Learn Italian in Song: Guarda Come Dondolo

Look How I Swing

Another evergeen hit from the early 60’s for Edoardo Vianello. Hasn’t got much in the way of lyrics and the video is lame (he’s dancing and we can’t see his feet!), but it’s catchy.


Guarda come dondolo,   Look how I swing  
guarda come dondolo con il twist,   Look how I swing with the twist  
con le gambe ad angolo,   with my legs at an angle  
con le gambe ad angolo ballo il twist.   with my legs at an angle I dance the twist  
Sarà perché io dondolo,   It must be because I swing  
saranno gli occhi tuoi che brillano,   It must be your eyes that shine  
ma vedo mille mille mille lucciole   but I see a thousand thousand thousand fireflies  
venirmi incontro insieme, insieme a te!   coming towards me together, together with you!  
Le ginocchia scendono,   The knees go down  
le mie gambe tremano,   my legs tremble  
forse sono brividi, brividi d’amor!   Perhaps these are shivers, shivers of love!  

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