Nice to Come Home To

Got back to my Broomfield office today, after two weeks in California, and was touched and amused to find that someone had appended a note to the hand-scrawled nameplate on my office (Diana’s been out for a while and hasn’t got around to printing me an official one): It’s nice to feel appreciated! (No, I… Continue reading Nice to Come Home To

CommunityOne: OpenSolaris Launch Party

After the general party at Moscone Center (footage to come), there was a somewhat smaller party at a nearby bar/restaurant. We had quite a bit to celebrate – and quite a bit to celebrate it with (above)! A number of cool non-Sun people were present, including ^ Jay Edwards (one of the handful of engineers… Continue reading CommunityOne: OpenSolaris Launch Party

The OpenSolaris Developers’ Summit

I’m attending the OpenSolaris Developers’ Summit, held in Santa Cruz, CA, May 3-4, 2008. I’ve been working with and participating in various online communities for a long time, but I’m new to this one, and have a lot to learn about the people, technologies, history, present realities, and possible futures. This weekend is an excellent… Continue reading The OpenSolaris Developers’ Summit

CommunityOne: Keynote

After a busy weekend at the OpenSolaris Developers’ Summit in Santa Cruz, Lynn, Jeff, and I drove up California’s gorgeous Highway 1 to San Francisco to attend CommunityOne. The keynote session was kicked off by Ian Murdock, who talked about open source, with help from Jonathan and illustrations from Hugh McLeod. [dead video link removed]… Continue reading CommunityOne: Keynote