The Twitter Diaries: 2009-08-02: TN, CO

  • Offline all wkd at a woodstock school reunion on a lake in tennesee. Fantastic time. We’ve gone in so many directions, yet are so much alike #
  • Arrived Denver after 5 weeks away. I can has sleep now? #
  • Vishal’s new film isn’t quite out yet, but the music’s great (and a friend is in it) Dhan Te Nan Aaja Aaja #
  • reunion weekend was great, but bummed that my new O’Reilly t-shirt got lost (probably blew off the boat). I love that aye-aye critter. #
  • @lbridenne76 would those be my videos? in reply to lbridenne76 #
  • RT @Fassbinder: listening to “Squallor – Usa For Italy (1985)” ♫ ROTFL – translating now! #
  • “welcome home – now leave so we can show the house to a prospective buyer” – argh! #
  • @llcrowe and tomorrow I can look forward to REdoing the expense report from hell because IT was absolutely no help with the corrupted file in reply to llcrowe #
  • @timbray The condescending articles about Twitter seem to be written by people who have hardly used it. That kids don’t Tweet is not news. in reply to timbray #
  • airplane reading this last trip was “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.” Weird, gorey, funny – but it probably helps to be a huge Austen fan. #
  • my neighbors on Wisteria Lane wake me with their chat (and yappy dog) as they pass the house on their early-morning jog. Ah, suburbia… #
  • @LusciousPear re hosting video, maybe Kaltura? they were sponsors, should have an interest in #oscon material in reply to LusciousPear #
  • reduced to doing my expense report in sections – US$ first because that doesn’t involve an exchange rate, which would upset our system #
  • @monkchips and probably a few atheists, too… ; ) in reply to monkchips #
  • @Kaltura it’s @LusciousPear who needs help hosting a 1.3 Gb video of his #OSCON preso – thanks! in reply to Kaltura #
  • finally have time to see which of the 1300 items in each of my emails boxes (work and personal) actually requires action #
  • it’s very hard to make decisions about the future when you are wallowing in regrets about the past #
  • RT @mtuckerb: The SETI Institute is looking for a rare individual to support us as OSS Community Manager and Evangelist #
  • Way to split the country! Italy’s Lega Nord wd require teachers to test in “dialect & traditions” where they teach – #
  • @llcrowe I should have specified that it’s not me doing the wallowing! in reply to llcrowe #
  • @llcrowe only in hot tubs or Calistoga springs mud! in reply to llcrowe #
  • any Italian history scholar care to respond to this comment? » Apologia del Fascismo, in Flagrante #
  • good thing I wasn’t planning on sleeping late. Some noisy construction going on nearby. #suburbia #
  • finishing up the last of the expense report(s) from hell – it’s taken 5 separate reports to get it all through. Now ripping 33 videotapes… #
  • – News in English – League in school dialect row #
  • @italylogue you can file me under “bitching about Italian politics tweeps” #Italy in reply to italylogue #
  • @juliebenz OTOH, Darla was pretty damned dangerous herself. Hers was the first kill of the entire series. in reply to juliebenz #
  • apparently Denver is having Portland’s weather, and vice-versa. #
  • Who’s afraid of Silvio Berlusconi? | open Democracy News Analysis #
  • See comments: – I begin to wonder if poor English teaching in Italy is yet another semi-planned form of oppression #
  • What’s really sad in this article are the comments by Italians – begging to be invaded and liberated! #
  • not having a good night here. #
  • How to decide how much to reveal about yourself | Penelope Trunk’s Brazen Careerist – okay, now I understand. Whoa. #
  • “… the Globe and Mail compares Italy to “a military regime,” while the Economist likens it to Colombia. ” #
  • @davewiner I LOVED Hypercard, have several times sought and failed to find a replacement. in reply to davewiner #
  • @Roam2Rome – there is lots to compliment in Italy, but the waste (of human capital and everything else) is appalling. in reply to Roam2Rome #
  • my video kit has just come back from Australia, with the remaining tapes. 4 more hours of Brendan? didn’t know he talked that much #
  • RT @DeirdreS: New blog post: Who’s a Guy? @jonobacon – you’ll enjoy the irony here #
  • @jonobacon it usually does… in reply to jonobacon #
  • trying to figure out what to do for vacation with Enrico, exploring the USA. Suggestions welcome, starting from CO, no planes! #
  • @markingegno I’m married to a nice, smart Italian mathematician! in reply to markingegno #
  • @thepartycow re “How are you?” , it’s funny how people freak out if you give anything other than the expected “Oh, fine” answer. in reply to thepartycow #
  • @plasticbagUK I first ran across you years ago when I found your UI design for collaborative TV watching. Guess I follow you out of habit. in reply to plasticbagUK #
  • Microsoft @saraford and Sun @bubbva Guitar Heroes at OSCON 2009 Exhibit Hall. #
  • This is why Sun gives away so many t-shirts #
  • RT @chrisfaron: Watching: YouTube – #Twitter Cops lol.. ( ) – HUGE LOL, thanks! #
  • @ben I realized upon looking at the schedule that there’s 1.25 hours of DTrace alone – I wasn’t there that day, had gone to CA for OSCON in reply to ben #
  • @adambusch you men do have curious ways of bonding in reply to adambusch #
  • going to film FROSUG tonight – students presenting on how to do an installer during a 6 week internship #
  • @Slowfinger quando Ferrara sara’ in grado di diventare incinto (oppore renderlo qualcuno), la sua opinione in merito mi potrebbe interessare in reply to Slowfinger #
  • want to do something very, very cool this weekend? Project Bandaloop: Workshop Aug. 1-5th #
  • okay, not streaming FROSUG because UStream crashes both Firefox and Safari. WTF? #
  • I enjoy hearing from people who are clearly reading my (Sun) blog and asking for help with video. #
  • OTOH, ?s from my personal site like “How much money do I need for a week in Italy?” are getting old. #
  • @italylogue weird sort of spam. Are you sure it’s not just one confused individual trying to get help? in reply to italylogue #
  • one highlight of this weekend’s Woodstock School reunion: t-shirts saying “Om Schooled” #
  • @saraford unattractive? Something wrong with their eyes? Or is it the scary fact that you could kick their butts? ; ) in reply to saraford #
  • @llcrowe I was the source. We tried it on a different Mac and it still crashed. in reply to llcrowe #
  • @italylogue Weird way to fill a site, but whatever… in reply to italylogue #
  • @llcrowe Clay has seen this with changes to Flash – UStream may not test on Macs as quickly as on Windows (it worked on a Lenovo) in reply to llcrowe #
  • RT @jeffhuber: Happy SysAdminDay. “Thank you for all that you do to keep Corp America and the Internets flowing.” Amen to that! #
  • @debworks how are they handling the “didn’t want to go to church” part? in reply to debworks #
  • finally upgraded my iPhone, in hopes of curing a “calls don’t ring” problem #
  • @BeckyKnightly you are spamming up the wrong tree – I’m a married atheist, and heaven forbid Christians should date each other! ; ) in reply to BeckyKnightly #
  • @debworks I don’t think this is going to make him like church any better in reply to debworks #
  • @Shamu gee, I wish I was a celebrity so I could meet the stars at SeaWorld in reply to Shamu #
  • taking it easy this morning – coffee in bed, finishing a blog post, snarking on Twitter #
  • @jeffreytaylor “doom porn” – love it! Exactly captures what I’ve been feeling about media coverage of “the current crisis” in reply to jeffreytaylor #
  • Countries Beginning with I » Woodstockers Afloat: Class of ‘79 Reunion #
  • oh, it’s lunchtime. That would explain why I’m ravenous. #
  • editing video of a beatnik engineer… puppet #
  • @ajkeen why shouldn’t a girl want to be a geek? in reply to ajkeen #
  • @Slowfinger credo di essere su FF, ma non ho ancora capito come utilizzarlo in reply to Slowfinger #
  • I go thru cycles of repeating meals I like. Right now it’s Indian-style omelets (with onions and cilantro), served Indian style on a bun. #
  • @nonstick dead easy, too. Fry onions til soft (brown if you prefer) in a little butter, add beaten eggs + a little milk, add fresh cilantro in reply to nonstick #
  • @nonstick finely chopped hot green pepper if you like as well. Make the omlette thin; when cooked, fold into quarters and put on toasted bun in reply to nonstick #
  • @nonstick nb – good with ketchup. in reply to nonstick #
  • @Smokeeater37 the Indians I’ve seen eating them are usually sitting on chairs in a tea shop. Best served with sweet, milky tea. in reply to Smokeeater37 #
  • pool party today with people who torture fruit flies for a living (CU bio lab). Want to make a summer pasta, can’t find little mozzarella #
  • Sexist bosses in Italy could face jail: – prob w/maternity policy is cos. then don’t hire fertile married women #
  • RU-486 made legal in Italy – but will it really be possible to get it? based on previous experience… #
  • RT @ringae: Not your father’s javascript: – funny! #
  • I really shouldn’t start the weekend reading news about Italy. That just raises my blood pressure. #
  • planning some actual vacation, starting soon – yay! I adore my job, but admit to being a little burned out right at the moment. #
  • RT @Britopian: Companies want applicants with social-media skills – Atlanta Journal Constitution <raising hand> #
  • did find the mozz – why is cheese in 4 different parts of my local supermarket? grape tomatoes marinated in olive oil, salt & pepper #
  • tomatoes added to fresh-cooked fusilli, will put fresh basil and mozz in closer to eating time. Also bringing fresh peaches in Merlot #
  • reminiscences about last weekend’s reunion include: “I always tell people that when I think of home I think of Mussorie.” True for so many. #
  • @dave_enz LOL! Didn’t mean to catch you out that way. in reply to dave_enz #
  • the peaches in Merlot were a big hit with the 6-year-old. I DID warn his parents. #
  • the kid’s name is Logan, apparently popular these days. His parents had not figured out the Wolverine/Hugh Jackman reason for this. #
  • @reiger up to @macsun Mark, I believe. Out of my hands, I’m afraid. in reply to reiger #
  • tsk, tsk – these Aussies are so disrespectful #
  • cool things Woodstockers are doing: Necessary Angels — National Geographic Magazine (Shobha Arole) #
  • Cool things Woodstockers are doing: Joe Pilaar – Bhutan Adventure Guide – National Geographic Adventure Magazine #
  • cool things Woodstockers are doing: YouTube – project bandaloop #
  • cool things Woodstockers are doing: Chris Anderson shares his vision for TED | Video on #
  • @bklein34 I always want to go /back/ to India. <wistfully> in reply to bklein34 #
  • the relaxing Italian vacation starts with a 30 km traffic jam on a beach-going highway – what’s Italian for “lemming”? #
  • a man living apart from his wife is pitied and invited to dinners. a woman living apart from her husband eats a lot of meals alone. #

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