Learn Italian in Song: E Penso a Te

And I Think of You

Lucio Battisti again. Ran across this on my iPod yesterday and realized I needed to translate it.

Io lavoro e penso a te
torno a casa e penso a te
le telefono
e intanto penso a teCome stai e penso a te
dove andiamo e penso a te
le sorrido abbasso gli occhi
e penso a te

Non so con chi adesso sei
non so che cosa fai
ma so di certo
a cosa stai pensando

E’ troppo grande la citta’
per due che come noi
non sperano
pero’ si stan cercando… cercando…

Scusa e’ tardi e penso a te
ti accompagno e penso a te
non son stato divertente e penso a te

Sono al buio e penso a te
chiudo gli occhi e penso a te
io non dormo e penso a te…….

I work, and think of you
Return home, and think of you
I call her,
and meanwhile think of you “How are you?” – and I think of you
“Where are we going?” – and I think of you
I smile at her, lower my eyes,
and think of you

I don’t know who you’re with now
I don’t know what you’re doing
But I know for certain
what you’re thinking of

The city is too large
for two like us
who don’t hope,
but are searching for each other… searching

“Sorry, it’ s late” – and I think of you
“I’ll take you home” – and I think of you
“I haven’t been fun” – and I think of you

I’m in the dark and I think of you
I close my eyes and think of you
I don’t sleep, and think of you

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