Barcelona: Casa Battlo

Browsing through photos, I realized that Ross had taken many wonderful shots in Barceona, but I only used a handful in my travelogue/video of that trip. So I’ll publish the whole collection, starting with her pictures from Gaudi’s Casa Battlo. You might also like: No related posts.

Hot Water

While in the UK a couple of weekends ago, I bought a hot water bottle at Boots, and packed it into my only luggage (carry-on) to bring back to Italy. The x-ray technician at security was momentarily confused: “Is that a hot water bottle?” “Yes, they’re surprisingly hard to find in Italy,” I replied. A… Continue reading Hot Water

Airport “Security”: Reflections on Our Times

After all the fuss in the UK last week about terrorists toting Gatorade bottles, we faced our return flight to Italy with some trepidation. Not because we were afraid of being blown up, but because the “enhanced security measures” widely reported in the media promised hours in line waiting to be pawed over by TSA… Continue reading Airport “Security”: Reflections on Our Times

To Barcelona

Enrico is spending a month at the University of Barcelona, doing mathematical research with a colleague there. Since Ross had a long Easter break, we decided to accompany him there and see a bit of the city. We left Lecco on Good Friday afternoon and reached Cannes for a late dinner with the family of… Continue reading To Barcelona