Gardening in Sydney

Featuring my Mastodon posts about my garden, in reverse chron order. You can follow me on Mastodon.

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(I later realized that I could replant these tiny carrots and let them continue growing, we’ll know in a few months how that works out.)

I like to have papaya in my morning smoothies (and occasionally eat it plain with a squeeze of lime). It’s a tropical plant, so we’ll see whether it survives what passes for winter in increasingly warm Sydney.

Perhaps my permaculture-inspired planting of flowers to attract pollinators helped.

Some of these have popped up in places I don’t recall planting them. I don’t know whether they have somehow self-seeded from other parts of the garden, or have ended up here because I gave up on starting them indoors, then reused the soil to raise other seedlings which then got transplanted into the garden, along with residual sunflowers seeds which, many months later, grew.

Spoiler alert: No we didn’t.

It did not survive in the pot.

I don’t actually like peas, but Brendan and Mitchell do.

The flame pea was immediately eaten by slugs. I moved it back into a pot and indoors, it’s still recovering.

I ended up not liking the full grown cerinthe plant all that much, but it has reseeded itself so there will be more.

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