Learn Italian in Song: Amo Tutte le Signore

I had never heard this song before (nor had Enrico) and I cannot find any references to it anywhere, so I have no idea who to credit for it. We heard it at a local festival, sung by a live band (a trio with lots of electronic and pre-recorded instruments). The song amused me so much that I decided to share (and translate) it.

Thanks to Annarella and QT for help with the lyrics!

Amo Tutte Le Signore

I Love All the [Older/Married] Women

Sono giovane e prestante I’m young and handsome
con un fisico d’atleta with an athlete’s body
di passioni ne ho tante I have many interests
ma non vado in discoteca but I don’t go to the disco
amo liscio* e mi diverto I love ballroom dancing, I have fun
ho la musica nel cuore I have music in my heart
ma ho un difetto, lo confesso: But I have one defect, I confess:
amo tutte le signore I love all the signore**.
ho provato con ragazze I’ve tried with girls
che hanno la mia stessa eta’ of my own age
sono piene di capricci They’re full of caprices
e hanno vizi a volonta’ and they have as many vices as you want
sono stanco di soffrire I’m tired of suffering
dico basta alle torture I say “enough” to the tortures
voglio andare sul sicuro I want to be certain
cerco donne piu’ mature I’m looking for more mature women.
ritornello refrain
Le signore ammaritate The married ladies
sono uniche e speciali are unique and special
hanno il cuore piu’ allenato their hearts are more trained
sanno si’ che cos’e’ l’amore They know what love is
Le signore piu’ piccanti The ladies who are more spicy
hanno il gusto del prohibito have a taste for the forbidden
ed un fascino elegante and an elegant charm
a cui mai rinuncero’ that I’ll never give up.
amo liscio e mi diverto I love ballroom dancing
ho la musica nel cuore I have music in my heart, I have fun
ma ho un difetto, lo confesso: But I have one defect, I confess:
amo tutte le signore I love all the signore**.
Le balere sono piene The dance floors are full
di fantastiche signore of fantastic women
che hanno voglia di restare who want to be
qualche ora tutte sole alone for a few hours
senza figli, senza casa without children, without a house
senza il solito marito without the usual husband
e hanno voglia di tuffarsi and want to throw themselves into
in un ballo esagerato*** an over-the-top dance.
*Liscio – “smooth” – short for ballo liscio – ballroom dancing.

**Signore – ladies, but specifically married ones (since signora means Mrs.)

***Esagerato – literally “exaggerated”, but non esagerare is used in the sense of “Don’t go too far.”

2 thoughts on “Learn Italian in Song: Amo Tutte le Signore”

  1. Hi Deirdré,

    I was trying to trascribe this song and, since I barely speak itlaian, you transcription was very useful. Thanks a lot!

    However, I think I detected a few errors and I’m suggesting some changes:

    – Le signore piu’ piccanti: I think they say “Le signore più intrigante” (the most intriguing ladies)
    – In un ballo escatenato (Privo di freni, incontenibile)

    The other issues are grammatical, but I’m not sure enough about them to make a suggestion.

    Thanks again and I hope that would help.

    Regards from Catalonia

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