Videoblogging for Sun: Numbers Update

  • 25 months: how long I’ve been shooting video for Sun
  • well over 200 hours: video in the can (mostly shot by me personally) – and more constantly on the way (the photo above doesn’t show quite all the tapes I’ve got – some were out for editing)
  • 150 hours: video edited, compressed, and published online  (not quite all by me)
  • 100s of “productions” ranging from 2-minute community introductions to a 3 hour last word on ZFS.
  • these videos were shot at about 25 different conferences (some Sun internal), plus on a few other occasions and visits to Sun offices worldwide
  • ~55,000 total views: of these videos as of Sept 18, 2009
  • speeches/presentations/workshops on how to do videoblogging and social media production

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