooden, or plastic symbols are more important than injuries to living beings, something is very wrong in the world. #
Time to fix the hair. I wish the inside of my head was as easy to fix.  #

@blackbeltncrazy wow, Fox Chapel- foes that ever bring back memories. #
@blackbeltncrazy spent a few years of my childhood in much poorer parts of Pittsburgh. #
@blackbeltncrazy shadyside and later homestead #
@Danjite Policy wonk is the person; policy wank is what they do. #
New video! Introducing Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3 – Oracle Solaris Video #
New video! Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2 Release – Oracle Solaris Video #
NEW! Oracle Solaris ZFS Log Devices – Oracle Solaris Video #
realized the headache and fatigue probably had to do with not eating anything much since yesterday #
NEW! Oracle Solaris Triple Parity RAID-Z – Oracle Solaris Video #
NEW Oracle Solaris ZFS Pool Recovery – Oracle Solaris Video #
Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2 is now available for download #
Developing Enterprise Applications with Oracle Solaris Studio Whitepaper #
@italylogue ‘fraid not. I haven’t yet gone to any lengths to find good Italian eatables outside of Italy. Someday may be driven to it. #
NEW Oracle Solaris ZFS System Duty Cycle Scheduling Class – Oracle Solaris Video #
Being up at all hours to upload video probably also contributing to my current feeling of I want to sleep for a week. #
NEW Oracle Solaris ZFS Pool Split – Oracle Solaris Video #
My case, I rest it. #
whole slew o’ new Solaris white papers: Technical Articles – Solaris Developer Center #
RT @CMastication: I want your ugly, I want your disease; I want your everything as long as it’s free Lady Gaga, Open Source early adopters #
@Roam2Rome for years had probs even w US credit card because of foreign billing address. You have to somehow maintain a presence. #
@Roam2Rome can u get Italian paypal? I think that’s how I did it yrs ago. #
RT @ElReg: Oracle and NetApp dismiss ZFS lawsuits: Let’s all hug NetApp and Oracle have agreed to dismiss… #
Americans are very good at selling things, lousy at supporting services. Now it’s UPS’ turn to prove that they don’t know how to do it. #
@alecmuffett I believe he has a kennel full, ready to be unleashed like Rottweilers at the slightest provocation. #
Dear UPS: You screwed up, you do NOT get to cite procedures and tell me what you can and can’t do to fix it. I PAID you to pick this up. #
@EvanAtUPS @pfuetz Thanks, I think we’ve got it resolved. Just wish I hadn’t had to spend so much time on the phone over it. #
A Complete Oracle Solaris Platform Update to open the new Oracle Solaris Blog (Oracle Solaris) #
@WinnieWongSF I have successfully picked up Agent HotPants before, but it wasn’t you. 😉 #
@WinnieWongSF I have been privileged to play Go Games twice so far, would love to join in from the other side sometime – looks like fun! #
RT @ProfOrganizer: What happens when you cross Google Instant with Tom Lehrer?  – OMG Best use of Tom Lehrer EVER #
Looking for things to do in SF this weekend… #
New paper: Oracle Solaris: In a Class by Itself – features that separate Oracle Solaris from other enterprise UNIX OSs #
NOT looking forrward to more medical torture this afternoon. #
It is a sad but inescapable truth in life that you can only help those who want to be helped, and who want to help themselves to begin with. #
Getting my nose numbed up again but only on one side. So it’ll only hurt half as much, right? #
Nose itches. Hope I don’t sneeze out this metal crochet needle the dr has stuck up my nostril #
Yes, this is what he stuck into my sinus.  #

trying to think of creative recipes involving a LOT of broccoli #
I do not own a television and have no way to watch the networks. Don’t miss it at all. #
one of my most popular posts/videos ever: India Vlog: Mehndi #
Beginning to hope that all the torture is doing what it’s meant to and I may finally, after YEARS, get these nasty buggers out of my sinuses #
I bought this on my March India trip, read avidly, highly recommend: The Toss of a Lemon by Padma Viswanathan #
More appropriate commemoration might be to do what we all normally do on Saturdays, thereby proving that terrorism has not cowed us one bit. #
If you’re going to have a car hand-detailed, it bloody well ought to be a Rolls (or is that a Bentley?).  #

@NomdeB Sample? Cool. I’m afraid to buy a Kindle. My book spending would quickly spiral out of control. #
Damn, so much to do this weekend, but have got to get AWAY from the keyboard. #
This one’s for my Brazilian friends, and other friends I made in Brazil.  #

I’m being a tourist today. #

would you mind walking around? It’s for the (Chilean) miners.  #


Since you can’t be here today, I bring the day to you. #


O. M. G. (below) #

Boney M Tickets

Calorie overload, can’t get more than halfway through this beer. Nap time… #

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