Tag Archives: Adam Leventhal

dtrace.conf 2012

In April, 2012, I organized and ran the second-ever DTrace conference (the first had been held in 2008). I found the venue and sponsors, did all the logistics, live streamed and filmed the entire day’s proceedings. It was run somewhat unconference style, with Bryan Cantrill emceeing, so the final list of talks you see below emerged over the course of the day.

Perhaps my greatest feat for this conference was persuading the Oracle DTrace for Linux team to attend and speak!

For a good overview and wrap-up, see Adam’s blog post on dtrace.conf.

8:30 AM registration, coffee by Stone Cobra, breakfast by DEY for illumos  
9:00 opening  
9:15 State of the Union – video Bryan Cantrill
  Setting the Agenda – video  
10:15 coffee break by Stone Cobra  
10:30 User-Level CTF – video Adam Leventhal
10:45 Dynamic Translators – video Dave Pacheco
11:15 Control flow & language enhancements – video Eric Schrock
12:30 lunch sponsored by Nexenta  
1:00 PM coffee by Stone Cobra  
1:15 Carousel ride!  
1:30 Clang Parser for DTrace – video John Thompson
2:00 Visualizations – video Brendan Gregg
2:30 Visualizations, Enabling toolchain for seamless USDT – video Theo Schlossnagle
  Visualizations – video Richard Elling
3:20 Coffee by Stone Cobra  
3:30 DTrace in node.js – video Mark Cavage
4:00 User-land probes for Erlang virtual machine – video Scott Lystig Fritchie
4:45 DTrace on Linux – video Kris Van Hees
5:30 ZFS DTrace provider Matt Ahrens
5:45 DTrace on FreeBSD – video Ryan Stone
  Bryan throwing big heavy books at people  
6:00 Barriers to Adoption – video Jarod Jenson
6:30 beer sponsored by Basho  
7:30 out of venue, go for dinner  

Many more videos about DTrace can be found in my YouTube DTrace playlist.

Hybrid Storage Pools: Using Disk and Flash with ZFS

Adam Leventhal of Delphix speaking at ZFS Day.

In 2008, the ZFS Storage Appliance (nee the Sun Storage 7000) was one of the first architectures to add flash SSDs between the existing tiers of disk and memory. The Hybrid Storage Pool (HSP) offered completely new economies, but with both known and unknown idiosyncrasies. Adam Leventhal, the inventor of the HSP, will talk about their functionality and utility, pitfalls and shortcomings, as well as the next steps for ZFS amidst an ever changing landscape of technologies and economics.