Category Archives: Italian language

Learn Italian in Signs: E’ Stato Bello

^ above: This restaurant in Lecco was named Malpensata: “badly thought of” or “badly thought out.” Apparently either or both was the case – it’s for sale.

Mutuo BHW

^ “BHW mortage, the German mortgage that protects your house. BHW: The German bank specialized in home mortgages at fixed interest rates.”

Pastore tedesco = German shepherd

Interesting that Germanness is assumed to equate with reliability.


The newsstand has definitively closed.

We thank everyone.

It’s been beautiful.

Learn Italian in Signs: Horses and Dogs

^ Milan billboard advertising a van: “Milanese Proverb. The master commands, the horse [he] trots.”

^ This sign on a train has been altered from “service rooms” to “torture rooms”.

07 02 04 013

^ I don’t remember where I took this picture, but it says “Dogs have the right to make dirty [poop], masters have the duty to clean up.”

070422 144
^ This touching graffito says: “Little one, I miss you!!! Thanks for everything.”

Learn Italian in Signs

above: Piazza Gambara, Milano – Vorrei svegliarti ogni mattina con un bacio – “I’d like to wake you every morning with a kiss.”

This sign mysteriously appeared on a bus stop in Lecco. I haven’t seen any others like it, and have no idea who’s responsible, whether it’s one it a series…?

It says: “When you take 5 minutes to do what others do in 5 days YOU GET BORED – I QUIT”

We spotted this poster in a small-town bar, for a series of festivities hosted by a local parish. I was particularly struck by the activities for May 1st: In large type, a donkey race, followed in the evening by “dinner with donkey stew, polenta, ribs, and sausage.”

Eating donkey (and horse) is not unheard-of, but, in the context, seems a bit rude…

Stefano Tonti, supplier of one of the funniest newspaper headlnes I’ve yet seen, strikes again, this time with a graffito which is also a grammar lesson. It originally said “Marty I love you” (ti amo), but was overwritten to the past tense: ti amavo – “I loved you.”

Everyday Italian: Signs of the Times

^ above: Occasione means “For sale, great deal!” (And no wonder…)

^ June 14, 2006 – This new shop in Lecco is “opening soon” (prossima = soon or next, apertura = opening [noun]). But maybe it’ll close soon after?

^ English education in Italy clearly never includes proper use of the apostrophe (a common mistake among native speakers as well, I know!). I simply cannot think of a correct English usage that would be spelled Pant’s. Except in India where the name Pant (pronounced Punt) is fairly common, so you could be referring to something belonging to Mr. or Ms. Pant.

servizi demografici

^ We were walking past a church where a funeral was being held, the hearse parked outside waiting to go to the cemetery, when this official car from the City of Lecco pulled up. The office of servizi demografici (population services) keeps track of the local population. Had they come to make sure the person was actually dead?

^ A chi non farebbe gola? – “Who wouldn’t get hungry for this?”

  • fare gola = to give an appetite.
  • gola = throat
  • goloso = appetitious
  • golosita’ = greed for food.

You could say Sono golosa/o di... or Sono ghiotto/a di to say that you love a particulare kind of food, e.g. cioccolato.

^ Scontata means discounted, but is also used for “taken for granted.” So this advertisement is a play on words: “Happiness is discounted/taken for granted.”

These were part of a series of punny posters advertising flooring materials.

Ne combiniamo di tutti i colori literally means “We put [things] together in all colors,” and can be roughly translated as “We get up to all sorts of mischief.”

In this case, of course, the pun is on the combination of (racial) colors in the picture, and that they seem to be getting up to some sort of hanky-panky (Italy doesn’t know about cheerleaders.)

Supportiamo tutto – “We support/put up with/bear anything”, referring to load weights. I can’t help thinking that in the US they would have to show much fatter people to make their point…

Learn Italian in Song: L’Emozione non ha Voce

Emotion has No Voice

Adriano Celentano. The video above comes from Rockpolitik, a variety show hosted by Celentano in 2006.

Io non so parlar d’amore

l’emozione non ha voce

E mi manca un po il respiro

se ci sei c’e troppa luce

La mia anima si spande

come musica d’estate

poi la voglia sai mi prende

e mi accende con i baci tuoi

Io con te saro sincero

restero quel che sono

disonesto mai lo giuro

ma se tradisci non perdono

Ti saro per sempre amico

pur geloso come sai

io lo so mi contraddico

ma preziosa sei tu per me

Tra le mie braccia dormirai


ed e importante questo sai

per sentirci pienamente noi

Un’altra vita mi darai

che io non conosco

la mia compagna tu sarai

fino a quando so che lo vorrai

Due caratteri diversi

prendon fuoco facilmente

ma divisi siamo persi

ci sentiamo quasi niente

Siamo due legati dentro

da un amore che ci da

la profonda convinzione

che nessuno ci dividera

Tra le mie braccia dormirai

serena mente

ed e importante questo sai

per sentirci pienamente noi

Un’altra vita mi darai

che io non conosco

la mia compagna tu sarai

fino a quando lo vorrai

poi vivremo come sai

solo di sincerita

di amore e di fiducia

poi sara quel che sara

I don’t know how to speak of love

Emotion has no voice

And I’m a bit short of breath

If you’re here there’s too much light.

My soul expands

like music in summer

then desire takes me you know

and lights me up with your kisses.

I’ll be honest with you

I’ll remain what I am

dishonest but I swear

if you betray me I won’t forgive

I’ll always be your friend

though jealous as you know

I know that I contradict myself

But you are precious to me.

You’ll sleep in my arms


and this is important you know

for us to feel completely us.

You’ll give me another life

that I don’t know

you’ll be my companion

As long as I know that you want it.

Two different characters

who catch fire easily

but divided we are lost

We feel we are almost nothing

We are two united inside

by a love which gives us

the profound conviction

that no one will divide us.

You’ll sleep in my arms


and this is important you know

for us to feel completely us.

You’ll give me another life

that I don’t know

you’ll be my companion

As long as I know that you want it.

Then we’ll live as you know

only by honesty

by love and by trust

then it will be what it will be.