Introducing Your SmartOS Community Manager

About Me I’m Deirdré Straughan. A great deal about my personal and professional life is available on my site, Countries Beginning with I. I have been a community manager since long before the title existed, first for the Italian startup I worked for in Milan, then for Adaptec (when it bought us), then for Adaptec’s… Continue reading Introducing Your SmartOS Community Manager

New Videos: The Gregg Performance Series

Working for Joyent, I continue to create lots of technical video (~32 hours of edited material to date). Most recent examples, here, are the start of a series I’m doing with Brendan Gregg (author of the DTrace book). In the course of his research to make these videos, Brendan even made some surprising discoveries about… Continue reading New Videos: The Gregg Performance Series

node.js Community Event: Rough Cut Videos

Joyent hosted a node.js community event at our San Francisco offices the other evening, in which Ryan Dahl announced a new version of node.js, and Brendan Gregg showed some amazing stuff you can do with Joyent Cloud Analytics on your hosted site to understand what’s going on in your node.js app. For more details on… Continue reading node.js Community Event: Rough Cut Videos