Macelleria Falorni: A Long-Standing Tradition in Greve del Chianti

above: prosciutto and salumi, Macelleria Falorni, Greve del Chianti, Tuscany In late July, we took a brief trip through the Chianti area, visiting our friends Rita and Lino. They live near Greve, so we visited that charming town (touristy, but tastefully so) and the famous Macelleria (butcher)Falorni. Falorni make their own insaccati (preserved meats), such… Continue reading Macelleria Falorni: A Long-Standing Tradition in Greve del Chianti

The Family That Eats Together

The other night I attended a party of Americans, with their Italian significant others and families. One American remarked that the kids present were amazingly polite, well-spoken, and self-possessed, compared with American kids of the same ages. He was right, but I hadn’t particularly noticed, because it’s what I’ve grown to expect. I have written… Continue reading The Family That Eats Together