Category Archives: working


Sun’s SC08 Student Party

The SuperComputing conference every year attracts computer science students from all over the world who participate in various ways: as volunteers, as competitors in things like the Cluster Challenge, as part of SC’s Education Program, and in a Broader Engagement initiative, run by Livermore Labs’ Computing Applications & Research Department. It’s a large and fascinating group, comprising students and educators from all over the world: China, India, Nigeria, Italy…

We wanted to give these students – current and future HPC developers – an introduction to Sun and our OpenSolaris HPC software developers’ stack. But they’re already working hard this week, so we didn’t want to lecture them. Instead, we threw a party!

Minnesota Hot Dish

This week I visited my colleagues in Eagan, Minnesota, to capture on film their various expertise (don’t ask me to explain what they do, I stay behind the camera for a reason). There were several other visitors, so the Eagan folks organized a traditional Minnesota potluck, with traditional Minnesota foods such as Mexican lasagna, jello salad, and other hot dishes. Those Tater Tots took me right back to childhood…

Thanks, Eagan gang, for a yummy lunch and very good company. I’ll definitely be back for your next party!

Visiting Sun Bangalore

After seeing my daughter graduate from Woodstock School last week, this week I’m visiting Sun’s engineering center in Bangalore, to meet colleagues – and film them!

I haven’t been to Bangalore since 1980, when it was a sleepy little town. No more! The ride in from the new airport (just opened last week) took an hour and a half, the first part of it very fast on a brand-new six-lane highway. Then we hit city traffic…

Continue reading Visiting Sun Bangalore

Building the OpenSolaris Developers’ Community

A team-building exercise at the Open Solaris Developers’ Summit, 2008. Part of the Go Games package is that you get access to all the photos and video shot during the game. So I had a little fun with it…

Here’s the full gallery of photos from the game: