The Twitter Diaries: 2009-05-31


^ why we really went to San Francisco

  • not feeling well at all, and I have to get on another plane. #
  • @nonstick coslept lots. It was easier than getting up every two hours #
  • @timbray at the least, I wd keep it off your lap! #
  • @amandachapel wd take the backlash article more seriously if it wasn’t in such dire need of copy editing #
  • really, really DON’T need to be getting sick this week. #
  • Brazilllllll… da da da da da da da da…. #
  • fun bunch of Sun folks coming to FISL. This is gonna be a blast! #
  • @DonMacAskill I feel sorry for the Clear folks. They must deal with a lot of that. Love my Clear, though! #d7 #clear in reply to DonMacAskill #
  • @timbray I’m seeing that display switching issue with both Air and new MacBook Pro. Often have to restart to clean it up. in reply to timbray #
  • @italylogue wouldn’t mind a good dinner at any of a dozen restaurants in Milan, but OTOH not missing the afa (hot, humid smog) in reply to italylogue #
  • want a preview of C1 OpenSolaris talks? Presos now available on and don’t miss the videos, e.g. #
  • @nonstick <shrug> wasn’t a problem for us. Maybe because our apt in Milan was so tiny we practically did everything together anyway in reply to nonstick #
  • @italylogue any Gattuso? in reply to italylogue #
  • have a feeling I just threw a hotel’s A/V crew into a tizzy. Too many sites to deal with in one week. #
  • a Dublin taxi driver told me of his impoverished youth, getting food from the stew house. Seems he was one of the lucky #
  • taking care of business for 2 or 3 different entities, and haven’t even finished my first coffee! #
  • FT editorial stirs comment in Italy “”He has squads of starlets, not of Blackshirts,'” #
  • I have learned a LOT in the last 10 days about how useful is for marketing. Hope I have time to write about it soonish. #
  • @RealShamu re. coconut crab, where does that live so I can stay the hell away from it? in reply to RealShamu #
  • Getting (most) engineers comfortable in front of a camera… well, there’s an art to it. And I enjoy it. #
  • does the neighborhood ice cream truck know it’s playing “The Union Maid”? #
  • yesterday we soft-launched translated/subtitled video – use the tag cloud in the sidebar of #
  • waking up slowly. the perpetual sinus infection flaring again. air travel doesn’t help, but wdn’t change that if I cd, hope I don’t have to #
  • Jeffco cops need cash – speed traps on Wadsworth and Indiana #
  • @sumaya even just using hand cream a lot can make fingerprints hard to read (learned that from Clear) in reply to sumaya #
  • experiences with UStream in low bandwidth conditions? Wd the audio continue smoothly with bad video, or will the whole stream just give up? #
  • – News in English – Amnesty International slams Italy #
  • don’t know which is more valuable – the article or the video that follows – #
  • @missbhavens damn. you make me hate the probably depressing tour I’m about to take of my fridge. But tomorrow – dinner with Jeffrey & co! in reply to missbhavens #
  • @templedf and don’t forget Janice is working on the USB video sticks #HPC #Solaris #communityone in reply to templedf #
  • great. probably the most intense week of my year coming up, and I feel like crap. #
  • A Prime Minister’s Escapades Finally Raise Eyebrows in Italy – #
  • trying to figure out where to go, where to stay, what to do in Calif wine country next weekend (June5-6)with hubs. Suggestions? #
  • listening to Chris Armes’ rehearsal of “Deploying OpenSolaris in Your Datacentre” #
  • expense report from last trip done, half an hour before departing for next trip #
  • perhaps the main reason for going to community events is (duh!) to meet the community. Some fascinating people have registered for C1. #
  • Ohhhkay… It’s gonna be one of those trips I see #
  • Childrn who are too small to NEED to recline the seat shd not be allowed to. #
  • This kid wd also be a good argument for tranquilizing toddlers in flight #
  • Time gained by flight being early is dribbling away at baggage claim #
  • Hope to get to hotelin time for steaming shower be4 dinner. Lynn taking my bag in the car, bless her! #
  • @deirdrewalsh what? where? I’m a Texas Ex! in reply to deirdrewalsh #
  • @jaredpolis huh. now I’m curious to see what this blue wood looks like. Seeing the trees die is so sad. in reply to jaredpolis #
  • @deirdrewalsh op sorry in San francisco! #
  • @pizzocalabro genre does not matter with great lit #
  • thanks to @jeffreytaylor John and Faith for an excellent dinner and even better company! #
  • @ingenthr you’re in the wrong city! in reply to ingenthr #
  • @pizzocalabro don’t worry, Pratchett is an avowed atheist. in reply to pizzocalabro #
  • @sfoskett are you in SFO? wd love to put a real face to avatar, finally. I’ll be at the OHAC Summit today, OpenSolaris tracks Mon-Tue in reply to sfoskett #
  • @ingenthr coming to the OHAC Summit on Sunday? interesting stuff going on there in reply to ingenthr #
  • got a travel-sized white noise machine, because we both snore these days. That plus ear plugs, maybe we’ll both get some sleep! #
  • @pizzocalabro yes, loved it, though I enjoy Discworld more for pure escapism (though it’s rather more than that, too). in reply to pizzocalabro #
  • “an understandable reaction to the talent, intelligence & height that is John Cleese.” RT@JohnCleese #
  • NB: John Cleese really is tall. My 6’3″ dad stood next to him at Heathrow once and had to look up, for once in his life. #
  • still feel like crap. On the upside, Enrico should arrive soon, and we have tickets to Wicked tonight – 20th anniversary celebration! #
  • @nonstick earplugs or no, I have rarely slept really well since last trimester of pregnancy, 20 years ago. in reply to nonstick #
  • @nonstick thanks. We get to celebrate twice – had a civil wedding in January, party wedding in May. in reply to nonstick #
  • glad I was able to enjoy the renaissance of Disney when Ross was small, but also that we missed out on the “Princesses” phase. #
  • @danilop congratulations! in reply to danilop #
  • @MissExpatria ? Wicked didn’t exist 20 years ago, are you thinking of Into the Woods? We did see that just about exactly 20 years ago in reply to lskrocki #
  • @lskrocki when do you get to San Francisco? My gang wants to meet you in reply to lskrocki #
  • @angadsingh looking forward to seeing you! #javaoneconf #
  • @shawnferry the masked lawnmower man? rides into the suburbs and rescues innocent people from weeds! #
  • About time to take our seats. Excited. I love musical theater! #
  • Wicked was pretty much as good as I had hoped, but the ending was a shock. (I read the book when it first came out, long before the show.) #
  • @shawnferry white noise machine is a small, standalone electronic machine. Prob with recordings is they loop and you hear it. This doesn’t. in reply to shawnferry #
  • @silverguru stop by and see us on the OpenSolaris tracks too! in reply to silverguru #
  • have a feeling I’m going to be amazed by how many Sun people I meet this week that I actually already know. I lose track of my own travels. #
  • @missbhavens I think your garden needs a plaster Michelangelo’s David that you can dress up according to season in reply to missbhavens #
  • @dave_enz argh! no! I had enough of that in Colorado already. #snowing #Wellington I’m getting this hemispheres thing all wrong, apparently in reply to dave_enz #
  • @ajkeen Italians are amazingly non-digital. It’s very possible the photog didn’t have backups. Doh! in reply to ajkeen #
  • spent much of 1st act of Wicked trying not to cough. Discovered that whiskey after cough drops tastes really foul. But it stopped the cough #

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