billblum @DeirdreS Seriously, I’ve wound up using it so often, it’s as if #Dtrace provides all the insight I never knew I always needed. #
nmar @deirdres ottimo, grazie! #
hdibani RT @DeirdreS Seriously, I’ve wound up using it so often, it’s as if #Dtrace provides all the insight I never knew I always needed. #
DeirdreS video itself is evolving from a passive entertainment medium to a powerful, global teaching tool #
DeirdreS Whoever coded this wiki software: if you were here now, you’d be sharing my pain – AND THEN SOME. #
fitzage @DeirdreS Isn’t that true of all wiki software? #
DeirdreS RT @fitzage: @DeirdreS Isn’t that true of all wiki software? – YES. Maybe someday there will be a truly usable wiki. Not holding my breath. #

DeirdreS Guess what we’ve got? Watch for an opportunity to win a rare, pre-print copy of the DTrace book! Â #
openpoesia @DeirdreS already bought it ,thanks indeed for the opportunities #
DeirdreS Anyone at Joyent care to comment on Linux has strace… @brendangregg @bcantrill – Unleash the hounds! #
ben @DeirdreS @brendangregg @bcantrill D comes before S, so Dtrace has got to be better… #
DeirdreS 3/9 SFOSUG @brendangregg DTracing File Systems  – Join us for your chance to win a pre-print copy of the DTrace book! #
DeirdreS @creationix start grabbing some good screenshots – you’re about to want them! #
DeirdreS Running cloud analytics on Start grabbing screenshots – I’ll tell you why shortly. Or can you already guess? 😉 #
pborenstein @DeirdreS Uhm…. You’re redoing your living room wall paper? #
DeirdreS @pborenstein No, the color scheme would be all worng for that. My living room is red and black, mostly. #
creationix @DeirdreS Sadly it’s died down at the moment. The lifespan of data on that page is pretty short. I’ll check it throughout the day. #
creationix @DeirdreS Now what would be really cool is if the page beeped when there was data and the volume was proportional to the log() of traffic. #
befreax RT @DeirdreS Running cloud analytics on Start grabbing screenshots – I’ll tell you why shortly. Or can you already guess? 😉 #
DeirdreS @monaeltahawy I’ve had men tell me how I /should/ be happy. Somehow that usually involved doing what /they/ wanted. <wry smile> #
notmatt @DeirdreS oh man, they went there? #
DeirdreS @notmatt So far they’re not taking the bait. 😉 #
DeirdreS New: screencast of @brendangregg ‘s demo added, so you can get up close and personal with cloud analytics #
DeirdreS statues a metaphor for the condition of Italys archaeological heritage: An immense treasure w no one looking after it  #
DeirdreS International Women’s Day and Mardi Gras are tomorrow. The universe may implode. #
jdcasa RT @DeirdreS: International Women’s Day and Mardi Gras are tomorrow. The universe may implode. #
whygocanada Pasties and protests? 😉 RT @jdcasa: RT @DeirdreS: International Women’s Day and Mardi Gras are tomorrow. The universe may implode. #
niltiac @jdcasa @deirdres @citytravelbug And Pancake Day too. But I guess that’s just Mardi Gras for Anglos. #
DeirdreS @cairobabble @monaeltahawy AND it’s Mardi Gras. I think that explains everything. #
DeirdreS Forbes  Walker would have done well to take yes for an answer when the unions agreed to his financial proposals. #
DeirdreS Strangely appropriate : there’s a bartender in Bombay whose last name is @joyent – I’ll have to have a drink there. #
DeirdreS 4 years ago I began translating Aggiungi un Posto a Tavola An Italian Musical (and haven’t quite finished yet) Â #
DeirdreS @saraford spitting, but don’t ask me why #
hiddentrack @DeirdreS finding other uses of @joyent in the wild reminds me of this ad that I think @mamash found a few years back  #
DeirdreS RT @hiddentrack: reminds me of this ad that @mamash found a few years back – Wow, we really do everything! #
DeirdreS Brendan’s blog DTrace book talk SFOSUG #
DeirdreS @monaeltahawy Since I don’t believe in any entity that listens to prayers, I suppose it’s ok that idiots waste their time praying against u #
DeirdreS Urge to Own That Clapton Guitar Is Contagious – reading this out of interest, find a familiar name (schoolmate Karen) #
DeirdreS @trine Catholcism? #lent #
trine @DeirdreS ha! If i was, i would 🙂 #
DeirdreS @paulmwatson Getting some screenshots for us? There’s a contest in the wind… #
DeirdreS Goodbye, Discovery NASA – NASA TV Â #
paulmwatson @DeirdreS soon as I get more than one user on my node! 🙂 #
DeirdreS @paulmwatson Let us know where and what it is -may be able to help you get traffic #
DeirdreS .@daveweigel Funding one of the best educational TV programs ever, emulated worldwide, in a country where basic ed sucks? TOTALLY WORTH IT. #
DeirdreS get up close & personal with cloud analytics: hi-res screencast of Brendan’s preso at node.js Community Event Mar 1 – Â #

DeirdreS At last! #
billblum RT @deirdres: Tonight’s SFOSUG meeting live on USTREAM from 6 pm PT: – Join for a chance to win a pre-print copy of… #
brendangregg pre-print copies: RT @DeirdreS: At last! #
morphs That is one BIG book.. cannot wait to carry that round to and from work : ) (@DeirdreS) #
DeirdreS @morphs E-versions avaliable from and , I imagine in other formats as well (checking w publisher) #
craigmorgan @DeirdreS hurrah, tell him to stop reading it and starting packing/shipping them 😉 gonna kill the postie tho! #
DeirdreS .@mmcallen Be nice if we could grow past thinknig that it’s an F bomb in this day and age. #transparacyworks #
DeirdreS It’s a thousand pages, give or take a few, I’ll be writing more in a week or two… Â #
DeirdreS starting soon: DTracing File Systems  #
DeirdreS @webmink you could join us for pizza at SFOSUG #
DeirdreS .@NathanWurtzel The WI employees in question contribute the sum total of their own pensions. Where will your retirement come from? #
DeirdreS .@adamsbaldwin You never did answer my ? about your SAG membership. Burned your card in support of Gov Walker? #
NathanWurtzel @DeirdreS Are you ignorant or a liar? Which one? #
DeirdreS .@NathanWurtzel WSJ vs Forbes? #
NathanWurtzel Utterly false: RT @DeirdreS: @NathanWurtzel The WI employees in question contribute the sum total of their own pensions #
NathanWurtzel @DeirdreS I’m not debating facts with you. You’re entitled to your dishonest/uninformed opinion. #
NathanWurtzel @DeirdreS And I don’t care which it is. #
DeirdreS .@NathanWurtzel All that and polite, too. #
DeirdreS .@adamsbaldwin That affects your right to collective bargaining how? Seriously curious> I’ve never had a union – in hi tech we sink or swim #
partiallypro Dead link, delete the RT at the end RT: @NathanWurtzel: Utterly false: @DeirdreS #
DeirdreS @webmink You’re not following me 😉 #
webmink @DeirdreS Isn’t the union the open source community? /cc @adamsbaldwin #
webmink @DeirdreS Oh Yes I Am. #
DeirdreS .@webmink Not a lot of protections there, last time I looked. Would be nice… #
donnalashe @DeirdreS WI unions all over the state where trying to avoid paying for pension & HC, just this past week #
koolinus the Weekly kOoL nouvelle édition Aujourd’hui àla UNE: @deirdres @christiansurchi #
DeirdreS replay of Brendan’s SFOSUG talk on DTracing file systems available on USTREAM: #
DeirdreS RT @montemagno: Salman Khan: Let’s use video to reinvent education  – YES! #
NomdeB > @DeirdreS Agree. Khan Academy is a great example of information that works well as Audio/Visual. #
DeirdreS @bloatedlesbian We have all (Dems and R.pubs) been trained not to question the fundamental tenets of capitalism. #
DeirdreS if you’re at #sxsw, you must experience the awesomeness of Italy’s most geek-friendly comestible. And of @sararosso #
DeirdreS RT @bdha: @jasonh @brendangregg Comprehensive is what those books look like. Waiting! – Yes, even exhaustive. #
DeirdreS I wonder if they’ll migrate – I’ve got one hell of a portfolio there #
trochej @DeirdreS Time to download them, just in case. #
webmink @DeirdreS As if. #
DeirdreS I understand the urge to pray when you can’t do anything else, but… why would a loving, caring god pull this shit in the first place? #
jacques @DeirdreS can’t you host your old blog content on your smartmachine? Let me know if you need some wget love. #
DeirdreS @trochej Yes, if only I could remember whcih ones I already stashed somewhere… #
DeirdreS @tamrmint uncertain. His last tweet was shit several hours ago. Sure hope he and his are ok #
tamrmint @DeirdreS Okay, thank you. Ben said he was more inland, so he should be okay. #
myinnervoice @DeirdreS why? Because otherwise we will forget there is Gd #
miglsd @DeirdreS so you don’t belive in God, but think he is cruel anyway :)? #
shawnferry @DeirdreS I keep seeing noise to that effect but I’m guessing it will be a wreck #
DeirdreS @miglsd For those who do belive in god, I don’t see the point n praying to a manifestly cruel being in hopes of mercy. #
DeirdreS humans are adept at social learning, so a large social network is effective at spreading and accumulating knowledge. Â #
DeirdreS @ibannieto so am I, and many others. No word in 10+ hours #
DeirdreS @Schlomo hugs #
DeirdreS @BrookeJarvis Maybe they’re hoping some left coast liberals will drown 😉 #
DeirdreS @Zee Ohhhkay… #sxsw has just officially jumped the shark [this was about a “Where the Girls Are” app]Â #
DeirdreS @mtuckerb Hatten down the batches! #
DeirdreS For those asking about @jimgris, FB message from his dad says they’re all ok. Phew! #
lowbit @DeirdreS Great to hear! #
DeirdreS Very tired. Lack of sleep will do that to me. #
jimgris @chris_mahan @Joanmarie @lskrocki @lowbit @alanc @jamesdwi @benr @DeirdreS @hcsaltiel Thanks, guys. 🙂 #
DeirdreS @comay our leaders are the finest men, and we elect ’em again and again, that’s what I learned in school today… #
DeirdreS this time 5 years ago: La Buona Educazione (Good Manners) Â #
DeirdreS My middle-of-night anxieties, in the scale of world events, are so very petty – and I know it. But they keep me awake anyway. #
DeirdreS I tell the chorus, the orchestra to keep up their work, but their salaries don’t even let them pay their bills #
riccardo_iommi @DeirdreS how envious I am… you escaped from this shame in time #
riccardo_iommi RT @DeirdreS: I tell the orchestra to keep up their work, but salaries don’t even let them pay their bills << SHAME #
DeirdreS .@riccardo_iommi Living 17 years in Italy cost me a huge amount in taxes to a corrupt system, and lost wages. Should’ve left sooner. #
riccardo_iommi RT @DeirdreS: Living 17 years in Italy cost me a huge amount in taxes to a corrupt system […] Should’ve left sooner. << I have to RT this! #
DeirdreS .@monaeltahawy @Hragy Holy words written by tribal men saying women should submit to men. How surprising. #
DeirdreS @bloatedlesbian Looks that way to me #dreamhost #
DeirdreS users, remember: you’ve got a chance to win just for sending us pretty pictures! Brendan Greggs Book Giveaway  #
DeirdreS Ok, that’s it for post-lunch marketing, time to put the training hat back on. #
DeirdreS Geoff gets his Italian on  #
DeirdreS @deeharvey I had hoped not, but… #
DeirdreS This is more kinds of beautiful than I can describe… colorapi #
DeirdreS #Kindle #
DeirdreS @hudsonette Reminds me chillingly of a Heinlein story from the Cold War era. #
DeirdreS .@onfaith Beck is utterly predictable, what’s worrying is the people who actually believe his crap. A merciful god would strike HIM down. #
DeirdreS and its subdomains eg was one of the greatest repositories of technical knowledge on the web. I’ll mourn it. #
DeirdreS @ryancnelson weird cat behavior: if in isn’t on YouTube, it didn’t happen. #
DeirdreS @nonstick And the Oracle classic people by their envious stares at the Macs? 😉 #
stewarttownsend RT @DeirdreS: and its subdomains eg was one of the greatest repositories of technical knowledge on the web. < sad day #
DeirdreS Happy I’m going to see my kid today. #
nonstick @DeirdreS There’s one guy here with an Apple sticker over the Dell logo on his laptop. Gave him a hard time about it. #
DeirdreS @planspark it will be worth the wait #
DeirdreS @monkchips Dr Melvyn Bert – I recommend him heartily. #
TomRaftery Hey @DeirdreS @monkchips asked me to say thanks very much – he just left to go to the doctor you recommended #
DeirdreS @TomRaftery Cool. I adore Dr Bert, great with patients, worldwide #
bubbva @DeirdreS is migrating, all content. Old urls will probably be busted 🙁 #
NomdeB @DeirdreS – Silly me. Forgot to @ you on that last tweet. #
DeirdreS I don’t know why the sound of people chewing and crunching food irritates me extremely. Unless I’m also eating, I guess. #
riccardo_iommi @DeirdreS no no, it irritates me even while I’m eating. It’s something you cannot bear. #
mentalmosaic @DeirdreS I like watching animals eat, though. My own species – not so much. #
DeirdreS #
pborenstein @DeirdreS Pretty. But I still don’t get cupcakes. #
DeirdreS @NomdeB Heh. I’d already sent her a link about that. #
DeirdreS @pborenstein To me, it’s a devil’s food cake without the commitment #
pborenstein @DeirdreS I think it’s because I don’t like frosting. So much of it on cupcakes. #
DeirdreS If AT&T is going to cut me off at 150 Gb / month, would be helpful to know how much I’m using now. Anyone know if there’s a way to see? #
lowbit @DeirdreS They are apparently going to be adding tools to monitor usage once the change is official. #
DeirdreS @NomdeB That’s wireless, talking about home internet #
billblum @deirdres AT&T is supposedly going to have a tool available for DSL customers— I’ve got a Netgear router with usage stats built in. #
DeirdreS @billblum good point – I may be able to find that out on my own router #
NomdeB @DeirdreS Can see data use on Cox Communications website too. Think our limit is 200GB/month, but we can bump up to bigger if needed. #
billblum @deirdres We’re being force upgraded to UVerse, so that gives me some headroom on the bandwidth cap. #
DeirdreS Baby cruising around the arrivals area on all fours. I remember when airports were exciting #
DeirdreS It is no longer possible to guess where anyone embarked based on ethnicity, language, dress… #
bubbva @DeirdreS I think our parents drilled ‘silent eating’ into us; therefor, others are annoying 🙂 #
bubbva @DeirdreS I think ther’s am app for that? #
pborenstein @DeirdreS Hitchens et al strike me not as atheists but as a(specifictheism)ists. They worry a lot about the afterlife they don’t believe in. #
DeirdreS @pborenstein Seems to me they worry about others’ belief in that afterlife, and how that affects their behavior in this world #
pborenstein @DeirdreS True. I wasn’t fond of James Watts’ idea that conservation wasn’t necessary because the rapture was just around the corner. #
DeirdreS Enter to win 1 of 2 Canon 60D camera bodies & 1 yr @SmugMug Pro membership. Please RT. Info at: #
pborenstein @DeirdreS Prof atheists tend to be specific about the god they don’t believe in. Like sec. Jews: The synagogue they don’t go to is orthodox. #
johnnysunshine @pborenstein @DeirdreS I don’t think that’s entirely true, I’ve met plenty that equally point out Hindu bullshit as JudeoChristian bullshit #
pborenstein @johnnysunshine Maybe I just keep hearing and reading the same Hitchens, Pullman, Dawkin clips 🙂@deirdres #
mentalmosaic @DeirdreS Good point, although on my last flight to NYC, the New Yorkers wore much more black, I noticed, than the tourists. #
DeirdreS Had to come to the AT&T store to reactivate ross’ phone. Been here 40 mins. This is absurd. #
DeirdreS The AT&T people on the phone are holding us up over process with their own store people. Hello, you work for the same company! #
DeirdreS Capturing minds [Mark Cavage and Aaron Slettehaugh of Joyent] Â #
DeirdreS @edsai get a white noise appfor your iphone. Works wonders #
edsai @DeirdreS you are my hero. I had no idea there was an app for that. #
DeirdreS @edsai I used to travel with a separaet white noise machine, now no longer necessary #
edsai @DeirdreS will my alarm still go off? What app do you use? #
DeirdreS @edsai Yes, AFAIK. I use WhiteNoise by TMSoft, I think it was free #
jhk24 @edsai @DeirdreS love whitenoise! sleep tight! #
shawnferry @DeirdreS @edsai I use the same. I don’t recall any alarm issues #
scriptavolant The Fabio Masetti Daily is out! Top stories today via @stefanomizzella @deirdres #
edsai @shawnferry @deirdres my heroes. was able to get some sleep but running on fumes from yesterday #
DeirdreS RT @bleepster: hallelujiah! – wait til you see the new ones coming out with the book! #
DeirdreS @TomRaftery Realpolitik is often ugly. <sigh> #Libya #
johnkt09 @DeirdreS Funny how often realpolitik turns out to be geldpolitik, isn’t it? #
DeirdreS @johnkt09 Yup. After all, what’s realer than money? (Don’t answer that!) #
DeirdreS Argh. Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy, Sleepy… also Headachy and Runny. Damn cold everyone else has had finally caught up with me. #
DeirdreS <sigh> I would really, really prefer not to be on the phone with AT&T right now over yet another screw up. #
mentalmosaic @DeirdreS You, too? This is the 3rd month in a row for me with the same AT&T billing screw up. Love my phone, though. #
DeirdreS 12 mins on phone with rep only to be told I have to pass you to customer care, this line only deals with customers <30 days old WTF? #
dltq @DeirdreS hahaha, sounds like that service rep needs a spanking #
a_random_claire @DeirdreS Did you explain you were well over 30 days old? 😉 #
DeirdreS @a_random_claire I’m not a human being here, just an account. Gah! #
DeirdreS I would gladly pay more money to any company that doesn’t put me through billing hell, for whatever service. Does such a thing exist? #
fitzage @DeirdreS Doubtful. #
fitzage @DeirdreS Actually, when it comes to cell phone companies, T-Mobile was always top notch at customer service. #
DeirdreS Dear corporations: get customer service right. The company that accomplishes this – in any sector – will rule the world. #
NomdeB @DeirdreS Isn’t this day 2 of your AT&T saga? Ouch. 🙁 We’re Verizon. Know people have complaints, but we’ve always had great service. #
riccardo_iommi @DeirdreS they won’t understand this simple thing #
DeirdreS ps I did front-line customer service for years, and I did it well. I KNOW it ain’t rocket science. #
riccardo_iommi @DeirdreS you are ranting like a machine gun, sorry to hear that 😉 #
DeirdreS @riccardo_iommi I’m supposed to be resting at home with a nasty cold. Phone hell is not making me feel any better. #
riccardo_iommi @DeirdreS u have my simpathy, I understand #
DeirdreS ok, unlimited data plan for iphone restored – I had specifically asked at the store y’day not to touch that, hence went spare when they did #
urbanturbanguy @DeirdreS that unlimited plan is useless. I have had it for 3 years now. #
urbanturbanguy @DeirdreS Wanted to get the personal Hotspot activated – They said not with the unlimited plan. They were happy to milk us till now. #
pborenstein @DeirdreS You might try @FancyHands for that kind of thing. #
riccardo_iommi @DeirdreS glad to hear that #
DeirdreS @pborenstein I don’t think they’re allowed to take personal data such as they wd need to manage an account #
DeirdreS This was sent to me in response to my rants earlier today: Saturday Night Live: Ernestine #
TopTv_Shows RT @DeirdreS – This was sent to me in response to my rants earlier today: Saturday Night Live: Ernestine #
socialtagger RT @DeirdreS – This was sent to me in response to my rants earlier today: Saturday Night Live: Ernestine #
DeirdreS companies subscribing to statistical insignificance in customer care will become companies that used to exist. #
DeirdreS ‘hipster’ (e.g., people who call themselves ‘nerds’) – Huh? Is that the definition? Or is it just rolled-up jeans and ‘tude? #
DeirdreS WTF? there is nothing to prove that students are allegedly influenced by the presence of the crucifix in classrooms #
DeirdreS @rob_ellis Sure you’re not in marketing? 😉 #joyent #
DeirdreS Some days your colleagues are a lot better off NOT seeing you at the office. For me, this is one of those days. #
riccardo_iommi @DeirdreS a healthy #FF to you #
DeirdreS American protesters should ponder the fact that the government they propose 2nd amendment resistance to is not in fact shooting at them. #
willbldrco @DeirdreS Re hipsters: I thought his was funny: RT @petapixel Hipster traps in NYC use Holgas as bait: #
DeirdreS @willbldrco I’m dismayed that smoking is hip again. I had to live through that the first time. #
DeirdreS @bcantrill tornado warning for areas including… Redwood City… – moving in on the Emerald City? Surrender, Dorothy! #
willbldrco @DeirdreS +1! After enjoying the heavy-handed anti-smoking laws at home in CO, I was shocked every time I bellied up to the bar in FL! Ugh! #
DeirdreS .@slashdot @pbeyssac is worth more than 1 million, if its Google karma transfers. It has huge SEO weight. #
DeirdreS At the same time, like all parents, sometimes I just want a pause button. Â #
NomdeB Don’t have children (by choice), but still found this parenting piece utterly delightful: HT @DeirdreS #
DeirdreS @acarvin Sigh. No one is meant to die easily. But somehow many do. Condolences. #
DeirdreS How can you make love stay? Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won’t adhere to any rules… #
DeirdreS R tried out Bikram yoga yesterday. Said it was smelly. #
DeirdreS @acarvin In which aspects of it do you think training is needed? For the A/V – tech, lots of info/tutorials out there. #
DeirdreS There’s never been truth-telling that I know of that had that kind of immediate effect #
DeirdreS most bloggers have no institutional credibility, so must build it by linking transparently #
DeirdreS @lskrocki We will not be seeing it from here – rain, rain and more rain! #
DeirdreS I rarely get the common cold/flu – had forgotten how miserable it is. #
edsai @DeirdreS argh. hope you feel better… #
DeirdreS @natashabadhwar I’m told that Nehru’s nieces ended up at Woodstock School because all of the older generation of the family were in jail. #
DeirdreS @edsai Thanks. It’s the fault of all our colleagues. That’s what I get for working in an office. 😉 #
natashabadhwar @DeirdreS I just read your bio. It is incredible, so much love, loss, moving on. Sending you love and the warmth of Delhi on the eve of Holi #
DeirdreS A Brazilian asking for info on the origins of his Italian family names – can anyone help? Â #
jasonh @aaronheckmann @bigfleet yes ping me. We have @sh1mmer and @DeirdreS working on such things @joyent #
DeirdreS .@jasonh @aaronheckmann @bigfleet Yes, @sh1mmer has training ready to go, don’t know of specific plans for Portland. #
DeirdreS Another trove of material I’d sorta forgotten about, must move to new blog… India Vlog 2005 #
DeirdreS added a few updates and a new photo to my Autobiography #
DeirdreS 7 years ago today: Holiday Treats Italian Seasonal Goodies #
DeirdreS not much has changed since this post ~5 years ago: Talking Back to Politicians: A Lesson in Modern Italian #
edsai @DeirdreS uhm. why do you not have the pink hair anymore. it r0cked. #
DeirdreS 3 yrs ago: I’ve tried for 17 years to achieve this in Italy. made progress on my chosen road but it’s getting harder #
DeirdreS @edsai I liked it, but I’ve been scared off with stories of conservative Asian customers. Plus hard to get it done well. #
DeirdreS The DTrace book final version is now available for download purchase, with a different free sample chapter #
lskrocki @DeirdreS Bummer. Going to try snapping some pics — may be cloudy here too. #
DeirdreS Losing my voice. Which doesn’t matter on Twitter. #
DeirdreS Hmm, intriguing. Now just need to get all my friends to use it. Voxer #
DeirdreS Deja vu. Didn’t we bomb Tripoli a while back? Like, 1986? #
ryancnelson RT @DeirdreS: Deja vu. Didn’t we bomb Tripoli a while back? Like, 1986? //whoever lives in the Halls of Montezuma is nervous right now. #
DeirdreS Dear new followers: I am not likely ever to own real estate again in my life. What made you think otherwise? #
DeirdreS Enter to win 1 of 2 Canon 60D camera bodies & 1 yr @SmugMug Pro membership. Please RT. Info at: #
DeirdreS Dislike what I just did. But could really use a new camera… #
DeirdreS Either Mucinex works really fast, or I had already coughed out everything I was gonna. Still feel like the top of my head came off. #
webmink @DeirdreS That’s what one has a second account for 😉 #
bdha @ryancnelson @deirdres Nice. #
DeirdreS memoir: The (Previous) Bombing of Tripoli #
PCOWandre @DeirdreS You should check his 5D Mk. II giveaway thing too. Far more fun lurking in a 5D2! #
DeirdreS @PCOWandre Thanks, I think I signed up for both. #
PCOWandre @DeirdreS Well, hope you win! #
DeirdreS Woke up to a patch of blue sky. Will it last? #
DeirdreS A lot can be said with a little the mundane and the extraordinary. Philosophers were kings of the aphorism. Â #
DeirdreS @arekdreyer I’d never seen it – I like the song better than the store! #
DeirdreS Brief bout of sunshine definitively over. #
rattay @DeirdreS Somehow I knew we would have to some payback for that 80 degree stint in January. #
DeirdreS Hmm, I lied. Blue sky is back, at least temporarily. #
DeirdreS R: Does this look stupid? Do I look like a Canadian? (multiple patterned sweaters) #
DeirdreS @rattay Yeah, I wish we had that good weather now while my daughter is visiting #
DeirdreS Rather than waiting to help financial consumers, Warren has been trying to help them now. Can you believe the nerve? #