The Twitter Diaries: 2009-08-23: CO


^ Congressman Jared Polis at the Sun campus in Broomfield, CO

  • “The actor is in the U.S. to promote, “My Name is Khan,” about racial profiling of Muslims after Sept. 11…” #
  • just published my email newsletter. Ironically, my family are the last (if ever) to read anything I write. You’re never famous at home. #
  • @KathySierra trying to imagine a bunch of stoned and mellow Icelandic horses… video? in reply to KathySierra #
  • RT @zephoria nails it: Twitter: “pointless babble” or peripheral awareness + social grooming? #
  • next road trip, I need a loudly atheist t-shirt to wear. As a counterbalance to all the Bible quotes I’ve seen on people’s chests. #
  • health care debate: my personal experience with Italy’s national health system: #
  • more on health care » Americans’ Phobia of Socialized Medicine “# #
  • @missbhavens the saturday we had orig scheduled we couldn’t have becuz the venue was booked (park). We changed to Sunday. Saturday poured in reply to missbhavens #
  • @missbhavens …Sunday was gorgeous. Trust in your good karma. in reply to missbhavens #
  • That’s it, i’m done. I have seen enough rocks for one vacation. #
  • @pizzocalabro just drove thru, no parking left. Saw lots of rocks in reply to pizzocalabro #
  • Wish we could make it home tonight. So tired it hurts. #
  • @fakejonathan why? in reply to fakejonathan #
  • ROTFLMAO – – this was my daughter’s foster dad at Woodstock last year! I’m serious. I must be a terrible mother. #
  • this motel room is laid out so weirdly I think I just broke my toe on the TV stand while exiting the bathroom #
  • oh, cool – Sun Broomfield is having a visit from Congressman @jaredpolis tomorrow – and I’ll be back in the office just in time #
  • @robbogio that wasn’t the trailer, just a character study. Here’s the full trailer: #
  • a broken night of weird, intense dreams. Definitely need to get home to my own bed. ♫ Tonight, tonight, I’ll see my bed tonight… ♫ #
  • added photos to last week’s Twitter Diaries: 2009-08-16 #
  • @JoyceSolano take advantage of the fact to drop all your meetings! in reply to JoyceSolano #
  • RT @davidorban: Among OECD countries, doing business in Italy is worst but two, at n25: #
  • @ethang it seems clear that these sports orgs are acting out of fear and ignorance. Has anyone explained soc media to them? in reply to ethang #
  • Crap. Came home to a dead modem #
  • @robbogio cool music! The director is also the composer in reply to robbogio #
  • @lbridenne76 no idea. Now using roomie’s (slower) wifi, wondering if I can try flashing the firmware on this 2Wire from QWest. in reply to lbridenne76 #
  • @ceri wearing both at once? in reply to ceri #
  • thankfully, able to borrow roomie’s wifi so I don’t have to hassle with a new modem right away. Wondering if there’s a way to resurrect #
  • whoa, big storm moving in. Better unplug everything I don’t want to fry like the modem did #
  • RT @anildash: Confused re: Shah Rukh Khan? Imagine detaining Conan for having the last name O’Brien. On St. Patrick’s Day. & 20x as famous. #
  • @jaredpolis and we’re looking forward to seeing you at Sun tomorrow! in reply to jaredpolis #
  • back in the office, where it’s nice to feel valued and welcomed. (And even somewhat relaxed, post-vacation.) #
  • @jaredpolis speaking at Sun CO. Healthcare first #
  • Seems to me the whole insurance system is fundamentally flawed because the actuarial pool is always the deciding factor on costs #
  • Why not just make the pool the entire population and figure out costs from there? #
  • Current proposed reforms won’t cover illegal immigrants. Any large group of uncared for people in the pop is a health risk to all #
  • Oh dear. First questioner read a printed piece about the wisdom of god’s laws as opposed to man’s. #
  • @msgilligan you don’t get monoculture in the UK or Italy. There are always options fir those who can pay. in reply to msgilligan #
  • …but it’s just plain WRONG for many to have NO options. I don’t need god to tell me that’s a moral evil. #
  • What a liberal crowd we are. ; ) I’ll have to go to CO Springs to pick a fight #
  • ? Re not enough primary physicians to bring on 40 mn new patients. Uh, is that a good reason to leave those people out? #
  • And as @jaredpolis says, most people do get treatment, just more expensively via emergency rooms #
  • Yes, get people into prevention! #
  • ? re don’t ask, don’t tell – the ball is in whose court? A: military is a unique culture… #
  • Demographic issue: avg age of Congress is 59 #
  • ? re what in the bill will protect consumer from medical bankruptcy? #
  • A: insurance policies will have a max out of pocket of $10k #
  • @msgilligan it’s up to you to get your
    folks elected. I worked for this govt and against the previous one in reply to msgilligan #
  • Science based policies – how radical is that? ; ) #
  • Banning discrimination based on pre-existing conditions is critical. My dad in his current shape can’t risk a visit to his birthplace #
  • @msgilligan would she have options in the US now? in reply to msgilligan #
  • What are these options everyone’s so hot on anyway? To choose a doctor? I has managed care and no choice at Yale, they were all good #
  • “I’d feel better about this health care proposal if Congress had some skin in the game.” so should we all #
  • @msgilligan yeah two party doesn’t work ideally, bur I’ve seen multiparty work really badly in Italy in reply to msgilligan #
  • @jaredpolis will intro an amendment to put Congress on its own public plan. This should be interesting. #
  • @deirdresm so can you change? This system is still a mystery to me, been away too long. in reply to deirdresm #
  • @deirdresm definitely, no system is perfect. I just think this one could be a lot more just and equitable. in reply to deirdresm #
  • in case you didn’t know, attended @jaredpolis townhall on Sun CO campus. I’d never live-tweeted a live political event before – fun! #
  • appreciated the intelligence of my colleagues’ questions. Not that I’d expected any less of Sun folks. #
  • feeling surprisingly fresh and on top of things for still being short on sleep. #
  • …or maybe I’m learning to make do with less sleep. #
  • @msgilligan ditto for my tweeps, most definitely! I am always happy for intelligent dialog, and you have provided. in reply to msgilligan #
  • @pizzocalabro FWIW, I’m related to some Mormons. And I took a Book of Mormon from a motel this week… I assume they’d want me to take it! in reply to pizzocalabro #
  • my toe does seem to be broken, but it appears I can at least wear my workout sneakers. Which is good – need to stretch my legs. #
  • @ceri LOL. I really needed to know that, right? ; ) in reply to ceri #
  • first day back at the office after vac ended well (with beer). Only a few zilliion problems left in the pipeline… #
  • …projects, I mean! #
  • Stunned. Just got a note on FB from a recent Woodstock School grad thanking me for influencing her (via my site) to go there… #
  • @bklein34 one of many things I enjoy about the south: people are genuinely friendly in reply to bklein34 #
  • @lbridenne76 hadn’t heard that about Qwest. I use them for DSL, tho in reply to lbridenne76 #
  • @tgardner “fast, cheap, or perfect – pick two” applies to airlines, too social media for an airline would be an interesting challenge in reply to tgardner #
  • …but frustrating if there was no willingness/ability to address underlying problems. You have to have a good, true story to tell. #
  • @monkchips yes, furbelow is a word, but doesn’t mean what you may think it does. ; ) in reply to monkchips #
  • @zalez “geek” is more positive than “nerd”. e.g., Girl Geeks in reply to zalez #
  • @saraford you go, girl! Have a fantastic time in Aus – I sure did! in reply to saraford #
  • @jonobacon do you want the real answer or the socially-conventional one? ; ) in reply to jonobacon #
  • garage sale: clearing the corporate closets of vintage Sun schwag. It’s not junk, it’s collectable! #
  • RT @jonobacon: The Art of Community now available: #artofcommunity -haven’t read it yet myself, but suspect it’s great! #
  • added photo gallery to » Devil’s Garden, Escalante #
  • @dudulima sorry, we’ve already been cleaned out of everything except 3XL shirts! #
  • I still want to travel, I just don’t feel like dealing with travel arrangements right now. I really loved having a smart, reliable agent #
  • Sun technology as explained to a beatnik programmer… puppet: #
  • the weather is already changing and I barely got a summer in. Next time I’m going to the southern hemisphere during the nothern winter #
  • @hemantmehta <wince> in reply to hemantmehta #
  • preparing for this morning’s OGB meeting. #
  • @KeithBurtis hmm. Gets me to wondering: would I want to spend a phase of my llife analyzing what others do, or am I too fond of hands-on? #
  • damn. Won’t see my Auckland-based classmate in CA; that’s the same weekend I’ll be at Grace Hopper in Tucson – with another classmate. #
  • fun with media: we’re experimenting with putting the OpenSolaris repo on iPods. #
  • @bubbva TWO? that’s sheer torture #fb in reply to bubbva #
  • what the hell? Fighter jet from Broomfield airport? Does the Sun campus need defending? #
  • …or was that Larry plus escort on a flying visit? #
  • Jim says they’re F-16s, therefore not Larry. #
  • @macsun thanks! I want to see that! in reply to macsun #
  • I guess I need to use a real photo of me instead of the cartoon, at least in some situations. So hard to find one I like. #
  • …and Facebook says “photos unavailable”. Gah! #
  • Chicago trip booked Sept 10-12 for SAGE board meeting, old friends, good cause – fun! #
  • RT @timbray: US DOJ OKs Snorkel: …and we’re off! er, right? #
  • listening to songs beginning with B today: Beedi – Bewitched… – and of course #
  • I’m going to be seeing a lot of planes from the office today. Okay, okay, I’ll get the damned videocamera out already. #
  • @bklein34 so sorry to hear it – it’s always scary when it’s your child, no matter how much worse it could have been. in reply to bklein34 #
  • @dfugate depends. Does he have enough brain cells to understand irony? in reply to dfugate #
  • random thought on looking at Facebook: does anyone set mutiple relationship statuses? is it even possible? if not, is that anti-polyamorous? #
  • okay, yes, it’s Friday and I’m a little punchy. #
  • tonight my kid arrives, with her boyfriend. Dunno: am I supposed to act like a mother-in-law? #
  • so much to do, so little desire to do it on a lovely Friday afternoon. The boss’ single malt collection is calling… #
  • biplane doing aerobatic stunts over our Broomfield campus – whee! #
  • @llcrowe trying, but my office is badly positioned – there’s a roof in the way in reply to llcrowe #
  • are Biz Stone’s eyes really that blue? RT @jowyang: I know many brands that are ready to pay Twitter … #
  • @g2fano I don’t even have a normal Italian mother-in-law (thankfully!), couldn’t possibly be one in reply to g2fano #
  • @llcrowe if I had a skylight, it would be full of snow part of the year, and owl poop in the spring in reply to llcrowe #
  • @ajkeen the money quote here is: “Some of the most profound loneliness can happen when other people are present” #
  • nice to know that my kid still wants a goodnight hug from Mom, when within range #
  • boss makes killer margaritas. I was hung over by 10 pm #
  • @bklein34 Mom thing, I guess. V lucky with Ross – no health issues so far except a broken arm. But just thinking about it… <shudder> in reply to bklein34 #
  • Returning from rocky mtn natl park. Ross tired with a throat infection, I’m tired in general. Altitude didn’t help. #
  • RT @timbray: Taking care of Alison: #
  • Why Twitter? Because my tweeps make me laugh, make me think, and sometimes make me cry. #
  • Ross sleeps in the backseat with her head in G’s lap. he shields her eyes from the late sun with a comic book. Such tenderness #

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