The Twitter Diaries: 2010-03-12 – CO, SF

ben RT @IgorMinar: Only wimps use milliseconds in perf tests! Nanoseconds FTW! /via @DeirdreS #
NomdeB @DeirdreS Re Silverlight. Am using Chrome mostly these days and it opened up no problem at all. #
webmink @DeirdreS Not a whole lot, sadly. But it pays for my web hosting. #
DeirdreS @lskrocki I’m in LA this week (being trained), should be in CO next week and the week after. Would love to see you. #
DeirdreS contemplating cunning plans. #
DeirdreS for obvious reasons, this song has been running thru my head for days – & this 1971 video features Colm Wilkinson, too! #
DeirdreS It’s just that going home is such a lonely ride – YouTube – Dory Previn The Lady with the Braid #
DeirdreS @bubbva did we ever get the quorum? #
DeirdreS whoa, some of these spam tweets are actually pretty funny, considering that I barely know the people sending them #
DeirdreS Hitler’s nightly build failed (thanks, James!) #
bubbva @DeirdreS not yet. #
DeirdreS Prosecuting Google because they couldn’t go back in time to un-post the video, is crazy even for Italy. #
DeirdreS But it looks so far like the couples who touch more are reporting more satisfaction in the relationship, he said. #
DeirdreS @italylogue looks like a happy one! Buon compleanno a te! #
DeirdreS @thinguy …as long as you get your expense reports in on time and approved. If they’re late, you pay the late fees. #
DeirdreS Countries Beginning with I Learn Italian in Song: Tu Vuo Fa LAmericano #
DeirdreS @rosso wearing purple in general was considered bad luck because of its association with funerals. #
DeirdreS @rosso – a few more – Very Superstitious – Italian Folk Beliefs #
DeirdreS What British smartass decided that this file should be called rules.ok ? #
craigmorgan @DeirdreS (Solaris) Geek humour is a wonderful thing 😉 #
DeirdreS @craigmorgan yup, especially when it’s culture-specific and dated. 😉 #
DeirdreS RT @deirdresm: RT @jay_lake: Funny bcuz true: How to Put on a Sports Bra: [I have nothing to add. Nothing. Hear me?] #
PizzoC This is my future, if I don’t stop this damned stress-eating.McSweeney’s: How To Put On a Sports Bra (via @DeirdreS) #
DeirdreS @shawnferry don’t have an opinion on the virtues of JumpStart as yet, but I can see the sense of humor of whoever wrote it #
DeirdreS Right, I am just going to go have a nervous breakdown right now and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me. (Nor, apparently, wants to.) #
DeirdreS RT @ogb: Dan Roberts answering OpenSolaris questions on right now. #
DeirdreS @timbray Sorry to lose you. Enjoy the break. #
DeirdreS @juliebenz I’ve got way too much stuff to do – want some of mine? #
DeirdreS @nnenna sad, but not surprising. #
DeirdreS @italylogue great book, so are Tim Parks’ other works about Italy. Haven’t read his fiction. #
DeirdreS RT @thinguy: Need Beer. Please Send. – make mine bourbon. #
DeirdreS At least getting rid of a rental car goes quickly. Headi ng back to LAX. #
DeirdreS WTF? TSA agent asking for boarding passes and ID at gate, well after security line. #
DeirdreS Arrived Denver 2nd Friday in a row. Tonight no snow and I don’t have to turn around anx leave again on Sunday. Small mercies. #
DeirdreS Tired enough I cd have slept on flight – except for relentlessly cute kid who kept singing loudly abt the Lakers. Wants to be on TV? #
DeirdreS home safe and sound, trying to unwind enough for much-needed sleep. #
DeirdreS had a complex, weird, and ultimately rather fun dream about Shah Rukh Khan. No idea why, but a lot better than recent nightmares. @iamsrk #
DeirdreS RT @sullof: I am working hard on new Passpack features. Group sharing is coming soon. Stay tuned – good, I need that soon! #
DeirdreS @creepyed network beforehand and attend together; might make the whole thing less intimidating #
creepyed @DeirdreS It’s not that it’s intimidating, more of depressing. The guys here are great, so no problem there 🙂 #
DeirdreS I notice as an ex-expat returned to US: everyone here has a cause. The awareness & fundraising barrage is constant both online and IRL. #
DeirdreS And Americans teach their kids to be salespeople very early – Girl Scout cookies, school fundraisers. What effect does this have on society? #
DeirdreS @creepyed it’s both, but some women do feel intimidated by the ratio even when the guys don’t intend to be. Strength in numbers? #
DeirdreS it isnt abt Internet liability so much as abt power of new media to challenge govts not interested in free speech.  #
DeirdreS looking for a place to live in SF. Can anyone point me to a map of what Craiglist neighborhoods mean? They assume a certain expertise… #
DeirdreS RT @sebsto: Opening up some details of OpenSolaris under Oracle #opensolaris #Oracle – thanks to @ptribble for analysis #
DeirdreS @PizzoC Yanks are any Americans, if you’re British or Anzac, Yankees are anyone north of the Mason-Dixon line if you’re south #
DeirdreS @PizzoC as in overpaid, oversexed, and Over Here ? 😉 #
DeirdreS mixing metaphors: lunch is a quesadilla with scamorza affumicata and cranberry chutney – tricultural! #
DeirdreS this situation calls for a maps/listings mashup that lets me specify max walking distance from Caltrain, as well as prices, BRs, etc. #
DeirdreS Digesting a great meal, listening to university politics #
DeirdreS Heh. xkcd: Devotion to Duty #

DeirdreS I would really like it if the headache I have had most of today would please go away. #
DeirdreS Someone asked for Paolo Conte: It’s wonderful, its wonderful, good luck my baby, its wonderful, I dream of you #
DeirdreS There are many sincere religious whom I sincerely love & respect, but it’s getting harder & harder for me to deal with their beliefs. #
DeirdreS @lskrocki prob w article: The [BRM] office provides consulting & support services for Sun’s products. – Lots of engineering, too. #
DeirdreS The fine line between ensuring that your accomplishments are seen and self-aggrandizement is particularly difficult for women to walk. #
DeirdreS @lskrocki of course my view is biased by the building and floor I sit on. #
DeirdreS @tgardner Giardia is a parasite that will make you wish to never see food again. #
DeirdreS people who identified as liberal & atheist had higher IQs. applied also to sexual exclusivity in men, not in women #
tgardner @DeirdreS so, conservative, christian, promiscuous males are lower on the evolutionary scale. I can completely understand that. #
DeirdreS Friendly Atheist by @hemantsblog Jesus Needs To Stop Being Everywhere #
DeirdreS @juliebenz your appearance will force me to catch up on DH – months behind and not motivated to catch up. My Tivo feels neglected. #
DeirdreS @Annarella vorrei capire di che cosa stai parlando, ma tuo feed e’ privato e non posso #
DeirdreS @KeithBurtis How about been doing it longer than some of the ‘experts’ have been alive ? Not that I’m ageist. 😉 #
DeirdreS @trine sounds like a girl geek in the making – whatever you’re doing, keep doing it! #
DeirdreS Tin Tin lends me amazing books, I highly recommend this one: Mutants: On Genetic Variety and the Human Body #
DeirdreS things to buy when I go to India: Lots and lots of movies. Books. A couple of silver chains. Textiles to decorate new home. Clothing. #
DeirdreS RT @lskrocki: No good can come out of these mixed-message shoes: – wow. Umm. Just wow. #
DeirdreS @KeithBurtis in several jobs, yrs of online customer interaction inc newsletters discussion list #
DeirdreS @KeithBurtis …from the dawn of time, Usenet presence … and recently, social media production #
DeirdreS @KeithBurtis And here’s the distillation of what I learned along the way: #
DeirdreS as I begin packing, I realize: I may need help for my socks addiction. #
DeirdreS @tgardner if so, he’s a better woman than I am. #
DeirdreS I should probably discard an ad from someone looking to rent to Single Person or Cute Couple. #
DeirdreS RT @JustinHaggerty: People who have seen Avenue Q will get a laugh – safer to run it lest some1 think it’s a kids’ show #
DeirdreS had an Indian style bun omlette for lunch, which always makes me think of James Hackney, who taught me the recipe #
DeirdreS someone you don’t want to mess with in a parking lot #

DeirdreS @almightygod so glad I’m not one. #
DeirdreS @NomdeB God is good only to some people, apparently. #
DeirdreS I have a feeling this is going to be more than 1-3 inches of snow accumulation. #
DeirdreS @vdotw still not sticking on the roads/sidewalks where I live, but we haven’t got far to go #
DeirdreS RT @kbeninato: Love the USA team, but the Saints could take on any team in any sport and win. – football players on ice? scary #
DeirdreS @ben I’ll be back in Ikea scew-it-together hell soon. Plan to get a powered screwdriver this time. #
DeirdreS RT @lskrocki: @willbldrco I do! @acworkma has been talking about a CO tweetup lately, too. – hurry up before I move! #
DeirdreS RT @ben: At which point do I update my LinkedIn profile to show I’m looking for other opportunities? – as soon as you are. #
DeirdreS this great big house has a fatal design flaw: TV in the den and TV in the loft are v much within earshot of each other. Duelling volume #
DeirdreS finally starting to catch up on many months’ backlog of Dollhouse on my Tivo. Damn, this was good. #
DeirdreS @ben I keep hearing We’re hiring – checked your local istings? #
DeirdreS working on my website again, here’s one for all you chocolate lovers: Sweetness and Dark on Lake Como #
DeirdreS Nostalgic for Indian food? Start salivating! Indian Cooking Videos #
DeirdreS @vdotw October! It’s been a busy few months… I’m not much of a TV watcher, don’t get motivatd to watch even 1 show most nights. #
DeirdreS @ben Sadly, it ended. #
DeirdreS And here’s some mouth-watering Italian food Birthday Lunch at Lanterna Verde #
DeirdreS Countries Beginning with I Italian Food in Video: RistoExpo, Erba #
DeirdreS @ben funny I was just about to publish a recipe for pasta with red bell peppers aka capsicum #manversusfood #
DeirdreS and of course we can’t leave out the Indian restaurants Rajdhani Thali: Great Food, Great Price #
DeirdreS Friendly Atheist by @hemantsblog Italian Public School Only Accepts Students After Parents Sign Statement of Faith #
DeirdreS dinner: pasta with broccoli, and I threw in some mozzarella for protein. Yum. #
DeirdreS RT @NomdeB: video of my old boarding school, Woodstock (Himalayas, Mussoorie, India) celebrating 150 yrs. Note FOOD! #
DeirdreS @NomdeB okay, if we’re doing nostalgia tonight, here’s me and Ross embarassing each other at the Parents Banquet 2008 #
DeirdreS Aaron and I are back: FISL Interview: Using Video to Communicate About Open Source – Oracle Solaris Video #
DeirdreS RT @dudulima: @DeirdreS FISL: great times… They were indeed. Filming a president was the least of the fun! #
DeirdreS Roch is back: Performance of the Hybrid Storage Pool – Oracle Solaris Video #
DeirdreS trying to keep all the balls in the air. #
DeirdreS would the media stop being so f*ing self-righteous about EVERYTHING? I don’t care whether Obama smokes, I don’t care who anyone sleeps with #
DeirdreS OpenSolaris Alive and Well at Oracle #
DeirdreS @ditucci those shoes would easily stomp a hole in ANY dress code. I’d be careful around them. #
DeirdreS Sensei Ben is back: Becoming a ZFS Ninja – Oracle Solaris Video #
DeirdreS Stupidly aggressive driver uselessly passed me in no passing zone- I was over limit! Of course I caught up with him at light. Idiot. #
DeirdreS @elfquest hmm, we might meet at last… #
DeirdreS RT @ogb: OpenSolaris annual meeting still on! Please join if you’re a core contributor! Still need 18! #
DeirdreS RT @bloatedlesbian: This is wonderful: Rachel wrote this poem for the eulogy she and Rag did when my bf died 4 yrs ago. #
DeirdreS @bklein34 how is it that parents always end up having to help so much with homework? I remember this from my daughter. Didn’t like it. #
DeirdreS RT @hemantmehta: If you’re blue and you don’t know where to go to why don’t you go where fashion sits… (via Reddit) #
DeirdreS Countries Beginning with I Learn Italian in Song: Volare I think a dream like this can never return again: #
DeirdreS While there are clearly devils in the details, it’s clear that Oracle plan to keep pushing OpenSolaris forward #
DeirdreS if youre short on cash but with some kind of marketable skill a Milan bed and breakfast just may be the ticket. #
DeirdreS Roger Ebert You can’t say it wasn’t interesting. My lifetime’s memories are what I have brought home from the trip. #
DeirdreS @NomdeB machine translations are usually good for a laugh, anyway. #
DeirdreS @acworkma hmm. Is it red? #
DeirdreS there’s no way to replace an existing video with a new version on YouTube? That’s annoying. #
DeirdreS been sitting at my desk for 10 minutes and now my wake-up alarm goes off. Yes, I actually had intended to sleep about 2 hours longer. #
DeirdreS new video (of me!) Videoblogging Tips: Getting Optimum Sound from a Consumer Camcorder – Un Posto al Sole #
DeirdreS why does Google maps not show overlays of bus, Muni, BART, and Caltrain maps? I sure could use this in trying to figure out where to live. #
DeirdreS Fritz is bacK: Open Source Grid & Cluster Conference: Welcome and State of the Union- Oracle Solaris Video #
bubbva RT @DeirdreS: While there are clearly devils in the details, it’s clear that Oracle plan to keep pushing OpenSolaris forward http://bi#
DeirdreS Java fans: RT @Radu43: Get your questions ready! – #oracletechnet live on #
DeirdreS Ed is back, in multiple languages: Solaris Cluster 3.2 1/09: Configuration Checker – Oracle Solaris Video #
DeirdreS Lori Alt is back in one of our most popular videos ever: ZFS Boot in S10U6 – Oracle Solaris Video #
DeirdreS I’m v fortunate to have a network of friends who know useful stuff & helpful people. This is why I’m always thinking abt how I too can help #
DeirdreS now messing with a travel agent’s head, planning my return from Hyderabad/Mumbai. Just in time to pack up my car and drive cross-country. #
DeirdreS @vdotw heh. I finally got mine done last night. #
DeirdreS @NomdeB and I have an old friend to do it with, even better! #
DeirdreS 250 to clean/repair my watch and they didn’t clean the water spots from inside the dial crystal? I think NOT. #
DeirdreS 0oh, my. I get to have more fun with my job than is probably allowed. 😉 #
DeirdreS there’s a themostat not working properly somewhere, either in my office or in my body #
DeirdreS RT @creepyed: anyone have any recommendations for financial blogs aimed at a younger aud? I keep finding ones for families! @NomdeB would #
DeirdreS these days I seem to build/maintain critical connections more via Twitter and FB than email – and I’m talking about WORK connections. #
DeirdreS Oh, look, there’s me. Who else is going this year? Community Leadership Summit|17th-18th July, 2010 – Portland #
DeirdreS @italylogue seems like I oughta. 😉 #
DeirdreS am I completely crazy to think I can find an apt in San Francisco in one weekend? #
DeirdreS packing at this stage is a matter of deciding What am I utterly unlikely to wear in the next month? #
DeirdreS a very politically-incorrect song from Italy: Learn Italian in Song: I Watussi #
DeirdreS argh. I’m supposed to be reading about storage, instead I’m listening to Italian oldies: Tu Vuo Fa LAmericano #
DeirdreS Are all these highly technical videos worth doing? Wikipedia thinks so: ZFS – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia #
DeirdreS RT @atashijain: whats up with all these stars visiting @twitter‘s office – even Bollywood glamour girls like geeks! #
DeirdreS @trine I’m supposed to be awake, i had coffee at 7 pm. But I think I’m actually asleep and might as well admit it. #
DeirdreS moving fast… come to SF tomorrow so I can scout neighborhoods this weekend and, not incidentally, do some work in the Bay Area. #
DeirdreS my kid’s back in form. Beautiful pictures of horses, and Sydney’s Mardi Gras (aka gay pride). #
DeirdreS at Boulder Toyota, for whose wifi I am very thankful. No, not a recall, just a routine checkup. #
DeirdreS @jlb13 thanks! No doubt I’ll be back for visits, so hope to run into you sometime. #
DeirdreS @vdotw works for me. Where? #
DeirdreS my car feels happier after the usual tires/oil/filters stuff. So it should be ready for the drive from Colorado to San Francisco in < 1 mo #
DeirdreS carrying 2 large suitcases for a 3-day trip. Overpacking? Nope. Leaving ’em there til I move, all I need for the wkd goes in a backpack. #
DeirdreS singing very loudly in the car just now: Come mai, ma chi sarai per fare questo a me, notti intere ad aspettarti… #
DeirdreS an on an unrelated note: Women are sending a clear message, that to be successful, they need support for housework. #
DeirdreS @nonstick as a matter of fact, that looks like a very logical stopping point. Will be driving with an old college friend. #
DeirdreS @nonstick LOL. Thanks for the clarification. #
DeirdreS @LusciousPear I don’t think they’re quite as cute when full grown. #
DeirdreS Skype voicemail from a dear friend I haven’t talked to in ages – so wonderful to hear his voice. I am so fortunate in my friends. #
DeirdreS RT @davewiner: One Flight Attendants Answer to the Carry-On Crunch. – the guy deserves major props for good service! #
DeirdreS 7 pm coffee not working. Time to kick it into gear with raucous music. #
DeirdreS @giovanni guess I’m not a hipster, then. Missed out on that last big thing, too – what was it? #googlebuzz #
DeirdreS @leapingwoman sorry to miss it this year, but I have other places to be #
DeirdreS @fakejonathan tsk, lazy. I thought/hoped you were at least going to write your own blog. #
DeirdreS apparently I am only allowed 6 hours’ sleep, no matter what time it starts. So in future I may as well stay up late. #
DeirdreS @NomdeB and it’s a good counter to your hermit tendencies. 😉 #
DeirdreS Funny or Die’s Presidential Reunion – Video #
DeirdreS @leapingwoman My exp from my 1 time (last yr) was there are a lot of cool parties w long lines. Don’t bother 2 wait – plenty else going on #
DeirdreS I’m at an airport and for once I didn’t have any trouble remembering my destination #
DeirdreS Free upgrade to stretch seating means I’ll be able to edit video during the flight. You want it. You know you do. 😉 #
DeirdreS @NomdeB good luck and umm… Have fun? #
DeirdreS @wanderingitaly I mostly friend people I already have a rglationship with #
wanderingitaly @DeirdreS Yeah, but sometimes it seems that the idea of friends has been turned into an egotistical Ponzi scheme. #
DeirdreS These little girls clearly do not realize they are dealing with the Tawanda of air travel. Don’t mess. #
DeirdreS @NomdeB well, you’re not doing your bit. 😉 #
DeirdreS @NomdeB seems to be true for a lot of Parsis. Quality over quantity? #
DeirdreS Having a happy hour drink and snack. Learned I prefer Maker’s Mark neat to a manhattan. Yes, it’s early. Been a long week already. #

^ I did, however, see this billboard just a few days later, from Sun’s offices on Howard St.

DeirdreS I suspect the Makers Mark people need some social media consulting. As often ax I’ve mentioned their product, ain’t seen hide nor hair of em #
DeirdreS …and one friend has even told me he recently bought a bottle in my honor #
DeirdreS I’ve got a loaded passport and I’m not afraid to use it! #
DeirdreS @llcrowe better insured and meaner than they can imagine. 😉 #
DeirdreS Waking up slowly only works well with coffee in hand. Which I do not have in this hotel. #
DeirdreS Hangin’ on the Caltrain, waiting to go to Menlo. Sleep still choppy, mood good anyway. I have lots to be happy about. #
DeirdreS @NomdeB Yup. Perhaps my byline should be I laid tracks for the Cluetrain. 😉 #
DeirdreS looking forward (?) to a weekend of apartment hunting in SF #
DeirdreS Leaving the Menlo office to go back to SF, my workday far from over. But I’m not complaining – I’m having fun #
DeirdreS Pasta at Annabelle’s 4th SF passes muster even with the Italian food snob (me). #
DeirdreS It’s a gorgeous day in SF, but I’m having a hard time shaking the blahs. Probably need a nap. And chocolate. #
DeirdreS Hmm, that might have been a lot easier than I had feared. #
DeirdreS I have a sadness shield that keeps out all the sadness. It’s big enough to cover all of us. Where the Wild Things Are #
DeirdreS You were supposed to take care of us. You were supposed to fix everything. You promised. #
DeirdreS This film is about how parents are doomed to failure. We can’t fix everything for our kids, however badly we want to. #
DeirdreS Curled up on a comfy sofa with a kitten who fetches, and has decided I’m part of the family since j spent an hour throwing for him. #
DeirdreS He wanted to be where someone loved him best of all… Ah, don’t we all. #
DeirdreS @creepyed is that big monster bed or have you picked that up yet? I’ll miss it! #
DeirdreS It’s been an emotionally intense day. And my feet still hurt. Apt hunting is over for this wkd, maybe for this year. #
DeirdreS @leapingwoman yup, about April 3rd. See you soon! #
DeirdreS @briansolis FB and Twitter are essential tools for me to be in touch eith colleagues and customers, therefore part of my productivity. #
DeirdreS I require a big breakfast today: eggs Benedict at the Daily Grill. #
DeirdreS My impression is that long-together couples have ~equal BMIs. If true, would one’s losing weight predict a breakup? Or does that come after? #
DeirdreS This will be the first time I’ve ever had a living space entirely to myself. Is that unusual in this time and place? #
DeirdreS It’s Sunday morning, there is nothing much I can or should be doing, tired, footsore. Wish I could bank extra sleep during times like these #
creepyed Haha! I’ve moved @DeirdreS ‘s futon into my guest bedroom, many thanks! Everyone should feel free to come visit me in Colorado! 🙂 #
DeirdreS @creepyed I just rented in a perfect-for-tourists location, with room for guests, so I’ll expect visitors, too! #
DeirdreS @leapingwoman thanks! Glad to be here. #
DeirdreS I’m know there are a million things I should be doing. I’m sitting in an office so I can do some of them. Just wanna sleep. #

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