
No, I don’t really feel brave in any of this. I’m just doing what follows naturally from these facts: There are people (including myself) who would like me to stay alive for a while yet. The cancer I have is fairly common and not as lethal as some, and it was caught early. Breast cancer research… Continue reading Brave?

Chemo, Round 1

Disclaimer: This is purely my experience as it is happening. There are many different cancers and many different treatments, and, even for two people with the same cancer and the same drug regimen, reactions can be very different. So, what I’m going through might have very little resemblance to what you would or will or are.… Continue reading Chemo, Round 1

How I Knew I Had Cancer

One common reaction to saying “I have cancer” is that people want to know, though they don’t quite like to ask, how I realized I had it. Here’s how it went: April 2014: Had my yearly mammogram (“difficult breasts” mean I’ve been having mammograms, and often follow-up ultrasounds, at least yearly since age 35). All… Continue reading How I Knew I Had Cancer

Talking About Cancer

I have very mixed feelings about discussing my breast cancer in public, but I’m going to. For a number of reasons. I’ve had the initial “By the way, I have cancer” moment with a number of people already. It’s a sure-fire conversation stopper. <wry smile> Sorry, I don’t mean it to be, but in some… Continue reading Talking About Cancer