Tag Archives: Tulsa OK

The Twitter Diaries: 2009-09-06: CO, Tulsa OK

  • @robinbloor – as a word person, you’ll like this: Hobson-Jobson: a glossary of … – Google Books http://bit.ly/1Ub4K8 #
  • @bubbva now that I think of it, it must be some sort of mark of distinction to have a puppet flirt with you #opensolaris #ogb in reply to bubbva #
  • “One of the differences… is that health care is taken care of for everyone in Italy and is not a personal expense.” http://bit.ly/oyFYF #
  • re-reading some of my own old stuff, I detect early symptoms: It’s a Nice Life, But… Living in Italy Isn’t Everything http://bit.ly/OiLM0 #
  • Between Brad Pitt and a Pitfall: New Orleans 4 Years Later http://bit.ly/14oiVw – maybe this year I’ll manage to visit my birthplace… #
  • Mom! WordPress ate my resume! (well, half of it) #
  • @lskrocki I love shopping with my daughter – she’s much better at it than I am. Must be growing up in Milan. in reply to lskrocki #
  • “final” cleanup: Resumé / Curriculum Vitae: Deirdré Straughan http://bit.ly/V9OUa – suggestions welcome! #
  • @bubbva Glad I get to go to #ghc08 #ghc09 in reply to bubbva #
  • @duncanbrandon thanks! Weird that I got email about changes to my friend’s honors when in fact he hasn’t listed any. in reply to duncanbrandon #
  • “The unemployment and hardship that Italians are likely to face… will be the reality check that counts. ” http://bit.ly/2yMOUC #
  • blog post » “I’m Blogging This for Sun” http://bit.ly/7hH1K #
  • @tgardner thanks! they were fun. Yes, I chose that obnoxious green on purpose. in reply to tgardner #
  • for me, the only solution after 13 years in Milan’s pollution (sinusitus, bronchitis, finally pneumonia) was to leave. #
  • USB video stick project almost ready – how can it take 1.5 hrs to copy <4 GB of data to the USB stick? #
  • Sooner or later, it does have to be about me. #
  • now for my next trick: duplicating 150 4 GB USB sticks with OpenSolaris videos for the OSUGs. Faster than iPods, but still slow. #
  • @lewellyn I’ve got 12. in reply to lewellyn #
  • “the capacity of women across cultures to dissolve relationships that aren’t working has been much underestimated.” http://bit.ly/3nysby #
  • today: eye dr., more USB sticks to duplicate, edit “Jack Adams: The Movie”, then hair. #
  • Penn & Teller take on the Vatican (and its influence in Italy): http://bit.ly/Ct2Pz #
  • @ghc actually, this will be my first. Which reminds me: I have a poster to do! #ghc09 in reply to ghc #
  • okay, so I have a big ego and I think I’m wonderful and fascinating. But I also think that of nearly everyone I meet. Is that arrogance? #
  • @bubbva really looking forward to it. I hear the dancing is great, too. ; ) #ghc09 in reply to bubbva #
  • @bubbva self-consciousness not a big hangup of mine. Where I went to HS, everybody who wanted to dance, danced – no one waited to be asked. in reply to bubbva #
  • oh, great. 60 of the 150 USB sticks are for mysterious reasons not compatible with the duplicator. Will have to load them from my Macs. Argh #
  • photo added » The Twitter Diaries: 2009-08-23 – Congressman @jaredpolis visits Sun http://bit.ly/Ezlfl #
  • really wish I could go to TEDIndia http://bit.ly/H8REu – that would be even better than TED Regular #
  • Argh. I have out of sync video of a puppet. #
  • unusually gray weather for Colorado – not improving my mood #
  • Time to get my hair re-pinked! #
  • RT @hemantmehta: Who wants a new Indian friend? http://bit.ly/3xoqrO #
  • @rohrer I fear people would call me “My Little Pony” in reply to rohrer #
  • Laura Kiss: Freedom of the Press! (in Italy) http://bit.ly/x1YFA #
  • thanks, LA – you’ve got the fire, we get the smoke. #
  • @rohrer not quite the demographic I was going for ; ) in reply to rohrer #
  • feeling exhausted and shaky. I guess it would help if I ate something. #
  • lots of new Sun Video today in português-brasil http://bit.ly/19B0bm – FISL 10 interviews #
  • there are bound to be up days and down days. This is one of the down ones. #
  • photos added to » Il Muro di Sormano: Where Bicycle Racers Hit THE WALL http://bit.ly/iqPTq (there’s also video) #
  • @ceri oh, so that’s why *I* have a headache. ; ) in reply to ceri #
  • copying more USB sticks, on my Windows machine. Cleaning up other loose ends. Watching the lights go out on the Titanic. #
  • added photo gallery to » FemCamp Bologna 2007 http://bit.ly/2sG1wK #
  • dinner w/ friend improved my mood vastly. Now to pack for tomw’s trip (Tulsa) – another friend. Wouldn’t be surviving this w/out friends. #
  • @saraford which begs the question: what did you buy? in reply to saraford #
  • RT @reiger: Having problems finding a NFS best practice guide/book, besides the oreilly 2001 book any thoughts? – gang? help a friend? #
  • RT @missrogue: Community is Dead! Long Live Community! (@u_m) #sxswpicks http://bit.ly/VVckd Vote! (I did. Sounds good.) #
  • @JoyceSolano unless you’re having a pillow fight in reply to JoyceSolano #
  • Europe to Review Oracle’s Takeover of Sun – NYTimes.com http://bit.ly/C95XL – Oh, great. Now what? #
  • one of the best living blues guitarists playing saturday sep 5
    @ strange brew, manchester, nh, 9-12:45 :: peter parcek http://bit.ly/kxDwR #
  • @bklein34 you’ve got your tweeps to keep you company! in reply to bklein34 #
  • Why Daddy Won’t Join Twitter http://bit.ly/v72z6 – LOL! #
  • still figuring out what to do with my new haircut. Today I look like a pink Debbie Harry. #
  • @rohrer I do have cute pictures of Sun bloggers ; ) http://bit.ly/2KhVfV in reply to rohrer #
  • E checking in. Lufthansa are really being German on luggage allowance and weighing carryons. Sheesh. #
  • …I should more correctly say they’re really being airline industry. So tired of this kind of treatment. #
  • @reiger Denver in reply to reiger #
  • to someone who’s lived out of the country for a while, the way Americans wear their religion on their sleeves (and t-shirts) is a bit scary #
  • shoulda known: the tail end of the terminal where the Tulsa flight boards at DIA has no wifi. Moved back towards the center #
  • The lady with the “iPray” tshirt may be on the same flight. Really must have my “Crusading Atheist” tshirt made up. Coversation starter ; ) #
  • @nonstick I always enjoy a good argument. A good one, mind! in reply to nonstick #
  • @423Comm I’ll be back next week, come to think of it in reply to 423Comm #
  • @bklein34 I guess I need to find someone to design it in reply to bklein34 #
  • @saraford on your way to Aus? Have a blast! in reply to saraford #
  • today visiting the Laureate Brain Institute in Tulsa. Another set of smart people solving interesting problems. #
  • another worthy entry in the “I’m Blogging This for Sun” t-shirt cuteness competition: this one’s for the birds http://bit.ly/etf6W #
  • after the week I had, a 3-day weekend is definitely needed. I guess something has been lifted. I’m even sleeping well. #
  • Obama talks to the children http://bit.ly/aWWV5 #
  • just went through a bunch of old emails I never sent, some dating back a year. I’m really good at ignoring my own feelings. Not a plus. #
  • photo of a poster of Berlusconi as “The Untouchable” – can anyone give more details? http://bit.ly/2MULzP #
  • RT @alecmuffett: “oy veh http://www.driveoffintothesunset.com/ — cheesy anti-sun fud” – Community and relationships can help dispel FUD. #
  • looks as if my travel calendar remains full for the remainder of the year. If you want to meet up for a beer, ask to link to me on TripIt. #
  • 3 great things I’ve done for my kid (so far): make her a Woodstocker, buy her a horse, send her to acting camp. #
  • “shows featuring scantily clad women, now seen as a ticket to wealth… dominate the channels operated by Berlusconi.” http://bit.ly/xmhpI #
  • Quite tipsy on Maker’s Mark and watching ‘Om Shanti Om” with an old friend. Helps. #
  • @lskrocki a sterling accomplishment, you must be so proud! in reply to lskrocki #
  • @ben helps with other things. It’s been a hard week. in reply to ben #
  • @saraford so glad you’re there. Have a blast! in reply to saraford #

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